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City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst City Council met Feb. 3
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to Order - Mayor Levin called the meeting to order at 7:31pm.
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Roll Call - Ward 2
Present: Jacob Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, and Jennifer Veremis
Absent: None
13 Present, 0 Absent, 1 Vacancy
2. Appointment of Aldermen/Oath of Office
Alderman Veremis moved to accept the appointment of Ward 1 Alderman, Mr. Brian Belanger. Alderman Talluto seconded. A voice vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Receipt of Written Communication from the Public - None
4. Public Forum
• Jeff Budgell - Spoke in regard to area wells.
• Tom Altergott - Spoke in regard to area wells.
5. Announcements
• Clerk Tamer announced early voting begins on March 17th for the consolidated election on April 1st. Ballots will be mailed out from the county around the same time early voting begins.
6. Consent Agenda
6.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on January 21, 2025
6.2 Accounts Payable - February 3, 2025 - $1,099,696.16
6.3 Appointment of Vice Chair to the Finance, Council Affairs, & Administrative Services Committee: Alderman James A. Nudera
6.4 Appointment to the Finance, Council Affairs, & Administrative Services Committee: Alderman Brian Belanger
6.5 Historic Preservation Commission Appointments and Reappointments - Tom Makinney, Dan Wangler, John Zaharis, Chris Hanson, John O’Leary and Dave Falls
6.6 Referral - Crosswalk Safety Evaluation Addison Street between First and Second Avenues
6.7 Report - Case 24 P 17 Delta Sonic Conditional Use for Pylon Sign and Variations - 600 W. North Ave (DP&Z)
6.8 Report - Window Wells, Excavation Standards, and Backyard Access (DP&Z)
6.9 Report - DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference 2025 Legislative Action Program (F,CA&AS)
6.10 Report - ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (PA&S)
6.11 Report - Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th -2025 Race (PA&S)
6.12 Report - 2025 Contract Paving Program - Resident Engineering Services (PW&B)
6.13 Report - Highway Authority Agreement - 463 S Spring Road (PW&B)
6.14 Report - 2025 - 2027 Public Tree Removal and Tree Trimming (PW&B)
6.15 Report - 2025 Sanitary Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation (25-15) (PW&B)
6.16 ZO-03-2025 - An Ordinance Granting a Rear Yard Setback Variation for the Property Commonly Known as 434 E. Atwater Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois
6.17 ZO-04-2025 - An Ordinance Approving Granting a Minimum Lot Area Variation for the Property Commonly Known as 524 And 526 N. West Avenue
6.18 ZO-05-2025 - An Ordinance Granting a Variation from the Corner Side Yard Setback Requirement for the Property Commonly Known as 436 W. Elm Park Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois
6.19 MCO-01-2025 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.74 Entitled “Yield Right-of-Way Streets” of Article V Entitled “Driving, Overtaking and Passing” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles and Traffic” of the Elmhurst Municipal Code
6.20 MCO- 02-2025 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.92 entitled “Stop Intersections Enumerated” of Article VI Entitled “Special Stops” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles and Traffic” of the Elmhurst Municipal Code
6.21 MCO-03-2025 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.31 Entitled “Speed Limits on Certain Streets – Twenty Miles per Hour” and Section 44.32 Entitled “Speed Limits on Certain Streets – Twenty-five Miles per Hour” of Article IV Entitled “Speed Restrictions” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles and Traffic” of The Elmhurst Municipal Code
6.22 O-02-2025 - An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Non-Exclusive License Agreement by and Between DuPage Cycling Foundation and the City of Elmhurst, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois
6.23 O-03-2025 - An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Non-Exclusive License Agreement by and Between the St. Patricks Day Parade Committee of Elmhurst and the City of Elmhurst, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois
6.24 O-04-2025 - An Ordinance Waiving Bid and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract for the 2025-2026 Contract Turf and Landscape Maintenance Project
6.25 O-05-2025 - An Ordinance Waiving Bid and Authorizing the Issuance of a Notice of Award-Purchase Order for the Purchase of Concrete Streetlight Poles
6.26 O-06-2025 - An Ordinance Waiving Bid and Authorizing the Issuance of a Notice of Award-Purchase Order for the Purchase of One (1) Portable Screening Bucket
6.27 R-08-2025 - A Resolution to Authorize the Issuance of a Temporary Use and Event Permit for the Elmhurst Reformed Church’s Farmers’ Market (149 West Brush Hill Road, Elmhurst, Illinois)
6.28 R-09-2025 - A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of a Notice of Award and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract for the 2025 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project
6.29 R-10-2025 - A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of a Notice of Award and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract for the 2025 Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project
6.30 R-11-2025 - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of the Illinois Department of Revenue Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for the Reconstruction of Alma Avenue from Elm Park Avenue to Berkley Avenue Project
6.31 R-12-2025 - A Resolution to Authorize the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Elmhurst for Phase II Traffic Signal Modernization Improvements along the Illinois 64 Corridor
6.32 R-13-2025 - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. for Plan Review Services
Alderman Jensen pulled item 6.8 from the consent agenda. Alderman Nardini moved to accept the consent agenda minus item 6.8. Alderman Bastedo seconded.
Ayes: Jacob Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Brian Belanger, and Jennifer Veremis
Nays: None
14 Ayes, 0 Nays
Motion carried
6.8 Alderman Jensen moved to accept the report. Alderman Veremis seconded. Alderman Jensen spoke in support of the report and highlighted the changes suggested for the building code. Alderman Nardini spoke in support of the report stating there will be a public hearing for those that may have questions in the future and the gray area of window wells is clarified in the report.
Ayes: Jacob Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Brian Belanger, and Jennifer Veremis
Nays: None
14 Ayes, 0 Nays
Motion carried
7. Reports and Recommendations of Appointed and Elected Officials
Mayor Levin - The Mayor congratulated Jim Rogers, Executive Director of Elmhurst Park District, as recipient of the IPRA award. He also announced the History Museum's new exhibit of Snapshots of Elmhurst, Now and Then.
City Manager Grabowski - No report.
8. Other Business - None
9. Adjournment - Alderman Belanger moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Nudera seconded. A voice vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm.