
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Jan. 27

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Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Jan. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Jensen, Veremis, Park

Absent: None

Staff Present: Franz, Gal, Johnson (part), Kransberger (part)

Elected Officials: Mayor Levin (part)

3. Receipt of Written Communications

One item was posted to Board Docs prior to the meeting.  It was requested that an additional item be added that was emailed earlier Monday. 

4. Public Comments

Tom Altergott read his written comments that are posted on Board Docs.

Abby Cannon, owner of Aunt Tina’s Kitchen, stated that her food truck trailer cannot be parked on the property she leases in the C3 district.

Emily Quinn described her permanent makeup business in Elmhurst and commented on allowing tattoo studios in the C2 district in Elmhurst so that she can expand her services at her existing location.

Cassie Quick, Kari Ellis, Bill Fischer, and Anita Kimbler commented on allowing tattooing in the C2 District and spoke in support of Emily Quinn’s existing studio at 381 N. York.

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes January 13, 2025

Alderman Veremis made a motion to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on January 13, 2025.  Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

B. Case 24 P 17 Delta Sonic Conditional Use for Pylon Sign and Variations - 600 W. North Ave

CP Franz summarized the request for an amended conditional use permit to add a digital message sign to an existing pylon sign. It was noted that the Zoning & Planning Commission did not approve the height variation and that the applicant has amended their proposal to meet the 20-ft height requirement. The conditional use permit was approved unanimously by the Commission.

Alderman Veremis asked how quickly the display on a changing sign can change. CP Franz confirmed that the message cannot change quicker than 5 seconds and that only static messages are allowed.  

Alderman Jensen asked about the brightness requirements.

Alderman Park made a motion to approve a report recommending approval of an amended conditional use permit for a pylon sign for the property commonly known as 600 W. North Avenue. Alderman Veremis seconded. Roll call vote as follows:

Ayes: Park, Veremis, Jensen

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Motion passed.

C. Window Wells, Excavation Standards, and Backyard Access

Alderman Park thanked staff for their work on the draft memo which concisely summarizes months of work on this issue. Alderman Veremis asked about next steps specifically the public hearing. CP Franz summarized the public hearing process for the zoning ordinance update noting that the consultant will prepare a new draft that will incorporate these recommendations and other input received since the last draft was released.

It was noted that the additions to Chapter 24 are not codified in the zoning ordinance and will be added separately to the Municipal Code. ACM Johnson stated that the additions to Chapter 24 codify practices that have already been occurring.

Alderman Jensen confirmed the draft regulations on window wells are stricter than what is in place now. As noted in the report, window wells have been allowed in setbacks. The Committee agreed that the report updates the rest of the City Council on their work and that it’s their intention to hear feedback on the proposed regulations for window wells. It was noted that there was significant research to come to the recommendations in this report, which are tailored to Elmhurst.

Alderman Park made a motion to approve a report recommending that the City Council approve the regulations as noted in the report into the Zoning Ordinance via the forthcoming comprehensive Zoning Ordinance update and to approve the changes to Chapter 24 of the MCO as noted in the report. Alderman Veremis. Roll call vote as follows:

Ayes: Park, Veremis, Jensen

Nayes: None

Motion passed.

D. Referral - Food Trucks & Trailers

CP Franz summarized the current zoning permissions on commercial vehicle parking. The current code allows a vehicle to be parked (not to exceed 1.5 tons), but a trailer is considered outdoor storage and not permitted. It was noted that the City was not aware of other restaurants requesting to do the same. However, a restaurant Downtown did want to use a trailer for extra storage on their property which was not permitted. Staff reached out to a couple of peer communities, but this specific issue has not been dealt with.

The Committee discussed the difference between a food truck trailer and other types of outdoor storage. It was discussed that modifying the existing language would allow storage for any business in the C3 District, not just restaurants.  For example, an eye doctor in town wanted to store a trailer on their property to use for mobile visits which the code currently does not allow.

Tony and Abby Cannon, owners of Aunt Tina’s Kitchen, provided context on their seasonal food trailer operations.

There was a discussion on whether a temporary use permit could be pursued due to the seasonal use of the trailer. Staff will review and report back at the next meeting. The Committee agreed to continue their discussion at the next meeting.

E. Referral - Review of Permit Fees and Durations, Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code

BDC Kransberger summarized the referral noting that new homes are charged a standard permit fee regardless of the size of the home (i.e. a 3,000-sf house gets charged the same standard fee as a 13,000-sf house). Homes not completed in 1 year from permit issuance start to accrue late fees.

The Committee asked about the additional staff time for larger homes. BDC Kransberger confirmed that a larger home requires more staff review and inspections. BDC Kransberger summarized the attachments on Boarddocs.

Alderman Park asked about the additional staff time to monitor late fees and stated that it seems equitable to tier the permit fee by the size of the home and to adjust the fees to be more in line with neighboring communities.

It was discussed that the late fees are a motivator for projects to be completed in good time and limit disruption to neighbors, however, larger homes do take longer to construct and inspect.

Alderman Jensen was not in favor of an indeterminate permit fee as late fees start to accrue on a construction project that is expected to take longer than 1 year, however, agreed that there still needs to be sufficient motivation for the construction to be completed in a timely manner.

BDC Kransberger stated that with the new permitting system, applicants are aware of the permit expiration and that late fees will apply if the project is not completed.

Additional information was requested for the next meeting on the differential of staff review and inspections based on home size and construction that takes longer than one year.

F. Zoning Ordinance Update – Public Draft 2.0

CP Franz clarified that Hinsdale does not allow tattoo establishments and went over Naperville’s requirements.

The Committee discussed Naperville’s regulations and asked whether it was possible to only allow tattooing as an accessory use.

Alderman Veremis stated that the zoning ordinance permissions must apply to any tattoo business that wants to open in town and therefore the Committee needs to consider the impact of allowing them in the C2 or C3 districts. There was discussion on whether signage, hours of operation, or business square footage could be limited for a principal use. Staff will discuss with City Attorney and return with more information at the next meeting.

The Committee discussed permitting firearm sales in the I2 district as opposed to the I1 District.  Mayor Levin noted that pawn shops were accommodated in the code and no one was aware that one was open on North York. 

The Committee will review the Design Standards and note any concerns and requested that staff provide input on the design standards and advantages of adding them to the code.

6. Other Business

Alderman Veremis stated that EDC will have recommendations on the TIF Incentive referral soon.

7. Adjournment

Alderman Park made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed. Voice Vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
