
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lombard Village Board of Trustees reviews revenue refunding bonds

Lombard Board of Trustees met Thursday, June 16.

The Lombard Village board of trustees meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month in the Board Room of the Village Hall, 255 E. Wilson Ave.

Here is the agenda as provided by Lombard:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

7:30 PM

Village of Lombard

Village Hall

255 East Wilson Ave.

Lombard, IL 60148


Village Hall Board Room

Village Board of Trustees

Village President Keith Giagnorio

Village Clerk Sharon Kuderna

Trustees: Dan Whittington, District One; Mike Fugiel, District Two; Reid Foltyniewicz, District Three; Bill Johnston, District Four; Robyn Pike, District Five; and Bill Ware, District Six

Meeting Agenda

Revised June 14, 2016

Village Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda June 16, 2016

I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call

III. Public Hearings

160266 Public Hearing

A Public Hearing regarding the proposed issuance by the Village of Lombard, Illinois of its proposed revenue refunding bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,600,000, for the National University of Health Sciences.

IV. Public Participation

160278 Proclamation - Honoring Fire Chief Paul DiRienzo

V. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2016

VI. Committee Reports

Community Promotion & Tourism - Trustee Mike Fugiel, Chairperson

Community Relations Committee - Trustee Robyn Pike, Chairperson

Economic/Community Development Committee - Trustee Bill Johnston, Chairperson

Finance & Administration Committee, Trustee Reid Foltyniewicz, Chairperson

Public Safety & Transportation Committee - Trustee Dan Whittington, Chairperson

Public Works & Environmental Concerns Committee - Trustee Bill Ware, Chairperson

Board of Local Improvements - Trustee Bill Ware, President

Lombard Historical Commission

VII. Village Manager/Village Board Comments

Village of Lombard Page 2 Printed on 6/16/2016

Village Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda June 16, 2016

VIII. Consent Agenda

Payroll/Accounts Payable

A. 160225 Approval of Village Payroll

For the period ending May 14, 2016 in the amount of $811,390.74.

B. 160226 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending May 20, 2016 in the amount of $799,726.20.

C. 160233 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending May 27, 2016 in the amount of $423,034.57.

D. 160237 Approval of Village Payroll

For the period ending May 28, 2016 in the amount of $779,232.51.

E. 160238 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending June 3, 2016 in the amount of $554,141.80.

F. 160263 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending June 10, 2016 in the amount of $1,075,587.60.

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

G. 160230 IEPA Public Water Supply Loan Program

Authorizing signatures of the Village President and Village Clerk on documents required for the application for funding through the IEPA Public Water Supply Loan Program to increase the Village's request for funding. Staff requests a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICTS #2 & #6)

H. 160183 Pleasant Lane One-Way Streets Modification

Recommendation from the Public Safety & Transportation Committee to convert streets adjacent to the Pleasant Lane School into one-way streets on school days. (DISTRICT #4)

Legislative History

6/6/16 Public Safety & Transportation Committee recommend to the Board of Trustees for Approval

I. 160199 PC 16-08: 400, 406, 412, 420, and 440 S. Finley Road, Single Family

Subdivision (Request to remand back to the Plan Commission for

July 18, 2016 meeting)

Recommendation from the Plan Commission for the Village take the following actions on the subject property located within the R1 Single-Family Residence District:

1. Approve a Map Amendment rezoning the entire property back to the R2 Single-Family Residence District;

2. Approve a variation from Section 154.304 (D)(3) and Section 154.305 (D)(3)(b) to eliminate the sidewalk from the new roadway westward on the south side of Hickory Street at lot 6; and

3. Approve a Major Plat of Subdivision. (DISTRICT # 1)

Legislative History

5/16/16 Plan Commission recommended to the Corporate Authoritiesfor approval subject to conditions

J. 160211 Property Transfer between the Village of Lombard and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County - Amended Ordinance

This ordinance was previously approved at the May 19, 2016 meeting, however it was determined that the second parcel to be included in the conveyance was not identified in Exhibit "A". Staff requests a waiver of first reading.

Legislative History

5/19/16 Village Board of Trustees waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rules

K. 160220 Update of Ordinances 50.010 - Connection Required, 50.027 - Sump Pump Downspout and Other Stormwater Discharges and addition of 50.034 - Sewer Construction Within a Combined Sewer System

Recommendation to amend Village Code Sections 50.010, 50.027 and the addition of 50.034 to meet the requirements of Glenbard Wastewater Authority's CSO Stormwater Facility NPDES Permit Special

Condition 12 Part F10. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

L. 160231 Purchase of Front-end Loader Mounted Snow Blower Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Lindco Equipment Sales in the amount of $111,411.00; and approval of an ordinance declaring the Unimog and its attachments and Village Unit #VH501 as surplus equipment and authorizing their sale to the highest bidder. Staff requests a waiver of first reading. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply.

