
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lombard seeks applicants for Local Tourism Grants


The Village of Lombard is seeking grant applications for programs and events that support local tourism and promote the village as a destination for vacations.

First-time applicants to the program are invited to submit their application for Local Tourism Grant funds to the Village office by Dec. 17.

“We plan to offer assistance to all potential grantees who seek funding for their projects,” Trustee Mike Fugiel, chairman of the Community Promotion and Tourism Committee, said. “(We also) hope to see new candidates come forward in this granting cycle.”

Launched by the Community Promotion and Tourism Committee, Lombard’s Local Tourism Grant Program provides funding to enhance local programs and events that bring visitors to the area and encourage overnight stays inside in the village. The mission of the grant program is to offer additional support for local attractions and events that bolster the overall tourism-marketing efforts of the Village of Lombard, while positively impacting the city’s economy through increased hotel occupancy, as well as restaurant and shopping revenues. Only organizations that produce and promote legitimate festivals, programs or conventions that attract overnight-visitor stays in Lombard hotels are eligible.

First-time applicants must attend a grant-seekers workshop to receive assistance and guidance with their initial grant application. Applications are available at www.villageoflombard/localtourismgrant. For more information on the grant program or to attend a grant-seekers workshop, contact Assistant Village Manager Nicole Aranas at aranasn@villageoflombard.org.