
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Elmhurst City Council met Jan. 6

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City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst City Council met Jan. 6

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Executive Session - Mayor Levin called executive session to order at 6:55pm.

Present: Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, and Rex Irby

Absent: Jennifer Veremis, Guido Nardini, and Mike Brennan

10 Present, 3 Absent

Also Present: Treasurer Curran, City Attorney Storino, City Attorney Durkin, City Manager Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Johnson, and HR Director Palm

Alderman Cahill moved to convene into executive session.  Alderman Hill seconded.

Ayes: Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, and Rex Irby

Nays: None

10 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent

Motion carried

2. Call to Order - Mayor Levin called the regular city council meeting to order at 7:32pm.

2.1 Pledge of Allegiance

2.2 Roll Call - Ward 1

Present: Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, and Rex Irby

Absent: Jennifer Veremis, Guido Nardini, and Mike Brennan

10 Present, 3 Absent

Also Present: Treasurer Curran, City Attorney Storino, City Manager Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Johnson, Finance Director Coyle, Public Works Director Balicki, Police Chief McLean, Fire Chief Dufort, and IT Director Kravets

3. Receipt of Written Communication from the Public - None

4. Public Forum - None

5. Announcements 

Alderman Hill thanked staff and finance committee for passing new rate for vehicle stickers for veterans.

Clerk Tamer announced the city's youth commission panel discussion about Teen Challenges with partnership with York on Thursday 1/9 at 7pm, York Auditorium.

6. Consent Agenda

6.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on December 2, 2024

6.2 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on December 16, 2024

6.3 Accounts Payable - January 6, 2025 - $2,440,550.09

6.4 Appointment of Chair to the Development, Planning and Zoning Committee: Alderman Chris Jensen

6.5 Appointment of Cheryl Leoni to the City of Elmhurst and Elmhurst University Commission

6.6 Referral: Review of Permit Fees and Durations, Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code

6.7 ZO-01-2025 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number ZO-13–2024 to Authorize the Extension of Time for the Final Planned Unit Development Permit and Conditional use Permit for the Construction of Additions and Façade Renovations to the Building and the Replacement of a Pylon Sign Located on the Property Commonly Known as 300 West Grand Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois

6.8 ZO-02-2025 - An Ordinance Granting a Conditional use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for the Expansion of the Drive-Thru Lane and Reconfiguration of the Parking Lot Located on the Property Commonly Known as 235 S. Illinois Route 83, Elmhurst, Illinois

6.9 O-01-2025 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a “Letter of Intent for Sale of Property Owned by the City of Elmhurst – the Southern Portion of Vacant Land (Parking Lot) Property Located at First Street, Addison Avenue and York Street, Elmhurst, Illinois, P.I.N. 06-02-221-058 to Elmhurst Centre for Performing Arts”

6.10 R-01-2025 - A Resolution Approving Revisions to the Explore Elmhurst Community Grant Program

6.11 R-02-2025 - A Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Execution of a Ninth Amended Modification Agreement by and Between the Bensenville Fire Protection District #1 and the City of Elmhurst

6.12 R-03-2025 - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Elmhurst, Illinois and Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for the Water Reclamation Facility and Sanitary Sewer System Facility Plan Update Project

6.13 R-04-2025 - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Phase II Engineering Services Agreement by and Between BLA, Inc. and the City of Elmhurst for the Palmer Drive Local Agency Functional Overlay Roadway Improvement Project

6.14 R-05-2025 - A Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Elmhurst and the Village of Berkeley for the High Street Improvement Project

6.15 R-06-2025 - A Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Elmhurst and the Village of Villa Park and to Approve and Authorize the Execution of the First Amendment to the Agreement with Transystems Corporation for the Riverside Drive and Illinois Route 83 Improvement Project

Alderman Hill removed item 6.4 from the consent agenda.  Alderman Nudera moved to accept the consent agenda minus item 6.4.  Alderman Bram seconded.

Ayes: Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, and Rex Irby

Nays: None

10 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent

Motion carried

6.4 Alderman Talluto moved to accept the appointment.  Alderman Bram seconded.  Alderman Hill inquired about an appointment of a new VP chair of finance committee to replace Alderman Jensen, while stating he supports the appointment of Alderman Jensen to chair of DP&Z.  Mayor Levin answered his question in regard to VP role in quorum for committee.  Alderman Irby referred to an ordinance about Chair and Vice Chair which Mayor Levin noted the Alderman's statement.

Ayes: Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, and Rex Irby

Nays: None

10 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent

Motion carried

7. Reports and Recommendations of Appointed and Elected Officials

Mayor Levin - The Mayor announced the two properties on Eggleston that will be used for stormwater storage and parking.  Engineering and design will begin in 2025 with construction planned for 2027.  Open house for neighbors will be held on 1/27 from 4-6pm at Phase III Brewing on Spring Rd.

City Manager Grabowski - City Manager announced the free Christmas Tree pickup will be on residents' regular garbage pickup day the first two weeks of January.  There is a Christmas light recycling event in partnership with the Elmhurst Park District.  Residents can drop off at the various locations where there are containers around town at Courts Plus, Kies Recreation Center, Elmhurst Park District Administrative Office, Wagner Community Center, and City Hall.  The new Elmhurst Connect will be online January 8th.

8. Other Business - None

9. Adjournment - Alderman Sienko moved to adjourn from the meeting.  Alderman Bastedo seconded.  A voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.
