
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 603 of the 748 residents cast their ballots, resulting in an 80.6% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13 reveals 46.7% of the total supporting Republicans, and 52.1% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 145 registered voters in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 990 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Southeastern Village of Bartlett: Precinct Wayne 13
NameAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Browning KacholdBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Aayush Yogeshkumar PatelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Abigail Rose BlumBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Adam AugustineBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Adrian ZawadaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Aeman AfzalCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Afzal HussainCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Agnieszka CiochBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Albert GarciaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Albert WinogrodzkiBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alejandro D. OrsiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Aleksander CirkovicGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Alexander John SentowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Alexander KoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Alexis KantzavelosGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alexis RomeroBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alice Fields J. BernatMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alicia AstaBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Alina ZaborowskiBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alisa Lane ChristensenBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Allan E. MenaghBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Alvaro J. BarreraBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Amanda Helen de VeraChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Amanda S. AubryColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Amanda SayreBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Amanda SchultzBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Amelia A. SignerBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Amy A. WeberNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Amy PalmeriBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Andrea Helen JohnsonNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Andrew NowakNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Andrzej KapustaBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Angela DuranteBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Angela GarzaBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Angela M. MatwijBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Angela SiroisBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Angelo M. MarroquinBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anita AppletonBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anita CostabileNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Ankit MahajanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ann E. VorelMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ann LampugnanoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anna AccetturaChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Anna BrockhoffBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Anna Christine TomilloBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anna CzajkowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anna Elizabeth MartucciBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anna M. ValentiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Anna Maria BabiarzColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anna Rosalie ZaborowskiBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anne EdgingtonBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Annie Pia FortalezaNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anoop Singh SainiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anthony J. TomilloBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anthony L. DuranteBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Anthony M. AnelloBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Anthony Rican VergesBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Apexa ShahNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
April DehaanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Areeba AfzalCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Arita J. SegoBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Arthur C. KarrickBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Aruna H. PatelCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Arvindbhai M. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ashley FostonGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Ashley M. BurciagaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ashley TomilloBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ashwani KumarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Audrey AmicarelliBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Austin I. BernatMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Azira BoticBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Benjamin Andrew BottoniGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Benjamin D. SmithMayflower Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Beth A. SentowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Bethanne WilsonBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bhupendra ShahCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bianca OcegueraBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Bill MatwijBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Biren S. PatelGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Blanca E. KosmynaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bogdan GaluszkaBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Bradley NowakNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Brandon T. CalderonBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brandon WolvertonColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brenda BertaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brett LyjakBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Brian G. SchabBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Brian J. DonahueCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brian J. MaduziaBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brian L. TippetBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brian McCoyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brian P. O. MalleyBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Briana AugustineBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bridget MechetnerChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brijesh PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Brittany M. MelbournBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Brittney L. CarneyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bronislawa WcisloColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Bryan P. UmbeckBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Bryan WoodsBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Candace MorganBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carli HinostrozaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carlo BattagliaCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carly ZirkelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Carmela BaliceColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carol HansenGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carol WotovichNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carole Ann NielsenColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carolyn C. DorsenBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Carolyn C. HartmanColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Catherine BirrColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cathleen M. TessemBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cathy R. ScilabraCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Cezary JanickiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Charles Alan ReeceBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Charles M. ShumwayColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Chase Nils JohnsonNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cherie L. OlahNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cherilyn M. RaidyBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cheryl Lewis UmbeckBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cheryl M. NelsonGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Chetan PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Chris KantzavelosGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Christian TessemBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Christina BlasiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Christina L. CollazoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Christina Marie KotzNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Christopher A. EmmettBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Christopher J. AllenCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Christopher W. StinichChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Chung Yen ChenBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Clare WolvertonColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Claudia GermanoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Concetta LampugnanoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Corey Ryan WilliamsenColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Craig WeberNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Cynthia KnightBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dado MarjanovicNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Dagmara KotowskaBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daisy GilGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniel A. SernaNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniel Gerard DziengelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniel M. McCarthyBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniel P. KerlinGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniel W. SchmitzBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daniela D. MuciacciColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Danielle DorsenBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Danielle L. BruskinBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Danielle PrzybylinskiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Darakhshan ButtNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dave H. PatelCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
