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City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Jan. 13
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 P.M. by Chair Brennan
2. Roll Call
Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Alderman Hill, Alderman Nardini
City Staff Present: City Manager James Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson, Police Chief Michael McLean, Deputy Police Chief James Gandy, Fire Chief Dick Dufort, Business Development Manager Heather Bereckis, City Engineer Ted Sianis, History Museum Executive Director Dave Oberg
Elected Officials: Mayor Scott Levin
3. Public Comments
4. Receipt of Written Communication
Mr. & Mrs. Lameka submitted a letter in support of left-turn restrictions at the intersection of North Ave & Maple Ave.
5. Business Before the Committee
A. Public Affairs & Safety Committee Meeting, December 9th, 2024 ,Minutes
Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the minutes; Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.
B. Elmhurst Cycling Classic
Tim Radcliff, a representative for the Elmhurst Cycling Classic, provided the committee with an overview of the planned event. He explained the primary change this year would be a start time of 30 minutes earlier than last year, to accommodate additional running races toward the end of the event. He explained the event draws participants not only from Illinois, but from other areas in the United States. Alderman Hill asked for clarification of the schedule, while Alderman Nardini inquired on the reason Elmhurst Park District was listed on the insurance. Chair Brennan asked if there were other races associated with the Elmhurst event, and Radcliff explained they partner with a race that occurs in Kankakee the following day. Chair Brennan also inquired if Public Works would be required to perform any maintenance or patching of the roadway prior to the race. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.
C. Elmhurst St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Chief McLean provided an overview of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which consisted of an estimated 24,000 spectators and over 100 entries. It was explained this year’s parade would follow the same route and the same plan as in previous years with no changes. Alderman Hill asked how Spring Road is cleaned up after the parade, and the only complaint he has ever heard was regarding candy and other garbage remaining on the street after the parade. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Alderman Hill seconded. Roll Call vote:
Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.
D. Elmhurst Farmers Market
Business Development Manager, Heather Bereckis, spoke to the committee regarding the upcoming change to the Farmers Market location, moving from the York/Vallette municipal parking lot to the parking lot of Elmhurst Christian Reform Church. Members of the church and Adam Krzemkowski of the York/Vallette Business Association were also present to answer any questions. Bereckis explained the primary advantage to the new location would be an increase in size/space for the market as well as additional parking. Chair Brennan asked how likely the new location was expected to attract new vendors. Alderman Nardini asked if the York/Vallette Business Association would still be involved in the Farmers Market. In addition, Alderman Nardini inquired who would the vendors pay and if they would be paying the same fee as they had in previous years. Alderman Hill asked why the York/Vallette location was chosen in the first place, and if there was a benefit to the business area to holding the market there. There was additional discussion regarding the modes of transportation customers of the market used, including those that walked versus those who used vehicles to attend. Alderman Nardini asked if the recent addition of the French Market (held in Downtown Elmhurst on Sundays) interfered with customers and vendors and Krzemkowski related it had not. Alderman Hill inquired if there were other sights looked at prior to choosing the Elmhurst Christian Reform location. Finally, Chair Brennan asked if there would be a re-evaluation of the location after the season was completed. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Alderman Hill seconded. Roll Call vote:
Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.
E. Referral- Stop Sign at Third/Glenview
City Engineer Ted Sianis gave a presentation and provided data regarding speed and the lack of crash history at the corner of Third/Glenview. He also provided data and a heat map of District 205 bus stop locations. There was discussion amongst the committee regarding bus stops without stop signs and the existence of available sidewalks at the bus stops. It was noted the significant amount of bus stops throughout the city. Alderman Hill and Chair Brennan inquired on what part District 205 held in terms of coordination and communication with the City regarding bus stop locations. Alderman Nardini commented he was not as concerned with the corner when the bus arrived, but rather when the bus was not there. Alderman Hill commented he has heard complaints from residents that kids were waiting for the bus in the street. Chair Brennan related this might be a broader topic of discussion and it was important to confirm how the corner worked in relation to bus pick-ups and drop-offs.