M. 160239 Elizabeth Street North of Wilson Parking Restriction Recommendation from the Public Safety and Transportation Committee to amend the Traffic Code to restrict parking on Elizabeth Street north of

Wilson due to congestion during Glenbard East High School events. (DISTRICTS #2 & #6)

Legislative History

6/6/16 Public Safety & Transportation Committee recommend to the Board of Trustees for Approval

N. 160241 Modification to Vehicle Immobilization Ordinance Recommendation from the Public Safety and Transportation Committee to amend Village Code Section 72.04 (B)(4) to require that an installment payment be arranged within 72 hours of vehicle immobilization and to allow for re-immobilization if the installment

agreement is not signed.

Legislative History

6/6/16 Public Safety & Transportation Committee recommend to the Board of Trustees for Approval

O. 160255 Prevailing Wage Rate

Adoption of the most current Prevailing Wages for public works projects for DuPage County for June 2016.

P. 160259 Amendments to Chapter 12: Prosecution of Ordinance Violations Ordinance amending Title I, Chapter 12 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to the prosecution of ordinance violations.

Q. 160267 Title 11, Chapter 110, Section 110.21(C) - Coin-Operated Amusement Devices

Amending Title 11, Chapter 110, Section 110.21(C) of the Village Code issuing a Class A license to Lombard Roller Rink located at 201 W. 22nd Street and amending the total number of Class A coin-operated amusement device licenses to no more than three (3) licenses. (DISTRICT #3)

R. 160200 PC 16-09: 345 & 435 W. Roosevelt Road (Bradford/Mariano’s) Recommendation from the Plan Commission that the Village take the following actions on the subject property located within the B4A and B4APD Roosevelt Road Corridor Planned Development District:

1. Repeal Ordinance 6099 in its entirety, which established a conditional use for a planned development with companion conditional uses for motor vehicle repair and outdoor display and sales of materials along with deviations for wall signage;

2. Approve a conditional use for a new planned development with the following companion conditional uses and variations, as follows: a. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.208 (C) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum number of principal structures on a lot-of-record from one (1) to two (2) to allow for a gasoline sales facility; b. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.417 (G)(2)(a)(2) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for gasoline sales; c. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.417 (G)(2)(a)(4) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for outside display and sales of products the sale of which is a permitted or conditional use in this district; d. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.417 (G)(2)(b)(6) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for a drive-through establishment/services; e. A variation from Section 155.417 (G)(10)(c) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to not fully screen loading berths from a public street; f. A variation from Section 155.708 (A) to not require foundation landscaping along the south, west and north perimeter walls; g. A variation from Section 155.207 to allow for informational (directional) signage (as provided for in Section 153.218 of the Sign Ordinance) to be located within the defined clear line of sight area.

3. Approval of a Major Plat of Resubdivision.

4. Grant site plan approval authority to the Lombard Plan Commission. (DISTRICT # 2)

Legislative History

5/16/16 Plan Commission recommended to the Corporate Authorities for approval subject to conditions

Other Ordinances on First Reading

Ordinances on Second Reading


S. 160155 Long Range Plan

Approval to formally accept the Long Range Plan as presented on April 25, 2016 at the Joint Village Board and Finance and Administration Committee workshop.

T. 160232 FY2016 Sewer Lining, Change Order No. 1

Change Order reflecting an increase to the contract with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC in the amount of $13,207.50. (DISTRICTS -


Legislative History

6/14/16 Public Works & Environmental Concerns recommended to the Board of Trustees for


U. 160234 1175 S. Finley Rd. (Finley Supportive Housing) - Acceptance of Public Improvements

Resolution to accept the public sidewalks and fire hydrants at 1175 S. Finley Road (Finley Supportive Housing). (DISTRICT #2)

V. 160236 Interim Fire Chief Agreement

Resolution authorizing the signatures of the President and Clerk on an Agreement with Patrick Gericke to provide interim Fire Chief Services to the Village of Lombard for a period of three months or until a new Fire

Chief has been hired in the amount of $60 per hour.

W. 160256 Tolling Agreement with the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund Resolution authorizing a Tolling Agreement with the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund.

