
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met May 28

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Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met May 28

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Deuter, Veremis, Park

Absent: None

Staff Present: Franz, Gal, Grabowski (part), Oberg (part)

Elected Officials: None

3. Receipt of Written Communications


4. Public Comments


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes May 13, 2024

Alderman Park made a motion to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on May 13, 2024. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

B. Gambino PUD Concept Meeting - 124-126 N York Street

CP Franz stated that this is a PUD concept meeting for an enclosed greenhouse addition and unenclosed outdoor seating at 126 N. York Street. The existing building would be demolished to accommodate the project. Tony Gambino, owner of the property, summarized the project and noted that the greenhouse addition would be used for year-round outdoor dining for Victory Meat & Seafood once moved to the former Mata Ne space (130 N. York) adjacent to this parcel.

Chair Deuter stated that the public has been supportive of and has desired more outdoor dining space. The Committee agreed that the proposal creates an activated outdoor dining space that would be desirable to the greater community. The Committee did not note any concerns that would prevent the applicant from moving forward with their request.  

C. 24 P 06 Elmhurst History Museum PUD - 120 E. Park

History Museum Director Oberg summarized the requests and grant awarded for this project. It was noted that the Z&P Commission recommended unanimously for approval of the subject requests. Chair Deuter stated that this is another project that encourages open-air uses in Downtown which the community has desired.

Chair Deuter asked Mr. Oberg to describe pedestrian accessibility to the site. Oberg identified sidewalks around the site. It was discussed that the new zoning ordinance would add flexibility to the 0-foot setbacks in the CBC District, however, that it’s unlikely to impact this property due to its uniqueness.

Alderman Veremis made a motion to approve a conditional use permit for an outdoor theatre and a conditional use permit for a Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development with one site development allowance to allow the structure to be setback from property lines at the property commonly known as 120 E. Park Avenue. Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

D. Referral: Review Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Homes for a Changing Region Program

Chair Deuter stated that this is a continuation of the last discussion and includes a revision to the draft report on how the advisory group will be shaped. CP Franz also provided a sample community survey from MMC following the last meeting.

The Committee discussed the make-up of the advisory group and agreed that the DPZ Committee will function as the advisory group.  Three to six community members will be invited to participate in the Committee’s discussion and provide input. Initial suggestions for the community participants include representatives from the Senior Commission, Zoning & Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission.

Chair Deuter noted that at the conclusion of this exercise, the City will receive a report with recommendations. The Committee noted this process is primarily to learn about current housing and changes over time. It is the Committee’s understanding that if the City wants to move forward with any recommendations from the report, a separate referral and separate consideration would be necessary.

Alderman Park made a motion to recommend that the City Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to participate in the Homes for a Changing Region Program. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

6. Other Business

Chair Deuter stated that the Committee will consider the map amendment and plat of consolidation at 292 S. Arlington at the next meeting on June 10th. It was noted that both the public hearing and the deliberation were transcribed. CP Franz stated that typically additional public comment is added directly to the agenda rather than in the case file. However, CP Franz will also email comments as they’re received to DPZ.

CP Franz reminded the Committee that the Downtown Plan Visioning Workshop with the City Council will take place on June 10th after the Committee meeting.

CP Franz confirmed that there are 5 landmarks locally designated and that Old Main is on the National Register. CP Franz stated that following the completion of a local historic structures survey in 2015/2016, property owners of noted properties were invited for a presentation that included the survey consultant, a representative from the State Preservation Office, and a representative from Landmarks Illinois.

Chair Deuter stated that she received an email from a constituent about residential lighting and asked staff to clarify lighting code requirements. CP Franz reviewed requirements from the Building Code and addressed questions from the Committee.

7. Adjournment

Alderman Veremis made a motion to adjourn at 8:09 p.m. Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
