
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Lombard continues to battle mosquitoes


With the wettest June on record just completed, the Village of Lombard has a number of spraying sessions planned to combat  floodwater mosquito breeding.

Lombard’s mosquito abatement program with Clarke Mosquito Control includes standard treatment of all standing waters and public catch basins with larvicide. In addition, the village will treat backyard catch basins.

There are many species of mosquitoes that affect the Lombard area. The village's larvicide program is focused on targeting Culex Pipiens mosquitoes, which are larger in size than average mosquitoes and may carry the West Nile Virus. These mosquitoes breed in warm, nutrient-rich standing water typically over seven days.

Floodwater mosquitoes are smaller in size and more numerous than Culex Pipiens, and have a three-day incubation period. These mosquitoes do not carry the West Nile Virus.

There are steps residents can take to remain mosquito free, including minimizing time spent outdoors at dawn, dusk and early evening; wearing light-colored, long-sleeve shirts and long pants; applying DEET insect repellents to skin and clothing; ensuring doors and windows have tight-fitting screens; removing containers that may hold water; keeping weeds and grass cut short; changing water in bird baths weekly; draining water from pool covers; and keeping gutters clean.