
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met April 8

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Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met April 8

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chair Brennan.

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Vice Chair Hill, Alderman Nardini

Absent: None

Elected Officials: Mayor Levin, Alderman Deuter, Alderman Veremis, Alderman Bram, Alderman Cahill, Alderman Senko

City Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson, Police Chief Michael McLean, Deputy Police Chief Brett Kaczorowski, Fire Chief Dick Dufort, City Planner Eileen Franz

Guests: Ray Lee, Kevin Diamond, David Pollitz

3. Public Comment

David Pollitz spoke in favor of residential chicken keeping in Elmhurst. Pollitz stated that maintaining 6-8 hens does not create an odor issue and is quieter than traffic noise. Kevin Diamond spoke in opposition of residential chicken keeping in Elmhurst. Diamond stated that this would not enhance home values and has the potential to increase angst among neighbors.

4. Receipt of Written Communication


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Minutes of the March 11th, 2024 meeting of the Public Affairs & Safety Committee

Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the minutes of the March 11th, 2024 meeting. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Nardini Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

B. Intergovernmental Agreement with Dupage County re Police Records Management System

Chief McLean spoke of the upcoming renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Dupage County reference the Police Records Management System which is responsible for a county wide integration of police records, reports, and information databases. Chief McLean introduced the topic for discussion and explained the background of police reporting with the Elmhurst Police as well as the connectivity with other Dupage County law enforcement agencies which aids in investigations and cooperative efforts. A draft IGA will be presented at a future meeting.

C. Police Station Space Site Feasibility Study – Presentation of Options

Ray Lee of FGM Architects and Police Chief Michael McLean spoke with the Committee regarding follow up questions that were asked about a potential repair budget. Ray Lee estimated that in order to repair the current police station to the original functioning state, the budget would be approximately 8.6 to 11.2 million. The Committee discussed the potential unknown and unplanned for problems when attempting to make repairs in the current building.

The Committee discussed potential timeline and potential inflationary costs of the project. The Committee also discussed potential costs of temporarily relocating police operations during construction. The Committee requested the Finance Committee place the item on their agenda to be discussed, for a comprehensive understanding of capital project funding options.

D. Request to Declare Surplus Obsolete Fire Department Equipment/Items Fire Chief Dick Dufort submitted a request to declare numerous surplus obsolete Fire

Department equipment that have reached the end of their useful life, are no longer functioning, are in disrepair, or are of no further use. Aderman Hill motioned to approve the report.

Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Nardini Aye, Hill Aye.

Motion carried.

E. Residential Chicken Keeping

The Committee discussed the potential for Residential Chicken Keeping in Elmhurst. The Committee discussed the feedback they have received from their residents as well as viewpoints of favorable or unfavorable outcomes of noise and odor. The Committee requested City Planner Eileen Franz follow up by looking into lot sizes in comparable municipalities that allow residential chicken keeping.

6. Other Business



Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Hill and seconded by Alderman Nardini.

Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Nardini Aye, Hill Aye, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:38 p.m.
