
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DuPage County Finance Committee met Jan. 23

Webp untitled9

Cindy Cronin Cahill - DuPage County Board Member - District 1 | Cindy Cronin Cahill for DuPage County Board District 1 | Facebook

Cindy Cronin Cahill - DuPage County Board Member - District 1 | Cindy Cronin Cahill for DuPage County Board District 1 | Facebook

DuPage County Finance Committee met Jan. 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:






5.A. 24-0308 

Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday, January 9, 2024 


6.A. 24-0412 

Transfer of funds from 1100-4320-50080 (salary & wage adjustments) to 1100-4320-51000 (benefit payments), in the amount of $601, to cover termed employee vacation payout for Fiscal Year 2023. (Recorder's Office) 

6.B. 24-0413 

Transfer of funds from 6000-1195-53828 (contingencies) to 6000-1161-54120-4100 (automotive equipment-Coroner), in the amount of $201, to cover the final FY23 invoice for the Coroner vehicles. 

6.C. 24-0414 

Transfer of funds from 1100-1215-50080 (salary & wage adjustments) to  1100-1215-51000 (benefit payments), in the amount of $1,000, to realign ARPA FY23 for Benefit Payments due to vacation and time sold at year end. 

6.D. 24-0421 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to tuition reimbursement, in the amount of $13,689, to move FY23 budget for tuition reimbursement. (Human Resources) 

6.E. 24-0422 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to flexible benefit earnings, in the  amount of $70,039, to cover flexible benefit earnings expenses within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Insurance for Fiscal Year 2023. 

6.F. 24-0423 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to employee medical & hospital insurance, in the amount of $5,188,582, to cover medical & hospital insurance expenses within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Insurance for Fiscal Year 2023. 

6.G. 24-0424 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to employer share Social Security, in  the amount of $2,878,995, to cover Social Security expenses within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Special Accounts for Fiscal Year  2023. 

6.H. 24-0425 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to employer share I.M.R.F., in the  amount of $5,468,408, to cover I.M.R.F. expenses within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Special Accounts for Fiscal Year 2023. 

6.I. 24-0427 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to benefit payments, in the amount of $3,881,015, to cover benefit payment expenses within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Special Accounts for Fiscal Year 2023. 

6.J. 24-0428 

Budget transfers for various departments pertaining to salary & wage adjustments, in the amount of $3,494,520, to cover remaining FY23 salary overages within the various departments currently budgeted within General Fund Special Accounts. 

6.K. 24-0415 

Budget Transfers 01-23-2024 - Various Companies and Accounting Units 

7. PROCUREMENT REQUISITIONS A. Development - Tornatore 

7.A.1. DC-P-0001-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to SAFEBuilt Illinois,  LLC, for professional services to perform building and plumbing plan reviews, and inspections on an "as-needed" basis, in unincorporated DuPage County, for the period January 29, 2024, through November 30, 2024, for the Building & Zoning Department, for a contract total amount not to exceed $75,000; per RFP# 24-006-BZP. 

B. Human Services - Schwarze 

7.B.1. HS-P-0011-24 

Awarding resolution issued to Teen Parent Connection, to provide car seats, booster seats, diapers, formula, wipes, and car seat safety training to low income residents of  DuPage County, for the period of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, for a Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) sub-grantee total of $40,000. (Community Services) 

7.B.2. HS-P-0012-24 

Awarding resolution issued to Catholic Charities to provide shelter, case management, and financial assistance to situationally homeless residents and at risk of homelessness  residents of DuPage County for the period of January 1, 2024 through December 31,  2024. The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) sub-grantee agreement also provides financial support for the Back to School Fair, for a contract total of $65,000.  (Community Services) 

7.B.3. HS-R-0004-24 

Authorizing execution of the intergovernmental agreement between PACE Suburban Bus and DuPage County Community Services for the Senior Transportation Grant Program -  $126,500. (Community Services) 

C. Judicial and Public Safety - Evans 

7.C.1. JPS-CO-0001-24 

Amendment to Purchase Order 2846-0001 SERV, issued to Journal Technologies, Inc., for a case management system, for additional users due to an increase in staffing, to increase the contract total in the amount of $38,055.01, a 4.58% increase. (Public  Defender’s Office) 

