
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 21, 2025

Illinois Eighth Congressional District candidate: 'Dupage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin’s office and Secret Service once again joined forces to produce a public service announcement to help the...

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Mark Rice, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, Illinois Eighth Congressional District | Mark Rice For Congress website

Mark Rice, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, Illinois Eighth Congressional District | Mark Rice For Congress website

Mark Rice, a candidate for Illinois' Eighth Congressional District, has drawn attention to the efforts of Dupage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin's office and the Secret Service in producing a public service announcement aimed at helping the public avoid scams. "Dupage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin’s office and Secret Service once again joined forces to produce a public service announcement to help the public steer clear of scams," said Rice. He further shared a link to a Daily Herald article detailing the DuPage State's Attorney and Secret Service sting operation.

"Dupage County State's Attorney Bob Berlin's office and Secret Service once again joined forces to produce a public service announcement to help the public steer clear of scams," said Rice, according to Facebook.

In his Facebook post, Rice provided additional context by sharing information about the scam that was targeted by this sting operation. According to the Daily Herald report, this particular scam involved three individuals from another country who deceived their victims into providing funds for fictitious emergencies, investments, employment opportunities or other schemes. The scammers would then disappear once they had received money from their victims. The sting operation lasted 90 days and successfully prevented 17,800 visitors from accessing the fake websites set up by these scammers.

Screenshot of Mark Rice for Congress May 7 Facebook page | Mark Rice for Congress Facebook page

Rice also highlighted a public service announcement on YouTube featuring Bob Berlin, DuPage County state’s attorney and Derek Mayer, deputy special agent in charge from the US Secret Service. In this video, Berlin and Mayer explain the 90-day sting operation and offer tips for people to avoid falling victim to financial scams and fake websites. Berlin emphasized the importance of not providing personal or financial information to people one has only spoken with over the phone or interacted with online; conducting all financial transactions with caution and security; and trusting one's instincts.

Rice is currently serving as CEO of Energy CX, having lived in Illinois for an impressive 35 years. His leadership at Energy CX has led to national recognition for the company as a leader in delivering comprehensive energy solutions. With his experience leading a team of 70 professionals in the energy sector, Rice brings valuable insight into economic issues as he campaigns for the 8th Congressional District. His campaign is driven by a commitment to address the concerns of the district and challenge what he perceives as a corrupt administration.

The 8th Congressional District is currently represented by U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill). The district covers northern Cook County, northern DuPage County and northeast Kane County, with a map available on Krishnamoorthi’s website.