
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Radogno praises Rauner's budget speech


Sen. Christine Radogno | The Office of Sen. Christine Radogno

Sen. Christine Radogno | The Office of Sen. Christine Radogno

State Sen. Christine Radogno said Gov. Bruce Rauner's recent budget speech was the "reset" Illinois needs in order to begin making changes to the way in which state government works.

Radogno believes Rauner's budget takes into consideration taxpayers, as well as adding increases in elementary and secondary education spending, public safety, care for the state's most vulnerable and reforming government employee pensions.

"His budget proposal will start the conversation we are long overdue in having," she said. "I and my senate Republican colleagues are anxious to work with the governor as he implements his plan to turn Illinois around."

She added such a reset is necessary to repair the one-party rule that has dominated Illinois state politics over the past 12 years, which has resulted in a fiscal crisis.

"The world has changed all around Illinois government, but its approach has remained the same – without success," Radogno said. "We are out of step with other states, bogged down and financially drained."

She stressed the Senate Republican Caucus' commitment to working in a bipartisan fashion.

"But even more importantly, we are committed to making the changes necessary to move Illinois toward fiscal recovery," Radogno added.