
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, February 21, 2025

DuPage County called home by 12 new registered sex offenders in Q4 2024

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Lieutenant Colonel Jason LoCoco Assistant Deputy Director for the Division of the Academy and Training | Official Website

Lieutenant Colonel Jason LoCoco Assistant Deputy Director for the Division of the Academy and Training | Official Website

There were 12 new registered sex offenders living in DuPage County as of the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the previous quarter, according to the Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry.

The Registry showed that, in total, 241 sexual offenders were living in DuPage County, compared to 239 the quarter before. Over these three months, 10 offenders left DuPage County and 12 moved into the area.

Of the 12 offenders who moved to DuPage County during this period, 11 were sexual predators.

Sexual predators and child murderers remain on the registry for the rest of their lives. Sexually violent people are no longer listed 10 years after their conviction.

The offenders moving into DuPage County may have been recently convicted or moved from other cities in the US.

According to a 2024 study by SafeHome.org, Illinois ranks fifth in the total number of registered sex offenders, with more than 34,000 living in the state.

Nationally, the study found over 795,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. as of August 2024 — an increase of approximately 8,000 compared to 2023.

Registered Sex Offenders in DuPage County as of Q4 2024

Aaron James ClumSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Abdiel F. EstrellaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Abel NunezSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Adam D. SchmidtSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Adam S. RamirezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Adnan NafasatSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Adrian GaribaySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Ahmad M. SaadSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Alan D PiheraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Alberto RamosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Alejandro HurtadoSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Alex F. LopezSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force, Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act/2nd and Unlawful restraint
Alex a TorkilsenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Alexander E DobrovetskySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Alfredo LopezSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Anastasia B. PappasSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault
Andres SantanaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Andrew J. AgueSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school and Indecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Andrew J. P. CastroSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Andrew Wayne SimonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Anthony E. CometaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Antinell a MillerSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <9 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Arthur a SkuratowiczSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Barton J. ColemanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Benito MartinezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Brandon T. SidmanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Brian A. DoddSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Brian C. RasmussenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Brian D. KocianSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Brian E. MatuszczakSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Brian J. MaplesSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Brian K. GondekSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Brian K. SchmidtSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Brian R. JonesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Bryan R. RoehrSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Bryan W. AndrewsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Caleb Braden RaySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Carlos HernandezSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Cecil W. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Charles F. RoweSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Chet N. MagarSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Christian J WarzycaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Christopher A. NugentSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Christopher C. GattiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Christopher Lee MatthewsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Christopher V. SalemiNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Clayton Fredrick Charle BaileySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Cody J. KelleyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force and Violate sex offender registration
Cory S. AndersenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Craig MonahanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Indecent solicitation of a child
Cristobal CadenaSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Curtis L. EnsleySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Dale A. FrySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Dambar B PithakoteySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Daniel A. ZitoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Daniel BarronSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Daniel Kevin StantzNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Daniel R SarofimSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Daniel R. HillierSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Daniel TarchalaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
David Benjamin KamideSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
David GassnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
David J. BrocheSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
David J. DelagarzaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
David P. ThomasSexual PredatorCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
David R. FoustSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
David W. EwingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Davontae S CarrSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Deborah C. CoulombeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Deborah J. CoxSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Dominic A. RussoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Douglas A. SaleNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantPublic indecency/exposure/3rd+ and Public indecency/lewd exposure
Dwight M. ChristiansenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Eddie WiserSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim >60
Edwin A. KlemmSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Edwin A. PortilloSexual PredatorNon-CompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Edwin M. BainerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated battery/great bodily harm and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent
Edwin R. MazariegosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Eric BeuderSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Eric Robert DamitzSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Ernesto OrtizSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Felipe PerezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Failure to report annually, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Sex violent/dangerous fail to report/2nd+
Ferdinand R. LimSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse, Attempt and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Fernando Dino CruzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Frank H. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Fredrick W. WeishauptSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Grooming
Gerald GraysonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Gerald L. DoranSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Gilbert L. HardySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Glenn LangeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gregory A. RollinsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos, Child pornography/film/tape/photo and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Gregory D. AndersonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Hasan QaziSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Henry OtisNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault and Aggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon
Hugo SanchezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ian F FretchNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/school grounds
Ignacio Perez-RodriguezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Isaac M. BosleyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderLocation UnknownCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Jack D. StefanowiczSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
James C. SkinnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
James E. AzarconSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
James M. WymoreSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jarrett O. FergusonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Jason MartinezSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual assault and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Jason P. RyanSexual PredatorCompliantFail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Jeff R. RicardoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Joel Y. PomerantzSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
John Christopher AlcockSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
John E. BurnsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
John E. SchmitzNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16
John M. CichonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
John M. VogelSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
John P. BandelSexual PredatorCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
John P. HigginsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
John Peter CarbonaroNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild sex offender present in a school zone, Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent and Violate sex offender registration
John Raymond BellSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17/2nd
John S. GonzalezNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
John W. HaysSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
John Wilfred HammondSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jojo V VazhSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jon W. SwintonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jordan L. BrewerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jose A. EsparzaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Joseph WeaklandSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Joshua G. BelitzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Joshua J. GriffinNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Joshua W ScheunSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Juan Carlos SotoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Juan M. RamirezSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Julian CervantesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Justin C. SpearsNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Justin J. BellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kamil M OsadzinskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Karan C. PatelSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kaushal K. SinhaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Attempt
Keith William DaveySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Kenneth B. PebenitoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Kenneth Edward MateasSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt, Child pornography/film/photos and Child pornography/reproduce/sell
Kevin M TeichenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Kevin R. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Kierre G McphersonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kurt EllinghausenNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Kyle A. OlsenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
Luis F. UribeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Marco A. CamposSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Marco J. FoscoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Marcus Antoine HunleySexual PredatorNon-CompliantPublic indecency/exposure/3rd+
Mark A. StolteSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Mark J. HersheySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Indecent solicitation of a child
Matthew A. BrownSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Matthew F. HeumannSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Matthew M. PedrosoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Matthew W BallottiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Michael A. BrandtSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent
Michael H. KatzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/solicit a child to appear
Michael J. MetoyerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Michael P. SuttonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Michael Rex CoxSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Attempt
Michael ScardinoNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Michael Thomas NehrbasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Michael W. DellerSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Miguel B. OcampoNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Miguel CacuccioloSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Mitchell E. DunnamSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Mohammed A. ShakeelSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Nabeel AfsarNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Nathaniel C. AllenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to report change of address/employment/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Neal E. MaschkeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Nickos Jean LambrosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Nicolas T. VillarrealSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm and Violate sex offender registration
Pablo Flores MarquezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Pablo SanchezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Paris Napoleon GarrettSexual PredatorLocation UnknownCriminal sexual assault/force and Sex offender registering/false info
Patrick Donald GalvinSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Patrick E. RileySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Patrick Wyatt GreeneSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Pawel M. MurdzaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Peter BrossardSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Peter a WoitovichSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Phethsana LuangkhothSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Prentice J. HammonsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
R J KrienhederSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Rahman D. ReedSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Randall R. PetersSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Raymond S. NalepkaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Richard John VillicanaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Child pornography/film/tape/photo
Richard JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Violate sex offender registration
Richard Maurice ChanchicoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Richard Michael DirkesSexual PredatorLocation UnknownChild pornography/film/photos, Child pornography/masturbation and Child pornography/sexual contact
Richard Scott AugustSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Rickey J. NegronSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Rigoberto TrujilloSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Robb Adam SosnowskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Robert C. GaultSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Robert D. MillerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Robert D. RomanskiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Robert J TripenfeldasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography and Child pornography/film/photos
Robert J. NiccolaiSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Robert K. MarianiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Robert L LauesenSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt and Child pornography
Robert P. MazorSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Violate sex offender registration
Roel GonzalezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/handicapped
Roland M. BurkeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Ronald DuncanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
Ronald GaulkeSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Ross J. ScanioSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Ruben MartinezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Child sex offender/reside 500' and Sex offender loiter within 500' public park
Ryan E. LangeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Ryan M. GutierrezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Samer O DabbousehSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Sampharn a PeanpokvenSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Samuel P. KrystalSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Santiago DiazSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
Scot A. CastoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Scott A. FulksNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Sean C ClaffordSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated child pornography and Child pornography/film/photos
Sebastian MendozaSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Shawn M SarantschaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse and Indecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Stanley J. KopkaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Stephen M. DelgadoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Steven DimovskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Steven Glen DadySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven H. FriesenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven Wade PoundersSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Terrance T. JacksonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Thomas J. BondiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Thomas J. BullSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Thomas J. OlsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Thomas Q. MarottaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Timothy A. VelazquezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Timothy J. HaganSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Timothy L. HavlikSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Timothy M. ZakSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Timothy W. LamantiaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Victor M. MezaNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantSex relations
Victor VegaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Vincent J. MarsalaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Walter RineboldSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Wayne a ZurowSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
William MoschettiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Willie JonesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16


