Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook
Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook
City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 20
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Present 7 - Meghna Bansal, Stasha King, Derek McDaniel, Carl Richelia, Whitney Robbins, Oriana Van Someren, and Mark S. Wright
Excused 1 - Tom Castagnoli
D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Conduct the public hearing to consider a new day care center building in the River Woods Office Campus Planned Unit Development for property located at 628 N River Road (Cypress School) - PZC 24-1-067
Anna Franco, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Eric Prechtel, Attorney for Petitioner presented the case.
Public Testimony: None.
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Bansal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Robbins to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-067, a major change to the River Woods Office Campus Planned Unit
Development, including an amended Final PUD Plat, and a conditional use for daycare center for the property located at 628 N River Road (Cypress School).
Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright
Excused: 1 - Castagnoli
2. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to the height limitation for detached accessory structures to permit a detached garage at 1141 Basswood Drive- PZC 24-1-085
Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Matt Crary, Petitioner, presented the case.
Commissioner King stated that she appreciates the modifications and is supportive of the height variance.
Commissioner Bansal thanked the petitioner for their modifications to the plans.
Public Testimony: None.
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner McDanial made a motion Seconded by Commissioner Robbins to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-085, a variance pursuant to Section 6-2-10:3 to allow a detached garage to exceed the eighteen (18) foot height limitation for detached accessory structures at 1141 Basswood Drive.
Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright
Excused: 1 - Castagnoli
3. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to allow a detached accessory structure to exceed permissible height allowances at 516 Spring Ave. - PZC 24-1-110
Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Paul Merryweather, Petitioner, presented the case.
Public Testimony: None
Commissioner McDaniel asked why staff is in general support of the request. Iwicki responded that staff is in support of the request and standard language was used in the memo.
Commissioner Van Someren confirmed with staff that the easement condition language does not need to be finalized by the Commission at the meeting. Iwicki stated that the language will be finalized prior to the City Council meeting.
Commissioner Van Someren stated that the commission does not operate on precedence and therefore similar existing garages nearby would not necessarily be factored into the commission’s decision.
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Wright made a motion Seconded by Commissioner Robbins to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-110, a variance pursuant to Section 6-2-10:3 to allow a detached garage to exceed the eighteen (18) foot height limitation for detached accessory structures at 516 Spring Avenue
Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright
Excused: 1 - Castagnoli
4. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to Section 6-2-12 (Fences) for the property located at 243-244 N Laird St. - PZC 24-1-112
Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Luke Fonash, petitioner presented the case.
Public Testimony:
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Robbins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bansal to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-112, a variance pursuant to Section 6-2-12:1.6 to allow a fence along a residential property line which abuts a non-residential use to exceed nine (9) feet in height at 243-244 N Laird Street.
Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright
Excused: 1 - Castagnoli
5. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to allow a deck to encroach into the rear yard setback at 2255 Lotus Ct - PZC 24-1-113
Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Joel Christianson, Architect for Petitioner presented the case.
Public Testimony:
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Richelia made a motion, seconded by Commissioner McDaniel to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-113, a variance pursuant to Section 6-2-3:3 to allow for construction of a deck which encroaches into the required rear yard setback greater than ten (10) feet at 2255 Lotus Court.
Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright
Excused: 1 - Castagnoli
1. Approve the 2025 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting schedule
The PZC approved the 2025 meeting schedule.
2. Approve the minutes of the October 16, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
The PZC approved the minutes.
Adjourned at 7:44 PM.