
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst City Council met June 17

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City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons

City of Elmhurst City Council met June 17

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Executive Session - Mayor Levin called executive session to order at 6:49pm.

1.1 Executive Session for the purpose of discussing: Pending /Probable Litigation pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11), Setting a Price for Sale of Real Estate, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/5 (c)(6)and Review of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed Under the Open Meetings Act and Semi-annual Review of the Executive Session Minutes as Mandated by Section 2.06 pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/5 (c)(5), (c)(21)

Roll Call

Present: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, and Rex Irby

Absent: None

14 Present, 0 Absent

Also Present: Treasurer Curran, City Attorney Storino, City Manager Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Johnson, and HR Director Palm Alderman Brennan moved to convene into executive session.  Alderman Irby seconded.

Ayes: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, and Rex Irby

Nays: None

14 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion carried

2. Call to Order - Mayor Levin called the regular city council meeting to order at 7:31pm.

2.1 Pledge of Allegiance

2.2 Roll Call-Ward 1

Present: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, and Rex Irby

Absent: None

14 Present, 0 Absent

Also Present: Treasurer Curran, City Attorney Storino, City Manager Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Johnson, Finance Director Coyle, Public Works Director Balicki, Police Chief McLean, Fire Chief Dufort, IT Director Kravets, Communications Manager Schref, and Business Development Manager Bereckis

3. Presentation(s)

3.1 Congressman Jesus "Chuy" Garcia delivered a federal update to council.  Aldermen had an opportunity for questions.

3.2 Business Development Coordinator Heather Bereckis presented to council a business development update of Elmhurst. Alderman had an opportunity for questions.

4. Receipt of Written Communication from the Public - One written communication was attached to agenda and delivered to each alderman.

5. Public Forum

• Victoria Ludkowski - 640 N. Kenilworth. Spoke in regard to the intersection of Michigan and Gladys.

• Tom Chavez - Spoke in regard to city proclamation.

• Carolyn Carillo - Spoke in regard to city business.

• Rimsha Ahmed - Spoke in regard to a student perspective on a CFR.

• Rana Gassser - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Imran Ali - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Peter Rivera - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Lys - Spoke in regard of humanity.

• Mandy Puchalski - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Dr. Gafoor - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Patty Droogan - Spoke in support of a CFR.

• Fayez Khozindar - Spoke in support of a CFR.

6. Announcements - Mayor Levin delivered a statement of the city's stance on a CFR.

7. Consent Agenda

7.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on May 20, 2024

7.2 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole on June 10, 2024

7.3 Accounts Payable - June 17, 2024 - $1,054,615.08

7.4 Referral - Review Monetary Limits on City-Wide Cost-Sharing Programs

7.5 Referral - Police Station Capitol Project

7.6 Re-appointment of Desiree Chen-Menichini and Sarah Diamond to the City of Elmhurst and Elmhurst University Commission

7.7 Report - 2024 Elmhurst Craft Beer Festival (PA&S)

7.8 Report - Michigan Street and Gladys Avenue Intersection Evaluation (PA&S)

7.9 Report - Elmhurst History Museum Public Performance Space - Construction Bids (PW&B)

7.10 Report - Rock Salt Contract for the 2024-2025 Winter Season (PW&B)

7.11 Report - Parking Deck and Pedestrian Tunnel Maintenance Contract (PW&B)

7.12 ZO -11-2024 -An Ordinance Granting a Conditional use Permit for the Construction of an Outdoor Theater and a Conditional use Permit for a Planned Unit Development with Site Development Allowance for the Property Commonly Known as 120 E. Park Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois (ELMHURST HISTORY MUSEUM)

7.13 MCO-06-2024 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.74 Entitled “Yield Right-of-Way Streets” of Article V Entitled “Driving, Overtaking and Passing” and Section 44.92 entitled “Stop Intersections Enumerated” of Article VI Entitled “Special Stops” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles and Traffic” of the Elmhurst Municipal Code

7.14 O-37-2024 - An Ordinance Authorizing Execution of a Purchase And Sale Agreement for the Property in Elmhurst, Illinois

7.15 R-59-2024 - A Resolution Regarding the Release of Certain Closed Session Minutes

Alderman Cahill moved to accept the consent agenda. Alderman Bram seconded.

Ayes: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, and Rex Irby

Nays: None

14 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion carried

8. Committee Report(s)

8.1 Majority Report - Municipal Electric Aggregation Program Renewal (F,CA&AS)

Alderman Talluto moved to accept the report. Alderman Jensen seconded. Alderman Talluto spoke in support and summarized the majority report. 

8.2 Minority Report - Municipal Electric Aggregation Program Renewal (F,CA&AS)

Alderman Irby motioned to substitute the majority report with the minority report. Alderman Bram seconded. Alderman Irby spoke of reasoning to support the minority report.

Discussion ensued.

Vote to substitute the Minority Report for the Majority Report

Ayes: Rex Irby

Nays: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, and Mike Brennan

1 Aye, 13 Nays

Motion failed

Alderman Bram motioned to amend the majority report with a change from two years to one year.  Alderman Sienko seconded.

Ayes: Karen Sienko, Michael Bram, and Brian Cahill

Nays: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Chris Jensen, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, and Rex Irby

3 Ayes, 11 Nays

Motion failed

Vote on Majority Report

Ayes: Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis, Jake Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, and Mike Brennan

Nays: Rex Irby

13 Ayes, 1 Nay

Motion carried

9. Reports and Recommendations of Appointed and Elected Officials

9.1 Mayor Levin - The Mayor thanked all that attended the downtown planning open house last Wednesday. He also recognized the Cycling Classic from last weekend.  DPZ and Zoning Commission will have a joint meeting Thursday 6/20 7-9pm at city hall.  Cops and Bobbers Saturday 6/23 at Eldridge Park, 9am-noon.

9.2 City Manager Grabowski - City Manager announced Poplar Ave at UP railroad will be closed until 6/28 for a sewer project.  Wednesday 6/19 1-5pm will be a crosswalk safety blitz at the Prairie Path and York St.

10. Other Business

Rex Irby - Saturday 6/22 1pm-2:30pm is a renaming the Prairie Path on Spring Rd. in honor of Keith Olson.

11. Adjournment - Alderman Hill moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Bastedo seconded. A voice vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:56pm.
