
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met July 17

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Aerial view of downtown Naperville | Wikipedia

City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met July 17

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:



Present 7 - Meghna Bansal, Stasha King, Derek McDaniel, Carl Richelia, Whitney Robbins, Oriana Van Someren, and Mark S. Wright 

Absent 1 - Tom Castagnoli 



1. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to Section 6-2-12:1.2 (Fences) to  permit a 5’ tall open fence with accompanying 6’-8” masonry columns located in the front  yard at 1248 Oxford Lane - PZC 24-1-048  

Anna Franco, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.  

Eric Prechtel, Attorney for Petitioner, presented the case. 

Public Testimony: None. 

The PZC closed the public hearing.  

Commissioner McDaniel made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Robbins to  adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-048, a variance pursuant to Section 6-2-12:1.2 of the Naperville Municipal Code to permit a 5’ tall open fence with accompanying 6’-8” masonry columns for the property located at 1248 Oxford Lane. 

Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright 

Absent: 1 - Castagnoli 

2. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance from Section 6-2-10:5 to permit a pavilion and  fireplace structure in the rear yard at the property located at 923 Watercress Dr - PZC 24-1-060 

Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an  

overview of the request.  

Kevin Lorenz, Petitioner, presented the case. 

Public Testimony: None 

Chair Van Someren stated that she vistited the property and asked if  

additional arborvitae would be installed. Lorenz confirmed that additional  

landscaping has been installed. 

The PZC closed the public hearing.  

Commissioner Robbins made a motion Seconded by Commissioner Bansal to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-060, a variance from Section 6-2-10:5 of the Naperville Municipal Code to permit a pavilion and fireplace structure in the rear yard and allow 31.9% of the required rear yard to be occupied at the property located at 923 Watercress Dr. 

Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright 

Absent: 1 - Castagnoli 

3. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to Section 6-9-3 of the Naperville  Municipal Code to reduce the required number of parking spaces for the property located  at 2323 Naperville Road Unit 110 - PZC 24-1-065 Adam Beaver, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.  

Betsy Gensberg, Architect for Petitioner, presented the case. 

Dr. Mandeep Raina, Petitioner, provided additional information on the request.  

Public Testimony: None 

The PZC closed the public hearing.  

Commissioner King made a motion Seconded by Commissioner Robbins to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-065, a variance to Section 6-9-3 of the Naperville Municipal Code to reduce the required number of parking spaces from 183 to 173 for the property located at 2323 Naperville Road.

Aye: 7 - Bansal, King, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, and Wright 

Absent: 1 - Castagnoli


1. Approve the minutes of the June 19, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting The PZC approved the minutes. 




Adjourned at 7:22 PM. 