X. 160258 Approval of a Contract for the Provision of Electrical Energy for Street Lighting with the Supplier Selected by the Village Board

Bids from alternative electric suppliers will be received by the Village's consultant, NIMEC, in the afternoon on June 16, 2016. Staff will present options to the Village Board at the Board meeting that evening.

Y. 160260 Highland Avenue at Eastgate Traffic Signal Agreement Amendment Resolution transferring traffic signal maintenance responsibility to IDOT with maintenance and energy costs being shared at 66.7% IDOT and

33.3% Village. (DISTRICT #3)

Z. 160262 FY2016 Asphalt Paving & Patching Program, Change Order No. 1 Reflecting an increase to the contract with G.A. Paving LLC in the amount of $107,374.29. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Legislative History

6/14/16 Public Works & Environmental Concerns recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval

Other Matters

AA. 160227 North Broadway Interim Pump Station, SCADA Integration Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Energenecs Inc. in an amount not to exceed $33,500.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not

apply. (DISTRICT #5)

BB. 160265 Manhole Rehabilitation (Grouting & Chimney Seals)

Award of a contract to National Power Rodding Corporation, the lowest responsible bidder of three (3) bids, in the amount of $44,475.00. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

CC. 160235 Plat of Easement - 1175 S. Finley Road (Finley Supportive Housing)

Motion to approve a Plat of Easement providing watermain, fire hydrant, and stormwater Best Management Practices on the property located at 1175 S. Finley Road and known as Finley Supportive Housing. (DISTRICT #2)

DD. 160253 Yorktown Temporary Event - Summer Concert Series

Request for a time extension for the Yorktown Mall Temporary Event Permit regarding a Summer Concert Series to take place on the Yorktown Mall property on June 10, June 24, July 8, August 5, and

August 19, 2016. (DISTRICT #3)

EE. 160261 Yorktown Temporary Event - Dick’s Sporting Goods Tent

Request for a time extension regarding a temporary special event permit for Dick's Sporting Goods to take place at Yorktown Center from June 24 to July 10, 2016. (DISTRICT #3)

FF. 160269 Annual Financial Commitment Letter to the DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau

Letter memorializing the Village of Lombard's membership and annual commitment of financial support to the DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau.

GG. 160271 Settlement Agreement - Kapron vs. Village of Lombard

Request for concurrence in the approval of a Settlement Agreement relative to Kapron v. Village of Lombard in the amount of $133,000.

IX. Items for Separate Action

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

A. 160224 FYE2015 Final Budget Amendment

Ordinance approving the final FYE 2015 Budget Amendment. (2/3 vote of Corporate Authorities required)

B. 160254 Amending the Budget Ordinance Recommendation that the Village Board not adopt an Ordinance

amending the Budget Ordinance to appropriate for the Debt Service for the Series 2005-A Bonds and the Series 2005-B Bonds for the Hotel and Conference Center, in response to the request from the Lombard Public Facilities Corporation to do so. (2/3 Vote Required)

C. 160264 Ordinance Amending Title II, Chapter 112, Section 112.18(A)(13) of the Lombard Village Code - Alcoholic Beverages Ordinance amending Title II, Chapter 112, Section 112.18(A)(13) of the Lombard Village Code relative to alcoholic beverages and prohibited interests in liquor licenses.

D. 160270 Removal of Property from Downtown Lombard TIF District - 141 W. St. Charles Road

Ordinance deleting certain property from the redevelopment project area for the Downtown Tax Increment Financing District. (DISTRICT #1)

Other Ordinances on First Reading

Ordinances on Second Reading


E. 160272 Industrial Revenue Bonds to the National University of HealthSciences 

Authorizing the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $5.6 million to the National University of Health Sciences. (3/5 Vote Required)

F. 160273 Sale of Real Property - 581 W. Madison Street

Approving the transfer of title and sale of surplus property located at 581 W. Madison Street. There are two (2) resolutions for this item which must be approved by a super-majority vote and approved separately.

1. A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Title to Surplus Real Estate Pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-76-4.1 (581 W. Madison Street).

2. A Resolution Approving a Contract for the Sale of Surplus Real Estate (581 W. Madison Street). (DISTRICT #3)

Other Matters

X. Agenda Items for Discussion

XI. Executive Session

To Discuss: Setting the Price for the Sale or Lease of Property Owned by the Village

To Discuss: Collective Negotiating Matters

XII. Reconvene

XIII. Adjournment