David A. MenaghBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David E. McEacharnCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
David GentyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David GresensBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David J. DorsenBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David J. FachieNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David J. MartinoBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David J. PalmeriBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
David Scott SowinskiChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
David ZipparroGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Daxika PandyaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deanna H. GresensBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Deborah A. RotunnoBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deborah HumphreyColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deborah L. MenaghBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deborah WardGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Debra A. BrandtColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Debra AtkinsBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Debra J. MartucciBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Denise J. PetersBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Denise M. SmithChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Denise YangNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Dennis NguyenBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Derek HeinBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Derek JacobyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deshaun DorseyColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Deval Yogeshbhai PatelBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dharmista I. TripathiColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Diana YangNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Diane R. SignerBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Divyesh ShahNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dolores K. ScharkColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dominic CorradoColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dominick BlasiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Donald TotosBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Donna KerulisBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Donna SpigolonNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Doris ColaizziBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Dorothea LopezColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Douglas J. LyjakBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Dragica MiticGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Earl W. SignerBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eda Marie FranciscoMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eileen LongoColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Elaine M. SantelliColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eleanore M. MontanariCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eliza YungNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Elizabeth A. EllisColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Elizabeth L. SiersColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Elizabeth RutzkyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Elizabeth RyniecBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Elvia SanchezBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Elvin DonaldBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Emelinda N. LimBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Emily Grace DziengelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Emily KerlinGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Emily Q. MagieraNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Emily RourkeBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Enrique HinostrozaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eric C. KacholdBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Eric DoughertyBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eric ElkesBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Eric EllisColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eric John SolaMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eric John WelanderBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eric R. CollazoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Erica B. HoltColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ericka S. CriscioneCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Erin AkinsBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Ermanno Mario SantucciBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eugene D. KallasCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Eva B. de GuzmanBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Evangeline KornarosCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Evelyn CarrozzoBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Evelyn DequinaBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ewelina BurnatowskaBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ewelina TomczykBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Faye C. SchabBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Franca S. PelagioColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frances C. WelchBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Francesco TenutaCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Francis M. ToplakBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Francisco CollazoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frank L. CommisoBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frank ToplakBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frank V. SantellaBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frank ValentiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Frederick E. FloresBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
G. B. WcisloBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gabrielle DorsenBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gary A. CriscioneCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gary GordonBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gary Louis A. TurnerBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
George C. KantzavelosGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gerald AppletonBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gerald O. ThompsonMayflower Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Geraldine M. MarreBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Geraldine San DiegoBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Geralyn M. McHughColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Giancarlo ScarciaGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gina BattagliaCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gina M. CommisoBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gina M. TomilloBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gita B. ShahCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Giulia ViscontiBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gloria KarenasCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Grace AbitabileBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Grace KapustaBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Grace Lynn GregoryBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Graciela AlvaradoBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Grishma Deval PatelBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gulam M. QuraishiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Gus P. ApostolopoulosBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hailey TessemBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hannah PrzybylinskiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Harley H. KoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Heidi AppletonBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Helen R. Perez-HodgesBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hemant PatelCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hemant PatelCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Hester H. de LeonMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Higgins Geronimo Reyes PajaritoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hina J. ThakkarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Hiral BubulkaBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Holly A. OakesBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Indravadan TripathiColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Indu PatelColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jack DorseyColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jack E. RotondiColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jacklyn M. RaphaelBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jaclyn BiggottBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jaclyn E. GuerasioNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jaclyn Lee LuifBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jacob HansenGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jacqueline C. CiferriChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jaime de Blas Jr.Bravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jake ColaizziBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
James A. ChristensenBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
James BryanColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