Village of FooslandSpringfield TownshipCity of Chicago HeightsVillage of WinfieldCity of CubaVillage of ItascaVillage of WestmontCity of AtlantaCity of MolineVillage of WoodridgeCity of North ChicagoCity of MarionTown of NormalCity of Blue IslandCity of WarrenvilleCity of East MolineCity of ElmhurstCity of SycamoreCity of QuincyVillage of SaukCity of DarienCity of ZionPark City CityVillage of St. JacobCity of JolietLisle TownshipVillage of BensenvilleVillage of BourbonnaisVillage of Carol StreamVillage of Hanover ParkPeoria CityCity of Champaign TownshipVillage of Villa ParkCity of MurphysboroCity of SterlingCity of ChenoaCity of KewaneeVillage of Clarendon HillsCity of East Saint LouisDowners GroveCity of RockfordCity of JacksonvilleVillage of NeboVillage of Melrose ParkVillage of MilanVillage of StegerCity of WaukeganVillage of GurneeCity of WheatonCity of RosiclareCity of DecaturCity of West ChicagoCity of CentraliaVillage of Glen EllynVillage of RoselleVillage of Glendale HeightsCity of AltonCity of OlneyVillage Of Richton ParkVillage Of SidellCity of KankakeeNaperville TownshipCity of Wood DaleCity of MinonkVillage Of LombardCity of UrbanaCity of NewtonVillage Of WyanetCity of StreatorTownship Of FrankfortVillage Of North RiversideVillage Of Arlington HeightsCity of ElginAddisonCity of MarkhamCity of ChicagoCity of HerrinVillage Of Bartlett


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