
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Warrenville Public Works and Infrastructure Committee of the Whole met April 8

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City of Warrenville, IL | City of Warrenville, IL Website

City of Warrenville, IL | City of Warrenville, IL Website

City of Warrenville Public Works and Infrastructure Committee of the Whole met April 8

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Barry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Physically Present: Chairman Clare Barry, Mayor David Brummel, and Aldermen: Stuart Aschauer, J.P. Augustynowicz, Kathy Davolos, John Lockett, Bill Weidner, and Judy Wilkie

Absent: Alderman Craig Kruckenberg

Also Present: City Administrator Cristina White (attended electronically), Assistant City Administrator Alma Morgan, Public Works Director Phil Kuchler, Asset Management Analyst Kassandra Hernandez-Galvan, Capital Maintenance Superintendent Jamie Clark, Utility Maintenance Superintendent Zach Jardine, Street Division Crew Leader Jeff Simmons, Utility Division Crew Leader Joe McFadden, and Executive Assistant and Deputy City Clerk Dawn Grivetti

Also Absent: City Treasurer Maury Goodman and City Clerk Julie Clark


Chairman Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no comments from the public at this time.


Mayor Brummel reminded the public that the City is conducting a Special Census in 2024.

Starting April 30 – May 23, 2024, the Special Census will be available online for every resident of Warrenville to be counted.

Mayor Brummel reminded Elected Officials and certain staff to complete the Statement of Economic Interest by May 1 if they have not already done so.

Public Works Director (PWD) Kuchler announced the Tree Planting Program grant has increased to $19,000 allowing the City to plant up to 275 trees this year and next year. This grant requires the City to contribute matching funds, and all funds must be spent by July 2025. Mailings went out last week providing residents with the opportunity to request a parkway tree be planted in their area.


1. Presentation of Water Ambassador Award

Asset Management Analyst (AMA) Hernandez-Galvan stated that in February 2024, the Illinois Section American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) confirmed Warrenville has achieved Gold Level status as a Water Ambassador. The ISAWWA Water Ambassador Program is an initiative created to elevate public perception, knowledge, and consumer education of the water industry. Warrenville is one of 20 municipalities throughout the State receiving this award. Representatives of ISAWWA were in attendance and presented the City and members of the Public Works staff with the award.


2. Consideration of Continued Suspension of the Electrical Aggregation 

Program Assistant City Administrator (ACA) Morgan stated that in March 2024, Northern Illinois Municipal Electrical Collaborative (NIMEC), the City’s electrical aggregation consultant, advised staff that a fixed rate guaranteeing the City’s residents and small businesses savings from the current ComEd rate of 6.8¢ was not available.

Additionally, suppliers are moving away from fixed rate plans because they are no longer able to provide savings.

A representative of NIMEC reminded the Committee that ComEd’s rates are more competitive now than they used to be. Municipal Aggregation has made rates more competitive, and alternate suppliers have dropped out.

There was discussion regarding renewable energy options. The NIMEC representative indicated 100% renewable energy options have higher fixed rates and no longer provide customer savings.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council continue the suspension of the electrical aggregation program indefinitely, until NIMEC notifies City staff that a program meeting both minimum desired outcomes of the electrical aggregation program of 1) savings for the customer on electric supply or a rate match so it is cost neutral, and 2) contributing to the generation of 100% renewable green energy through the purchase of REC’s, becomes available.


3. Informational Presentation on Changes to Brush Pickup Procedure

Capital Maintenance Superintendent (CMS) Clark stated that the Public Works Department has updated brush pickup guidelines to ensure staff safety and efficiency when performing the City’s free brush pickup service. Residents were notified of the changes in the March and April Hometown Happenings, the City’s Facebook page, website, and on Channel 10. Residents must bundle their brush with natural fiber twine (not wire) for the safety of staff picking up brush.

90 violations occurred in the first week of the service and 60 in the second week. Residents who did not bundle their brush were given a notice with instructions to call the Public Works Department when their brush met the guidelines and was ready for pickup.

CMS Clark noted that residents setting out brush for storm damage pickups will also need to follow the new guidelines.

Several members of the Committee recognized the value of the free program and recommended residents follow the new regulations for the safety of staff and the efficiency of the program.


4. Consideration of Restarting the Temporary Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Surcharge Incentive Program

PWD Kuchler reminded the Committee that in 2020, the City Council passed an ordinance approving a temporary water and sanitary sewer connection incentive program to temporarily reduce certain water and sanitary sewer tap-on fees. The intent was to incentivize residents to connect to City services at a lower cost than usual.

During the program, fewer than 10 property owners connected to City services. Since the program expired on December 31, 2023, another property owner has requested connection at the discounted rate. Staff supports reinstating the program until December 31, 2024, to allow more property owners to connect.