James O. NowakNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jamie SernaNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jan BabiarzColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jan V. DziengelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jan ZawadaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janet AnelloBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janet E. LyjakBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janet L. AmeissColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janet L. ParcelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janice G. OrtbergColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janina GieronChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janki Shailesh ChaudhariGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janusz CzajkowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Janusz WcisloBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jason LangloBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jason P. JurkynasCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jay J. ThakkarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jay KoNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jaymeen V. ShahNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jean A. MillhouserBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeanette A. KleinBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeanette K. DudleyGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeanne AbbateNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jeanne AmicarelliBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeanne M. GunkelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeff SaxBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeffrey SeiffertBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jennifer KordzinskiBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jennifer Marie Leary O. ChenBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jennifer SlizewskiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeno DelfinBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jeremy HodgesBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jeremy VorelMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jerome J. VorelMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jerry E. MatwijBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jerzy OlchaBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jessica DodgeBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jessica Slizewski-ZdunekNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joanna BasileColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joanne DinuzzoColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John Andrew UmbeckBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John FostonGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John J. BlumBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John KordzinskiBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John M. GarciaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John M. PeeblesBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John McCarthyBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John P. GerdevichBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John PasnickChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John R. GondosBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
John W. TuminaroChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jon SchoenherrBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jonathan David CristaoBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jordan AbbateNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Jordan D. OrsenoNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Jose Angel M. de VeraChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Joseph A. BertaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joseph A. MerchutBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joseph KappChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joseph L. BasileColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joseph LampugnanoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joseph R. AmicarelliBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Josephine P. JanischColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joshua E. GoffGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Joshua SiroisBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Joyce MartinezBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Juan Manzo OsegueraBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Judith A. SotoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Judith L. GarciaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Julianna PressleyGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Julie A. KaneshiroBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Julita BunkoBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kaelan WongNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kaitlyn RoseGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kamil SwierzynskiColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kamiyaka Shenay TabbColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kanubhai R. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Karen A. AstaBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Karen JacobyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Karin RaidyBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Karina WongNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Karl E. JohnsonNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Katarzyna FluderBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kate SaxBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Katharina KathreinChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Katherine F. MalovanyColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Katherine RutzkyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kathryn M. MassilloBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kathryn OlchaBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kathryn WcisloBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kathy L. MerchutBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Katie L. VergesBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kaushik D. PatelChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kayla PressleyGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Keith D. OlsenBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kellie BiggottBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kelly Ann BlumBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kelly KantzavelosGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kelly SchulzeBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kendra J. FosterBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenneth AmaroChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenneth F. ParcelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenneth KoNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenneth P. CrouseBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenneth W. CiferriChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kenny WongNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kevin BantzBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kevin DodgeBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kevin Patrick OreilleyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly A. SalettaChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly A. SteeleBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kimberly A. TempletonBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly Kay EmmettBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly M. CalderonBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly N. NachazelCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kimberly SentowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kimberly la BudaBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kin YungNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kristi GariteBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kristin BernackiChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kum Low SohBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Kusum ChaudhariBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kyle MartinBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kyle Thomas FanselowNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Kyle W. DelfinBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lai Chan KoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Larry T. YangNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura B. GordonBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura FiascheColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura J. ChristensenBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura J. HinostrozaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura NowakNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Laura Patricia ScahillNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lauren M. HillBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lauren MacLennanBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Lauren WelanderBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lawrence LedererBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lawrence TempletonBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lee Ann Bristow-HartnettColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Leonel RomeroBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Leslie FergusonChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lia KacholdBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Libia Escobar-FlorezBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Linda A. RourkeBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Linda BlasiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Linda M. CrissieColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Linda Shirley KallasCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ling S. WongNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Lisa A. JohnsonNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lisa GerdevichBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lisa M. HillBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lisa M. LaginaBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lisa Marie ProtasCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Loredana ScarciaGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lori A. MoralesBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lori BottoniGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Louis J. OlahNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Louis McLainBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Louisa BoronNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Louise May-TaylorColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lucas John TempletonBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Luis Manuel AlvaradoBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Luisa O. BrienBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lyn M. SabatinoColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lynn M. KerlinGeneva Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Lysistrata CapiliColumbia Cir, Lombard, IL 60148Voted
