
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

City of Warrenville City Council met April 5

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City of Warrenville Government | City of Warrenville Government | Facebook

City of Warrenville Government | City of Warrenville Government | Facebook

City of Warrenville City Council met April 5

Here are the minutes provided by council:


Mayor Brummel called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.


Present: Mayor David Brummel and Aldermen: Clare Barry, Craig Kruckenberg, John Lockett, Bill Weidner, and Judy Wilkie

Absent: Aldermen Stuart Aschauer, J.P. Augustynowicz, and Kathy Davolos

Also Present: City Administrator Cristina White, Assistant City Administrator Alma Morgan, Public Works Director Phil Kuchler, Community and Economic Development Director Amy Emery, Finance Director Kevin Dahlstrand, Police Chief Sam Bonilla, City Clerk Julie Clark, City Treasurer Maury Goodman, and Executive Assistant / Deputy Clerk Dawn Grivetti


Michelle Ferguson, Executive Vice President of the City’s consulting firm, Raftelis, introduce herself and the organization. She gave an overview of the process for developing new City plans, goals, and actions. She stated that at the most basic level, a strategic plan exists to answer three questions:

• What do we know to be true today (environmental scan)?

• What do we hope to be true in the future (vision)?

• How do we get there?

Key performance indicators (measures) will help to ensure the vision comes true.

Julie Clark arrived at 5:35 p.m.

Elected Officials and staff offered their individual expectations for the strategic plan. Elected officials reflected on their beliefs of the City, the quality of staff performance, and their expectations of staff and the community.

Treasurer Goodman arrived at 5:50 p.m.

Results of the environmental scan were presented for discussion. This information provided Community demographics and stakeholder engagement feedback from surveys and strategic planning sessions that took place previously. Comments from residents and staff provided discussion topics identifying Warrenville’s strengths, challenges, and weaknesses. There was discussion of what "small town feel" means to everyone. For some, it is a place, for others it is more about people, connections, or events.

Elected officials were given an opportunity to share what they believe about the future of the Warrenville community. They presented statements of what is true in Warrenville today and what is not true hope to be true in Warrenville in the future. This information will be used during the second day of the retreat to further develop in the City's strategic plan.


There were no members of the general public in attendance


The meeting was adjourned by voice vote at 8:00 p.m.