F. Referral- Traffic Safety at Maple and North Avenue
Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson reviewed crash data at the intersection with the committee. There was conversation related to restrictions of turns at the intersection, including prohibiting left turns. There was additional conversation related to what would be IDOT’s responsibility to control traffic and what the City would be able to do. Chair Brennan stated prohibiting left turns would be a logical first step. Alderman Nardini asked what steps the committee would have to take to discuss adding cul-de-sacs versus simply adding signage. City Manager Johnson explained the finances and time that often are involved with reconfiguring an intersection, and the obvious space limitations that are often in place. Alderman Hill asked if there is ever discussion or data to find out what engineering changes made to an intersection to see if the changes were successful. Chair Brennan asked if IDOT ever acts when they determine an intersection might be dangerous based upon the number of crashes that occur. It was agreed further discussion was needed regarding the intersection.
G. Police Station- Draft Report
Chief McLean provided an update of the on-going discussion regarding the police station, including the options which have been presented at prior meetings. Finance Director Coyle then gave a presentation of a finance model which was created to show how construction of a new police station could be funded. The debt issuance of bonds, a hotel tax increase, and the sale of City of Elmhurst property assets were discussed. Coyle stated the finance committee was very conservative with their estimates. The option of utilizing 180 W. Park as a temporary police station while the new station was being constructed, and then selling 180 W. Park after the new station was built was discussed. There was discussion with the role of the committee in terms of the finance portion, with Chair Brennan commenting the finance model presented allowed the committee to make a decision. Alderman Hill asked if there was other property the city owned that was discussed to sell. Alderman Nardini questioned when the last time was the hotel tax was raised. Chair Brennan stated the finance committee looked at this though a conservative lens, and if engineering is not completed by this year, the costs would increase. Chair Brennan also related he liked the tiered approach of the model. Alderman Hill asked if selling the green space along Third Street was considered to assist in funding. He related while he was not advocating for selling the green space, he found the choice not to include that option as arbitrary. Alderman Nardini related he felt the discussion was outside the scope of the committee, as the finance committee put together the model. There was further discussion regarding the cost to relocate police operations to 180 W. Park during construction of a new police station. There was discussion regarding the need for a new police station, with Chair Brennan relating the finance discussion would occur with the entire council. Chair Brennan further related he believed the City would fall short if they only renovated or added on to the police station. Alderman Hill inquired if there were truly only three options to consider, and discussion continued. Alderman Hill asked if sharing a police station with other municipalities was considered. Chair Brennan related the discussion allowed the committee to review the options and was a necessary re-cap to the issue.
H. Sidewalk Policy Review and Creation of a New Sidewalk Master Plan Referral-Draft Report
Assistant City Manager Johnson presented a summary of the posted draft report and associated attachments. Johnson highlighted the three phases and their respective lengths and costs, discussing the reasoning for the phased approach. Chair Brennan provided rationale as to how suggestions from the committee members were considered during the preparation of the draft report. Chair Brennan discussed the guiding principles outlined and Aldermen Hill and Nardini concurred. Alderman Hill related he was very happy with the report and it aligned with his thoughts. Alderman Nardini related he only had a few edits that he would pass along to staff. Alderman Nardini referenced the “Safe Routes to School streets” on page 1 and related it should be referred to italicized words on the bottom of page under Phase I and comments. Chair Brennan suggested the committee members should review the draft report in detail and provide any final comments to City staff over the next few weeks. Chair Brennan also noted that he may want to talk to City staff about how the project could be funded. Finally, Alderman Irby mentioned a price increase, or inflation, should be considered as the $200/LF in current costs would likely increase in the future.
6. Other Business
Chief McLean updated the committee on several recent arrests that occurred. Chair Brennan commented on the new crosswalk installations at Spring/Harrison and York/Van Buren.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Nardini and seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 P.M.