
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Aug. 26

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City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Aug. 26

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chair Brennan

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Alderman Hill, Alderman Nardini

City Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson, Deputy Police Chief James Gandy, Fire Chief Dick Dufort, History Museum Executive Director Dave Oberg

3.  Public Comments

Dan Virgil spoke to the committee regarding the traffic study speed limit and the committee’s decision to maintain the 20 MPH speed limits on certain streets. 

4. Receipt of Written Communication


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Public Affairs & Safety Committee Meeting, August 12th, 2024

Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the minutes; Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

B. Elmhurst Park District Dall Fest Request- Report

Deputy Chief Gandy explained Park District Officials recently met with the Administrative Sergeant of the Police Department and there were no changes to this annual event. The event has taken place for several years and it has always been a successful event. Chair Brennan questioned the set-up and break down times to open the street to vehicular traffic. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

C. Neighborhood Traffic Study 3- Report

Alderman Hill related he understood the concerns of the residents who were opposed to changing the speed limit from 20 to 25 MPH on selected streets west of York Rd and south of St. Charles Rd. Alderman Hill reiterated the purpose of the study was to use the data provided by the engineering company to make informed decisions, and he related there was data to show motorists were unaware of the current posted speed limits. Alderman Hill stated he did not believe motorists behavior would change if the speed limit was changed to 25 MPH. Alderman Hill asked if the committee was allowing residents’ concerns, as valid as they might be, to change what the original traffic study and data showed. Alderman Hill stated there was tremendous value to making informed decisions, and stated he felt the committee should follow the original report and recommendations. Alderman Hill stated this would be a litmus test for other traffic reports and recommendations. Alderman Nardini stated what Alderman Hill said made sense, yet the committee not following the original report was a small alteration from the original report.  Alderman Nardini stated there was a difference to keeping things status quo versus changing to something different. Chair Brennan related he was not convinced that motorists would not increase their speeds if the speed limit was raised to 25 MPH on the streets in question, and stated he thought that thought process was flawed. Chair Brennan stated he appreciated Alderman’s Hills point of view. Assistant City Manager Johnson and Deputy Chief Gandy provided a historical view of the speed limits and the process of the original recommendations and report. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Chair Brennan Seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Nardini Aye, Hill Nay. Motion carried. 

D. Elmhurst History Museum Recommendations for Deaccession- Report

Elmhurst History Museum Executive Director Dave Oberg advised the committee there was limited space for the museum and it was necessary to do a deep dive into the inventory to discard items that held no historical value. He related many years ago, the museum took in many artifacts and pieces which had no significance to Elmhurst nor tell a story related to Elmhurst. Chair Brennan asked if most of the items would be thrown out, or if some items could be donated or given away. Alderman Hill questioned if items were ever sold. Director Oberg explained the ethical concerns regarding selling items and explained what processes could occur to offer other museums right of first refusal for items. Alderman Nardini commented on the extensiveness and thoroughness of the list, stating he trusted the Executive Director to make the appropriate decisions. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote:  Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

6. Other Business

Alderman Hill commented on some of the parking concerns he has heard of near Marjorie Davis Park, and asked police to evaluate vehicles parking on both sides of the street on Grantley near the park.

There was discussion regarding questions the committee has received regarding the legality of e-bikes/scooters, with all members of the committee commenting they receive questions on this topic. Deputy Chief Gandy provided an update on an informational flyer which the Police Department and Communications staff are drafting to inform residents of the laws and regulations regarding e-bikes. 


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Hill and seconded by Chair Nardini. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.
