
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Lombard launches interactive construction project map


The Village of Lombard recently launched a new digital interactive construction map that allows residents to view planned 2015 construction projects.

The map allows users to search by address to receive detailed information on planned construction projects for a specified location, as well as select convenient layers to help view specific projects of interest.

Layers include concrete rehab, sewer services, crack sealing, asphalt paving, hydrant painting and surface treatments. Users will be able to access additional information such as updates and digital newsletters for long-term projects including the Circle Avenue/Lombard Meadows project.

“This new interactive map gives Lombard residents the opportunity to know what’s going on in their community and to be prepared for the temporary inconveniences that are necessary for long-term benefits,” Carl Goldsmith, director of public works, said. “This map will allow residents to see how Lombard’s Public Works Department is at work for them, maintaining our water system, sewer system, streets, sidewalks and additional services that help make Lombard a great place to live.”

For more information, contact the public works department at 630-620-5740.

The map can be viewed at VillageofLombard.org/ConstructionMap.