
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

New daily fee parking pay boxes, pay-by-phone options available June 1


Lombard Metra users can use electronic pay boxes starting on June 1. | The Village of Lombard

Lombard Metra users can use electronic pay boxes starting on June 1. | The Village of Lombard

New electronic daily fee parking pay boxes and pay-by-phone options will be available for Village of Lombard Metra users beginning on June 1.

The electronic parking pay boxes will accept coins, bills and credit/debit cards, and will issue a receipt at the time of payment. No change or refunds will be given. The boxes are marked with usage instructions.

The boxes initially will be on the south side of the pedestrian underpass near the ramp and stairs, and on the west of the Hammerschmidt daily fee lot. A third box will be added June 6 on the north side of the pedestrian underpass near the ramp and stairs.

Also, a new mobile payment parking option will allow daily fee parkers at the Lombard Metra Station the convenience of circumventing the trip to the pay boxes and paying for parking directly from their mobile phones.

The daily fee parking rate for all Lombard downtown commuter parking lots will remain at $1.25.

Free parking is available on Saturdays and Sundays, certain holidays, and after 3 p.m. on weekdays. No overnight parking is permitted.