
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Senator Seth Lewis honored with National Safety Council's Advocacy in Safety Award

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State Senator Seth Lewis | Illinois General Assembly

State Senator Seth Lewis | Illinois General Assembly

State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett) has announced that he has received the National Safety Council’s (NSC) Advocacy in Safety Award for Illinois. The award acknowledges individuals' contributions to safety in their communities and appreciates collaborative efforts to enhance workplace and roadway safety.

“It is a distinct honor to be recognized by the National Safety Council for my efforts to improve safety in the 24th legislative district and across Illinois,” said Lewis. “Ensuring the safety of Illinoisans on roadways and in their workplace has been a priority during my tenure in the General Assembly.”

Recently, Lewis addressed a significant safety concern in Wheaton by filing legislation and advocating for state funds to install a stoplight on Roosevelt Road near County Farm Road. This intersection, which has seen nine pedestrian crashes resulting in one death and several injuries, is located near St. Francis College Preparatory High School, Marian Park Apartments, and various retail stores. Lewis successfully secured $250,000 in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for this project. A public-private partnership is now set up to initiate the work.

In Springfield, Lewis has also advocated for improved overall safety through sponsoring resolutions aimed at enhancing outcomes for people on roads and at workplaces.

“The National Safety Council is a valued partner, and I will continue to work with them on bipartisan legislative solutions that make our communities safer,” added Lewis.