MacKenzie CooleyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Madeleine E. MillerColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Madiha QuraishiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mahesh N. PatelColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Malgorzata BoronNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Malgorzata Magdalena MlynskaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Malgorzata MarkiewiczGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Malgorzata ZawadaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Manuel F. AlvaradoBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Marcia M. MartinoBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marcin TomczykBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Margaret C. PeeblesBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Margaret H. WatersCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Margaret Lisa YungNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Margaret MartinoBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Margaret Rose DybasColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marghrita ZaccaroCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marguerite E. VossColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maria C. DunikowskiBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maria FerraraColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maria MauroMayflower Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maria SantiagoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marie GentyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marieta BotevaNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marisa MartinBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marium ButtNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Mariusz A. CiochBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mark A. MorelloColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mark P. AgustinBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mark S. LaginaBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mark Steven SavoiaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marlena BrabecGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marlene L. SalernoColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Marlene ParroGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Marta ZawiszaBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Martha DiceColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Martha KotzNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mary E. SantucciChatsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Mary K. WyffelsColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mary L. DonahueCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mary McCarthyBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Mathew KleinBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Matthew BackuesGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Matthew BoronNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Matthew D. SkotarczakBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Maunil PatelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maureen C. LatorreBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maya V. ShahNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Maybelline SaliendraBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mazher ButtNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Meha Samir PandyaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Melissa Ann BertaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Melissa CieroBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Melissa Cindy DodgeBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Melissa DuranteBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Melvin E. SwinkBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Mercedes M. CieroBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Merielyn H. ClementeMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Michael A. CieroBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael BiggottBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael BirrColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael David OakesBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael J. HansenGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael J. MassilloBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael KosmynaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael P. SayreBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael R. BrandtColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael R. KuzmiczColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Michael RyniecBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael S. SweeneyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael SchulzeBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michael T. BernatMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Micheline ToplakBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michelle AvilaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michelle CrudellColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Michelle ParroGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Mita PandyaBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Mona J. WongColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nancy GriffinColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nancy L. FachieNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Natalie AngelovMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nathan Daniel DziengelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Neha B. PatelGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nelly EscobarBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas AtkinsBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas BubulkaBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas Charles TopakBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas Jack AtkinsBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas LatorreBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicholas MahrleyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nicholas MoralesBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nicola RestauroBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicole Christine WoodsBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicole CondadoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nicole GerdevichBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nicole JarzynskiBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicole LangloBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nicole MacLennanBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Niren B. ShahNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Nishath F. QuraishiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Noel B. FortalezaNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Noemi RomeroBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nolan BernatMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Norma J. RedmanColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Norman A. HuntGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nunzia MuciacciColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Nursen YanarayBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Olivia BottoniGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Omar Faisal QuraishiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Omayra SouchetBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Parul MahajanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patricia A. BakerCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patricia A. JuddBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patricia E. JahaskeCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patricia E. McCarterColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patrick HillBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patrick KerulisBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Patryk CzajkowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Paul mac LennanBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Paulina KaniaBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pauline L. GrochowskiChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pawel ZubrzyckiCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pearl D. BoyleChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pedro L. MoralesBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Percy Chesa Dingal PintacBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Peter AmicarelliBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Peter E. BattagliaCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Phillip Frederic JuddBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Phyllis MolendaCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pierre Andre SantiagoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Pierre JeanNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Piotr MlynskiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Piotr WoziwodaMayflower Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Prabu Venkatesh GopalakrishnanBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Probhydeis ChaudhariBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Przemyslaw D. WcisloColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Punam MahajanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Quentin GordonBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rachel Christine RobertsonMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Radoslaw ZaborowskiBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ramandeep Kaur SainiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Randy TierneyGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Rebecca Sutera TullochColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rebecca SweeneyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Reema C. