
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs & Safety Committee met March 11

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City of Elmhurst City Council/Elected Officials | City of Elmhurst, IL Website

City of Elmhurst City Council/Elected Officials | City of Elmhurst, IL Website

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs & Safety Committee met March 11

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chair Brennan

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Alderman Hill, Alderman Nardini

Elected Officials: Mayor Scott Levin

City Staff Present: City Manager Jim Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson, Police Chief Michael McLean, Deputy Police Chief James Gandy, Fire Chief Dick Dufort, History Museum Executive Director Dave Oberg

Guests: Resident Anita Brady, Walk and Rollers Event Representative Armaline Mirretti, City Centre Representatives Tom Paravola and Christy Sopko

3. Public Comments

Resident Anita Brady spoke to the Committee about safety concerns at the intersection of York/Van Buren. She provided a photograph of the area to help illustrate the issue.

4. Receipt of Written Communication


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Public Affairs & Safety Committee Meeting, February 26th, 2024, Minutes

Alderman Hill motioned to approve the minutes, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

B. Elmhurst Walk and Rollers Event

Armaline Mirretti and Elmhurst History Museum Director Dave Oberg briefed the committee on the upcoming event, consisting of the use of Safety Town, a bike skills obstacle course, and bike rides along the Prairie Path. Alderman Hill inquired if there were any changes from previous years. Chair Brennan asked if Mirretti had any figures of attendance from previous years. Mirretti related she did not have specific figures, but wished attendance was higher. Alderman Nardini requested a big picture overview of what occurs after the committee approves a request for a function such as this. Chief McLean explained the process, including obtaining an Exclusive License Agreement. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Hill seconded. Roll Call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.   

C. Elmhurst City Centre 2024 Events

Elmhurst City Centre representatives Tom Paravola and Christy Sopko briefed the committee on upcoming City Centre events which would take place throughout 2024. Paravola updated the committee on specifics regarding the Umbrella Sky Projects for 2024, which would consist of two separate sessions of artwork. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Hill seconded. Roll Call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.   

D. Elmhurst City Centre Rock the Block

Elmhurst City Centre representatives Tom Paravola and Christy Sopko briefed the committee on the plans for the 2024 Rock the Block event, scheduled to take place on Friday, September 6th and Saturday, September 7th, 2024. Alderman Nardini questioned what the costs of the event to the City where, including what amounts were reimbursed back to the City. Alderman Nardini requested a breakdown from the two previous years of costs associated with the event. Paravola related they anticipated upwards of 30,000 people to attend the event over the two-day period. Alderman Hill asked if this could be a self-sustained event and if it has reached capacity. Alderman Hill further inquired how much more could the event accommodate. Chair Brennan asked about the sale of alcohol and the manner in which City Centre businesses may distribute and sell alcohol. There was discussion about how the event itself sells alcohol and how restaurants and bars are allowed to sell alcohol, specifically only for consumption on their property as dictated by each individual businesses liquor license.  Mayor Levin spoke about issues that occurred during the 2023 Rock the Block regarding the sale of alcohol by individual businesses. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

E. Police Space Site Feasibility Study-Presentation of Options

Police Chief McLean and Architect Raymond Lee gave a brief overview of what was previously discussed regarding the options and feasibility of construction/renovation of a new police station. In addition, Chief McLean updated the committee on the limitations to the current facility. Chair Brennan inquired about how many patrol officers are working at a given time in the police station. Chief McLean outlined the number of employees, including administrative and support staff who occupy a police station. Alderman Hill acknowledged the need to do something, yet related he did not have a sense on what the City could afford. Mayor Levin and City Manager Grabowski outlined funding options, which included the possibility of grants and a general obligation bond. There was continued discussion regarding funding for the project. Chair Brennan explained the importance of spending wisely yet stressed the importance of making a decision. Chair Brennan expressed concerns regarding the rising cost of construction, and the cost of delaying the project any longer. Mayor Levin related it was important to not make the same mistakes that were made in 1988 when considering the funding for a potential new police station. Alderman Nardini requested city staff provide monetary values of what was required to repair and operate the current station to illustrate current deficiency issues. Alderman Hill indicated the City Manager’s funding analysis would also be beneficial to include. Chair Brennan proposed staff begin a draft report to include specific details to outline the need.

F. Explore Elmhurst Community Grant Recommendations

History Museum Director Oberg provided an overview of the grant process for Explore Elmhurst and explained 15 organizations received grant funding. Alderman Hill asked how much support was given to organizations who did fundraising for themselves.  Discussion ensued regarding who qualified for grant money and the process to award said funds. Chair Brennan stated it would help the process to provide data regarding the previous years’ success and impact of an event that was requesting grant money. Alderman Hill also stated it would be helpful to include what the cost of the event was. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report, Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

G. Neighborhood Traffic Study- Area 4 and 5 Proposal

Assistant City Manager Kent Johnson provided an overview of the next two areas to be analyzed by KLOA, which was scheduled to be completed in Spring of 2024. Alderman Nardini asked what the cost of Area #1 was to complete the study. There was discussion about remaining funds to conduct a study in Fall of 2024. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

6. Other Business

Alderman Nardini inquired about money in the budget for crosswalk improvements at York/Van Buren and Chair Brennan related he had the same question for Spring/Harrison. Assistant City Manager Johnson explained he could prepare a report outlining the costs for the installation of Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB) for a future meeting. 

Alderman Nardini commented he previously suggested some edits of draft reports.

Chair Brennan commented the recent St. Patrick’s Day Parade was a great success and well attended.

Chief McLean explained to the committee there would be some commercial filming on First Street later in the week, yet First Street would remain open to vehicular traffic. 


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Nardini and seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call vote: Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
