
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals met Nov. 20


DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick | DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick / Facebook

DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick | DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick / Facebook

DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals met Nov. 20

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The 2:30 PM Zoning Hearing Officer Meeting with Public Hearings was called to order by the Zoning Hearing Officer (ZHO), Robert Kartholl, at 2:30 PM.


No public comments during the meeting portion were offered.


No prior meeting minutes were offered.



ZONING-24-000061 Phillips Downers Grove

Zoning Hearing Officer Kartholl opened the matter of ZONING-24-000061 Phillips before petitioners David Phillips (appearing in-person) and Sandy Phillips (appearing via Zoom), and members of the public. The subject zoning relief is for a Conditional Use to allow a small pier approximately one (1) inch from the interior side property line due to the location of the lake.

(Whereupon, the oath was duly administered by the Notary and Witnesses Sworn)

Exhibits were entered into the record as Exhibit #1 (Survey), Exhibit #2 (Site Plan), Exhibit #3 (Construction Plans) was withdrawn at the November 20, 2024 public hearing, Exhibit #4 Petition, Exhibit #5 HOA documentation and letter.

Petitioner Phillips presented the case and adopted the record of the August 14, 2024, public hearing. Petitioner indicated that his case was left open to allow for information from the Homeowners Association regarding regulations on docks in the lake.

ZHO Kartholl then opened Public Comment for the Public Hearing of ZONING-24-000061 Phillips:

• Sandra Wilhoit and Keith Wilhoit (both appearing in-person). Mr. Wilhoit stated that they have concerns over the incorrect drawing/dimension sizes of the pier on the site plan. Ms. Wilhoit stated that they have concerns over the setbacks of the proposed pier and have encroachment concerns that the proposed pier will be built over the subject property’s rear property line. Wilhoit Objectors Exhibit #1 11/20/2024 and Wilhoit Objectors Exhibit #2 11/20/2024 were entered into the record by Ms. Wilhoit. 

ZHO Kartholl indicated that the recommendation for ZONING-24-000061 Phillips will be on the agenda for the December 4, 2024 Recommendation Meeting at 3:00 PM in the Building and Zoning Conference Room.

ZONING-24-000069 Kosela Lisle

Zoning Hearing Officer Kartholl opened the matter of ZONING-24-000060 Kosela before petitioners Wojciech Kosela, Martin Ptasinski (attorney), Krystian Ustupski (engineer), and members of the public. The subject zoning relief is for: 1) Variation to reduce the required lot size (area) for two (2) new lots serviced with well and septic, from required 40,000 sq. ft. to approximately 10,314 sq. ft. for Lot 1 and 21,940 sq. ft. for Lot 2, and 2) Variation to reduce the required lot width for one new interior lot serviced with well and septic, from required 125 feet wide to approximately 91.33 feet wide for Lot 1.

Exhibits were entered into the record as an Exhibit #1 (Survey), Exhibit #2 (Site Plan), Exhibit #3 (11-20-2024 Existing Conditions and Removal Plan), Exhibit #4 (Grading and Utility Plan, and Exhibit #5 (Additional Plans)

(Whereupon, the oath was duly administered by the Notary and Witnesses Sworn)

Petitioner Mr. Kosela and Mr. Ptasinski presented the case. Petitioner testified that the subject zoning relief is for Variations to subdivide the subject property into two (2) new lots serviced with well and septic, requiring Variations for lot width and area. Petitioner testified that Lot 2 would be serviced with a mechanical septic system that would require approximately 600 sq. ft. of land. Petitioner testified that he would build a ranch home on proposed Lor 2, approximately 1,500 sq. ft. in size. Petitioner testified that the particular hardship for the subject Variations is that he is deprived of the value for the land by only having one (1) house on the subject property and that due to the size of the subject property, it would bring more value to have two (2) houses on the subject property.

ZHO Kartholl then opened Public Comment for the Public Hearing of ZONING-24-000060 Kosela:

• Richard Lein (appearing in-person) stated he has concerns over stormwater issues, and that the two (2) homes on the one (1) existing lot will cause severe stormwater issues for the neighborhood.

• Scott Weibert (appearing in-person) stated that he opposes the petition and has concerns over the subdivision in relation to the aquifer/wells and property values.

• Kevin Maley (appearing in-person) stated that he has concerns over traffic in the area and current property maintenance issues.

• Chris Roake (appearing via Zoom) stated that he has concerns over the density increase and water table impacts in the neighborhood.

• Megan Roake (appearing via Zoom) stated that she opposes the petition.

• Marcus Lumaye (appearing via Zoom) stated that he has concerns over the density increase and increased draw from the aquifer.

ZHO Kartholl left the record for the public hearing of ZONING-24-000060 Kosela open for one (1) week following the public hearing.

ZHO Kartholl indicated that ZONING-24-000060 Kosela will be on the agenda for the December 4, 2024 Recommendation Meeting at 3:00 PM in the Building and Zoning Conference Room.


No old business was discussed.


No new business was discussed.


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Zoning Hearing Officer Robert Kartholl at 3:35 PM.