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rhianna ChristensenBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Richard A. KleinBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Richard D. GertgenChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Richard M. MartucciBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Richard ParroGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Ricky T. KaneshiroBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rico D. ParroGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert C. de HaanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert L. PriceColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert LallaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert R. RotunnoBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert ThornburgBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Robert V. TomsovicBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roberta JaskoskeCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Roberta N. VerainBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roberto A. LimBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rodel B. de LeonMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rodney A. UrbanekBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roland JaegerBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roman J. SentowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roman SentowskiGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ronald E. MaxwellColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ronald J. BantzBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ronald L. VossColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ronald Robert RaphaelBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rosa RomeroBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rosa de FrancescoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rose M. TenutaNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rosemary M. WilliamsChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Roshni ThakkarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ruben VillegasBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rubina Seeman MorelloColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Rupal A. OreilleyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ryan D. SweeneyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Ryan M. HansenGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sabrina UmbeckBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sadia AfzalCayman Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Salma QuraishiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Salvatore BlasiBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Salvatore VentrellaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Samantha FloresBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Samantha S. BraaschBarton Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Samir P. PandyaBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Samuel Desch C. AyersBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Sandra A. MaierBoston Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sangitaben S. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Santo A. CostabileNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Sara M. MaduziaBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sarah RourkeBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sarah Y. KoBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Saumin ShahBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Saverio TenutaNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Saw Sian SohBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Scott A. BruskinBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Scott A. NelsonGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Scott CalderonBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Scott DavisBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sean C. HarrisNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sean PeeblesBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Seher ButtNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Sergio E. RomeroBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shahzad FaisalColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Shailesh ChaudhariBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shailesh M. ChaudhariGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Shannon FloresBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Shantaben ChaudhariGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Shawn NowakowskiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shawna GreenBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Shelley L. MorganBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shelley T. LyjakBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shivaji KumarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Shyue Si QuekBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Smita Shailesh ChaudhariGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Spencer GordonBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Staci DiperteBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Stanislaw GieronChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Stanley I. PetersBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Stefanie F. FloresBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Stephanie HerronMayflower Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Stephanie ShahBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Stephen P. HillBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Steve ColaizziBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Steven A. HillGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Steven A. SlizewskiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Steven C. AmstadtBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Steven D. SchmitzBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Steven EdgingtonBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Steven RourkeBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Summer Michaela TessemBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sureshkumar C. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Susan CollazoBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Susan M. SaragaBeacon Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Susanne A. CastronovaColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sylvia VillegasBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Sylvia VillegasBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Tawnia M. NowakowskiBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Teresa ZawadaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Terrence J. LallaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Terry A. McLainBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Theresa M. BraeckmanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Thomas BykerCamberley Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Thomas C. ChavoenMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Thomas C. SromekChelmsford Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Thomas D. FanselowNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Thomas G. BlumBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Thomas H. KotzNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Thomas PrzybylinskiNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Tiffany Nicole SchoenherrBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tim ParcelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Timm BottoniGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Timothy D. MorganBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Timothy J. KleinBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Timothy M. NelsonGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Timothy MerchottBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Tina M. HuntGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tina M. TomsovicBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Tina McCoyBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tom S. ZaborowskiBannock Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tonya Marie EllisColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Truong NguyenBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tuanh T. NguyenBrahms Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Tyler A. ChristensenBaron Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Urja C. PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Usha PatelBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vani KumarNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Victor ValdezBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Victorious Naomi BernatMontauk Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vijay ShahNewcastle Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vijayal GopalskrishnanBranden Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vincenzo DefrancescoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vishal P. ChaudhariBeaumont Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vito O. DefrancescoGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Vivian Leigh SavoiaBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Wcislo MagdalenaColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
William C. CrissieColumbia Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
William DudleyGeneva Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
William H. AmeissColfax Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
William ObrienBishop Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
William R. BraeckmanNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Yi Ching LinBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Yogeshkumar Prahladbhai PatelNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Young KoNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Youthera K. KayBeaumont Cir, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote
Zachary M. CarneyNewcastle Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Zachary Mark LaginaBravo Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Zenia SimmonsBranden Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Voted
Zofia SzczykowskiBasswood Ct, Bartlett, IL 60103Didn't Vote