
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 443 of the 564 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 78.5% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135 reveals 32.6% of the total supporting Republicans, and 63.1% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 121 registered voters in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 808 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Eastern Village of Lombard: Precinct York 135
NameAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aamir KamalCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Aaron PortanteE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Aarti IsraniCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Abdul HafeezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Abdulrahman M. ShukairyS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60181Voted
Adam L. CoppersmithE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Adil MukhtarCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Adrian Neville GarzaS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Adriana F. RodriguezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Adriane WilliamsLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Ahmad Abed AdamE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Ahmed M. MalikE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ahmed MujeebuddinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Ahmed N. HusseinJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ahmed SarahE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Aisha KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Aisha MahhaCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Akbar Habib KhanCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Albert A. MarshianoE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Alex August WagnerS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60181Voted
Alexa KiessCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Alexandra Ann NicholsonConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Alice Denise HilderbrandE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Alicia A. KorkE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Alicia WilsonE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Allen Raymond ButtCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Allison A. ToomeyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Allyson GreenenwaldJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Amena BrockE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anas ShahzadHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Andrew V. SteckE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Aneta KazirodS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Angela E. MurphyCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Angeles M. PacificarCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Angelika LangenfelderE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anita P. ZebrauskasCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anmol HassanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anna RotunnoE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anna UlczakE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Annamarie CampbellJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Anne M. DelgattoHamilton Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Annette Lorette PopernikE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anthony Frank FravelettiLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Anthony J. GianfortuneS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Anthony M. CousinoE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Arlene TaddaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Armando BetancourtCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Arnold F. SpinkJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Asma VainceCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Audrey BaranE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Avis A. PrusJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Badarun Nisa KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Barbara E. PeltE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Barbara GornyJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Barbara HeringJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Barbara Le A. BretonCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Barbara W. CesarettiJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Bernadette YoungE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Betty I. SpurgeonJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Beverly A. GrecoCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Billie S. DuvalierLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Bonita S. TomaskoCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Boris A. ManikatovE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Brandon Young-EleazarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Brian IsenhoffW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Didn't Vote
Brian J. GreenenwaldJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Brian LamelaS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Brian M. AndersonCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Brian TurovetzCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Brian Van Der DykeCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Brianne WalshE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Bukhtawar Altaf KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Bushra AbbaHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Bushra H. KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Caitlyn Ann OwenE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Carin D. SilkaitisS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Carl L. HarrisHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Carmen M. CassellsS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Carmen RicciardiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Carol GalleeCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Carolyn M. HaasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Caryn MeleCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Catherine E. MarnellJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Cedrick HarrisHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Chanell Natasha HarrisHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Charles J. MellinE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Charles M. ThreewittE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Charles WilsonE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Cheryl M. LoobyJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Cheryl V. HarrisHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Christie FravelettiLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Christina Lee SarchS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Christine E. FitzgeraldE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Christine LauS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Christine RoloffCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Christopher Michael SchroederCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Chyanne MalawyE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Clara H. BaerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Colin ErchullE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Colleen McIntyreCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Concetta de RoseE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Corey E. RechtorisE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Corinne H. MillerE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Crystal HodgesE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Cynthia A. MeyerE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Cynthia ErchullE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Cynthia LamelaS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Daniel PetersonRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Daniel R. HoeppnerS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Daniel R. PetersonRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Danny LauS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Darla J. KaminskiE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Darlene G. ThreewittE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Darrien S. MurphyCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
David IrionE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
David J. GasparacS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
David J. StoffleE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
David J. TuckerS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