PWD Kuchler stated the program came out of discussions from the EMRP workgroup, and further discussions will take place regarding the extent of the program and if it should be continued beyond the recommended extension.

Bob Sebert, Albright Court, spoke in favor of the program, and indicated that if residents were educated on how to do the work themselves, more residents might participate.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to

recommend the City Council pass an ordinance, approving a temporary water and sanitary sewer connection incentive program to temporarily reduce certain water and sanitary sewer tap-on fees through December 31, 2024


5. Consideration of CGS Contract for FY 2025 GIS Management Services

PWD Kuchler stated that staff is recommending approval of a contract with Cultivate Geospatial Solutions (CGS) to provide GIS management services in FY 2025 for $10,000 per month, totaling $120,000. The purpose of these services is to evaluate and update the City's GIS maps to support the implementation of the BS&A Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, the VUEWorks Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software, and the Granicus citizen engagement software solutions.

There was discussion regarding future costs for the program. PWD Kuchler stated future needs for additional services will be on a year-to-year basis and are unknown at this time.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass a resolution approving a professional services agreement for FY 2025 GIS Management Services with Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, LLC.


6. Consideration of Electronic Agenda Packet Viewing Options for City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings

ACA Morgan stated that in FY 2023, the City Council approved a decision package that requested staff develop a plan to allow for viewing electronic agenda packets from the dais to replace the printed paper packets. She reminded the Committee that staff currently produces printed as well as electronic agenda packets for City Council and Senior Staff, and that packets are available for viewing on the City website.

The Committee was asked to consider the elimination of paper packets produced for City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings for all Elected Officials and staff, and to direct staff as to how they prefer to view the packets at the dais – either by personal device or City-owned device. She added that, if paper packets are eliminated, closed session documents would be available for pick-up or viewing at City Hall.

Additional audience packets consisting of the meeting agenda and summary memo could also be printed and made available for Elected Officials.

Mayor Brummel and several aldermen provided their individual preferences. There was discussion regarding note taking, Freedom of Information Act requirements, and cyber security of private devices.

Mayor Brummel spoke in favor of staff’s recommended option to eliminate paper packets, which would save staff time and save the City money by reducing the need for added supplies. He encouraged Elected Officials to view the packets from their own devices. He suggested the Committee consider a trial period with an option to reconsider at a later date.

There was a question regarding what types of devices other municipalities use for agenda packet viewing and the costs associated with the same. ACA Morgan replied that research for devices and costs was not completed. Understanding Council’s interest in eliminating paper packets is necessary first before staff evaluates costs for providing City-owned viewing devices.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, to recommend City Council direct staff to implement Option 2, eliminating paper packets, effective May 1, 2024.

Ald. Weidner requested the motion be amended to direct staff to research the cost for City-provided viewing equipment at the dais for Elected Official’s use.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend City Council direct staff to implement Option 2, eliminating paper packets, effective May 1, 2024, and direct staff to investigate potential costs to provide Cityowned electronic devices at the dais.


City Administrator White asked for clarification that the direction to staff was to look into devices for Elected Officials to view documents at the dais; and that when paper packets are eliminated, the direction to staff is to print additional audience packets for Elected Officials. Chairman Barry clarified that the direction to staff is to look into devices for Elected Officials to view documents at the dais, but no direction was given regarding the printing of additional audience packets.

7. Consideration of Solicitation Request for the 2024 Bike Rodeo

AMA Hernandez-Galvan presented the Bicyclist and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) request for authorization to solicit local businesses for donated items to use as prizes and monetary donations to purchase prizes for the eighteenth annual Bike Rodeo to be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

ALDERMAN WIEDNER MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council approve the request to solicit bids for the eighteenth annual Bike Rodeo event on May 18, 2024, as stated in the April 4, 2024, memo from Asset Management Analyst and BPAC Staff Liaison Hernandez-Galvan.


8. Consideration of Street Closure Request for the 2024 Bike Rodeo

AMA Hernandez-Galvan presented BPAC’s request to close the municipal parking lot on Stafford Place, and a portion of Stafford Place from the gazebo east to the west side of the Veterans Memorial for the Bike Rodeo.

ALDERMAN WEIDNER MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend City Council authorize the partial closure of Stafford Place for the annual Bike Rodeo event, as stated in the April 04, 2024, memo from Asset Management Analyst and BPAC Staff Liaison Hernandez-Galvan

Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes of April 8. 2024 Page 6of6


9. Review and file Public Works Department FY 2024 Work Program and Decision Package Status Report

Ald. Weidner congratulated Public Works staff for the added grant funding to be used to plant more trees.



There were no miscellaneous items discussed.


ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Augustynowicz, to adjourn.


The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. 