David StoffleE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Deanna C. NormanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Deanna RickardS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Deborah E. ZimmerCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Debra Lee YaccinoJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Delanne ReissE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Delores DavisE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Denis PelevinCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Denise M. ValdesJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Derek B. ThreewittE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Devin M. KellyCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Diana Lynn Decicco GianfortuneS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Diana Lynn SchroederCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Diane BrognoCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Dianne B. HolzwartE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Dianne M. RogusJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Dolores S. GrussLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Donald E. WestergrenE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Donald J. WhitlockConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Donna M. TrappE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Donna RaymondE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Dorothy A. LongoLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Dorothy Lynn GuerreroE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Douglas PeltE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Elaine SanbergE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Elizabeth FaldutoS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Elvira OquendoCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Elzahraa N. HusseinJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Emily CoppersmithE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Eric SchwarzHamilton Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Erin M. O. ConnorE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Erin OwenE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Estrellita YoungE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Eugene A. GrecoCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Evan J. WilsonE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Fahad KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Faith E. WodisCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Farhat N. KhanCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Felix A. GrecoE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Frances ConnorsJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gabriella Annette MarcyE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gabrielle NicholsonConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gail A. MichalekJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gail CresswellE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Garrick L. HilderbrandE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gay BalesteriJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gayle H. SchwarzE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
George J. BenesHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Georgia G. MitchellE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gilbert GiampaoliJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gloria D. HendersonE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Graciela Macaraeg OrtuosteE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gregory R. GorskiCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gregory S. HemphillE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Gregory W. HamiltonS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Habibur R. KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hafiz MalikE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Haji S. MemonHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Halina GowinE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hamed MohammedCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hammad HussainHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Harry M. TimmonsJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Hassan KhanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Heather M. mc GuireE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Heather R. IrelandS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Heidi MartinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hemanth K. JastiCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Hewida N. AlyJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hibah HussainHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Hind Al SmadiCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ian James PennebakerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ifrah KhanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Imran A. KhanE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Irene A. MarciniakJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Isabella PennebakerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jaclyn CarzoliW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Jaclyn LanengaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
James A. PallucciCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
James A. PennebakerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
James CaronJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
James J. HaasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
James QuinnW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
James R. SeelbachE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jamie SchaferE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Janet A. NiemiroE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Janice VitulloE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jason R. LynneS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jason YagerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jeffrey J. KoenigE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jeffrey R. ArendtE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jennifer LopezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jennifer NeversS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jennifer W. SeelbachE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jenny A. NicholsonConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jeremy David LowerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jerome SingzonE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jerry J. PellegriniE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Jerzy ZiebaE Madison St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jessica PellegriniE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jessica Young-EleazarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jill BremerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jill C. AllawayE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jill C. KuenneS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jillian AcevedoCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jim A. NicholsonConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jimmy L. SmithJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jo Ann N. CzubaE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joan M. KaiserJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joann M. BennettS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joann WagnerS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60181Voted
Joel CardellaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John A. SchwarzE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John C. MellinE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John CalandrinoCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John ChesneyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John HarrowS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John HusseyE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John R. TermineJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
John R. TirioRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
John W. NovotnyE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Jose A. SanchezCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Joseph D. PalazzoloE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joseph D. PimentelCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joseph KapasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Joseph W. BlackburnE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Josephine PortanteE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Joshua BurnsConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Joshua WoodE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Juana C. CostalesW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Judith A. BrockmeyerE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Judith A. KupkaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Judith A. MyersE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Judith RimkusE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Judy CorkJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Julie A. ReidS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Julie C. GasparacS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Julie HennessyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Julien MilcentE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Justin HeringJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kahkashan TabassomCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kamil AndrzejakE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Karen A. AumannS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Karen E. KileyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Karen M. PimentelCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Karen Morales A. ChewE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Karen S. SnowbergE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Karyl L. BenesHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Karyn WeglarzLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kasim Hashim MemonS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Katherine MegalisE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Katherine NiemiroE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kathleen A. CzubaE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kathleen McNultyJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kathryn A. PappasHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kathy Van Der S. DykeCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Katina DorseyE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Katrina MarquezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Katy BiewerConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Keana AllredS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Keara DunningtonCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kelli J. LucasCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kellie Elizabeth O. BrienS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kelly CrawfordE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kelly DarinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kelsey C. FitzgeraldE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kenneth Charles BathE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kenneth S. ShawJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kent R. KaiserJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kevin BonnerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Kevin M. McIntyreCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Khadija MalikE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kim S. DavisConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kristen N. RicciardiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Kristin A. BernsteinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lance KellyCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laura L. KoenigE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laura LicataE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laura M. ArendtE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laura WeberE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laura WeglarzLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Lauren SalottiE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Laurie J. StefaniW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Laurie M. RippeCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lee Le GrandE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Leena W. AntonyE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Leonard F. CzubaE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lillian ShuminasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lilly CapoyianesE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Linda TroutmanE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Linnawaty AngCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Lisa E. WestergaardE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lisa JohnstoneJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lisa PintS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lisa R. PetersonRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Logan Neal FrankE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Lois ZielinskiJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Lori A. LazarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lori Ann BertoneE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Lorraine DuvalierLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lorraine EgertonJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lorraine Joan SubraCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lorraine M. RoloffCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lou Ann WestergrenE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Lynn M. TurovetzCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Madeline Hana NicholsonConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Malik Khurram AhmedE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Manuel A. CostalesW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Maqsood HussainHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Marco Antonio LopezS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Marek OlszewskiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Margaret A. NoahJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Margaret DegnanRedacted Redacted Redacted Redacted Redacted, Redacted, IL RedactedVoted
Margaret M. GiblinW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Margaret M. SorceE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Margaret R. BusseE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Marguerite J. ReganJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mari Ann C. MellinE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Maria HaqueCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Maria SingzonE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mariaeugenia PopernikE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Martin M. MichalekJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary A. DoerringJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary A. ThielE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Ann HedinHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Mary B. HannaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Barbara CollinsE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Colette OwenE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Jo PennebakerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Lee A. BurnsConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary Margaret EraciCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mary P. HaasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Maryam H. KhanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Maryam MukhtarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Masuda S. DogarS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Matthew J. MillerE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Matthew Jonathan GombedaE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Maureen BurkeE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
McKenzie Clare ErchullE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Meena MujeebuddinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Meghan DaleE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Melissa YessayanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Melvin L. BaerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael A. SomoneE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael D. QuirozS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael D. WiedererE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Michael HalpinE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael MullozziE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael R. BaxaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael T. AliotoCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael Van Der DykeCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michael W. OwenE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michele C. SimlerS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michele FisherE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Michele N. GalloroCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Michelle S. KulikE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Miranda MantillaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mohammad MukhtarlmulkE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mohammed Ayeman KamalS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mohammed Mohid KhanE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Mohammed MujeebuddinE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Moinuddin Hashmi SyedCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Monica LopezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Muhammad HaqueCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Muhammad Jawed KhanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Muhammad Talha ShahzadHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Muhammed Osama VainceCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Mustafa Kamal MohammedS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Naeem KatiyaHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Naeem SiddiquiCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Naeema MalikE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nancy Ann WalkerHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nancy KlitzE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nancy L. AndersonE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nancy L. MortellJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nargis KhanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nasser T. HusseinJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Natalia TregubovaCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nathan J. HorowitzCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Natividad M. RigorConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Naveed Fatema SiddiqiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Neil R. AndersonE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nelly A. VernettiE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Nicholas A. PopernikE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nicholas J. RicciardiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Nicholas P. GianfortuneS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Nicole GiampaoliJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nihaya AbedE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Nishath GhaniS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Noel J. DickersonE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nora NoureldinE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Nusrat FatimaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Nuzhat HafeezE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Olivia SilvaCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Othman Al EdwanCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ouliana GogolE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Pamela GascoigneE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia A. HillmanLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia DeciccoS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia J. RutkowskiJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia M. RicciardiS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia M. SahlyJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia M. TirioRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Patricia T. GuidolinJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Paul HeringJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Paul R. BenesHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Paula L. SheffieldE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Paulette C. GaethJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Peter Elliot NoeE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Peter W. RigorConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Philip R. MarshJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Phyllis A. TermineJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Poonsri KeomuanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rabia MukhtarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rachel A. SchwarzHamilton Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rachel M. NowakowskiE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rajmonda NasiCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Ralph J. PrusJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rashid RiazS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Raymond J. RimkusE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rayyan KhanE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rhonda M. HartmanJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rhonda SoleroE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Richard J. JohnstoneJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Richard John TogtmanCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Richard W. KindahlJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ricky Ashok PatelJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Riley AdkissonE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rita C. AngelopoulosJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rizwan HafeezCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Robert Charles SchneiderE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Robert P. DipegoE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Robert StefaniW Madison St, Villa Park, IL 60181Voted
Robert W. KaminskiE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Robert W. WalkerHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Robin GeorgeS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ron PopernikE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ronald G. AndersonCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ronald G. GuidolinJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ronald S. KrcCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rose Marie L. AllredS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Rose SymberJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rosetta L. PrusJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rosilyn Durante KattiyamanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rubeena KhanE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ruben R. GuerreroE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Rubina S. HafeezCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ruth A. DalenbergRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ryan A. EasterlingE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Ryan CyrkielS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Saba KhanE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sabiha H. MalikE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sabrina KustraE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Saghir A. KhanCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Saima MalikE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Saima NaeemHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sakina K. MemonS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Saleha HaqueCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Salvatore RanzullaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Samantha Kubish-SmithS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Samuel C. DavisConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sandra Hoekstra-LowerRevere Ct, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sandra K. WalkerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sarah ElwynE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sarah NoahJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Scott SchroederS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Scott T. FitzgeraldE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sean WalshE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shabina MohammadE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Shama MukhtarE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shandell DickersonE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shannon Lorraine BartonCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Sharif I. MurphyHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Shawn CaeiroE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shelley L. DakurasE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sheri NovotnyE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Sherry Ann KlemmCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shireen MalikE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Shuaib H. KhanE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Silvana DurdicCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Socrates CapoyianesE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Soie Young AngCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Stacy Ann CaeiroE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Stephen L. LundquistE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Stephen R. WayCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Steven A. UlczakE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Steven M. WeglarzLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Susan HoehnE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Susan J. WeglarzLiberty Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Susan S. MasonJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Suvit KattiyamanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Suzie ReisingerCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Syed S. ShakeelCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Syed Z. HussainE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Syeda HussainCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Taher Abu RummanCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Taj Sultana Ahmed-HashmiCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tamara L. QuirozS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tamara Lynn JilekS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tanvir HussainHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tanya D. KubishS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Tea KurpaloS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Teresa M. KapasJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Teresa Marie NoahJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Theodore PappasHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Thomas DrogoszE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Thomas L. DelgattoHamilton Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Thomas L. HannaJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Thomas M. SheldonJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Thomas W. BurnsConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tierra GipsonS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Timothy C. SchaferE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Timothy P. MullenE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Todd ChesneyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tomas PtacekCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Tracy L. SpinksS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tracy TakakiE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Trisa L. BrownCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Tyrone WalkerE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Uzma ArifS Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Uzma KothawalaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Valerie J. ChesneyCambria Ln N, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Valerie PortanteE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Vanessa ArreolaCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Velda BerrymanE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Velma H. SwanCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Vernon M. SikorskiE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Veronica RosalesE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Veronica TogtmanCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Victoria E. BaughmanE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Victoria Van Der DykeCambria Ln S, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Vincena J. FarrellE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Vincent M. BrockE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Virginia M. JablonskyConcord Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Virginia TorresJackson St, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Waheeda AnjumE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
William Ky OngCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
William L. BrabeckE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
William S. TrainorE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
William W. TroutmanE Adams St, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Wilton Kwang Cie OngCambria N Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Yelena FatkhullinaCambria S Ln, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Zaeem KhanHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Zain M. HussainHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Zakary A. MalawyE Addison Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
Zarina NazarovaE Wilson Ave, Lombard, IL 60148Didn't Vote
Zayn NaeemHigh Ridge Rd, Lombard, IL 60148Voted