7.C.2. JPS-P-0005-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Northeast DuPage  Youth and Family Services, to provide services to youths who are at risk of domestic  violence and trauma, for the period of February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025, for a contract total amount not to exceed $36,000. Other Professional Service, not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage  County Code Section 2-353(1)(b). (Probation and Court Services) 

7.C.3. JPS-P-0006-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order issued to Alliance  Technology Group, LLC, for the purchase of a back-up system for the virtual servers, for  the Sheriff's Office, for the period of January 24, 2024 through January 23, 2025, for a  contract total not to exceed $98,446.20; per GSA contract GS-35F-303DA. (Sheriff's  Office) 

7.C.4. JPS-P-0007-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Sentinel Offender  Services, LLC, to provide GPS device or electronic monitoring services to juveniles and  indigent adult offenders and their victims, for the period February 1, 2024, through  January 31, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed $612,000; contract pursuant  to the Master Agreement #: 22PSX0021– National Association of State Procurement  Officers (NASPO) ValuePoint. (Probation and Court Services) 

D. Legislative - DeSart 

7.D.1. LEG-P-0001-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a County Contract to McGuireWoods Consulting  LLC, to provide Consulting Services as Lobbyists representing DuPage County before the U.S. Congress and the Federal Executive Branch for DuPage County’s Division of Transportation, Public Works, Stormwater Management and all other County departments and agencies, for the period of February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025, for County Board, for a contract total amount not to exceed $96,000. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected  pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-353(1)(b). 

E. Technology - Yoo 

7.E.1. TE-R-0001-24 

Termination of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Village of Lisle to permit County staff to compile geospatial data from the Village of Lisle, update existing geospatial data, and support the Village of Lisle’s current ESRI software applications. 

7.E.2. TE-R-0002-24 

Recommendation for the approval of an amendment to an intergovernmental agreement  between the Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District and the County of DuPage for  shared Geographical Information Systems (GIS) services, to include certain shared  service information contained in a proposed scope of work not included under the 2018 IGA. 

F. Transportation - Ozog 

7.F.1. 24-0337 

DT-P-0197A-22 - Amendment to Resolution DT-P-0197-22, issued to Rush Truck Centers of Illinois, Inc., for the purchase of eight (8) plow trucks with snow and ice  equipment for the Division of Transportation, to increase the contract by $29,152, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $2,376,714, an increase of 1.24%. 

7.F.2. DT-P-0004-24 

Recommendation for approval of a contract to VariTech Industries, to furnish and deliver  four (4) 12,500-gallon Deicer Storage Tanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation, from January 24, 2024 through November 30, 2024; for a contract not to exceed $92,376.56. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act  (Sourcewell contract #031423). 

 7.F.3. DT-P-0003-24 

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Alfred Benesch & Company, for Professional Construction Engineering Services for improvements at the Geneva Road  bridge over the West Branch of the DuPage River, Section 18-00206-10-BR, for the period of January 23, 2024 through November 30, 2026, for a contract total not to exceed $863,321. Professional Services (Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors) vetted  through a qualification- based selection process in compliance with the Illinois Local  Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/0.01 et seq. 

7.F.4. DT-R-0006-24 

Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation between the County of DuPage and the Illinois Department of Transportation, for improvements along CH 21/Geneva Road over the West Branch of the DuPage River, Section 18-00206-10-BR, for an estimated County cost of $1,552,107. 

7.F.5. DT-R-0007-24 

Recommendation for approval of an agreement with Libertyville Township, for the  purchase of wetland bank credits for the replacement of the bridge carrying Geneva Road over the West Branch of the DuPage River, in the amount of $28,470. 


8.A. FI-R-0016-24 

Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic  Opportunity PY24 State Supplemental Funds, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 24-071006, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 2840, $65,165. (Human Resources  Department) 

8.B. FI-R-0017-24 

Additional appropriation for the Animal Services Fund, Company 1100, Accounting Unit 1300, in the amount of $200,000. (Animal Services) 

8.C. FI-R-0018-24 

Approval of a grant agreement between the County of DuPage and the Child Friendly Courts Foundation, for the Safe Harbor Children's Waiting Room, in the amount of  $40,750. (ARPA INTEREST) 

8.D. FI-R-0020-24 

Awarding resolution for trenchless rehabilitation and maintenance of pipeline  infrastructure. 

8.E. FI-R-0021-24 

Appointment of IMRF Authorized Agent. (Human Resources) 

8.F. FI-R-0022-24 

Revision to Personnel Budget. (Animal Services) 

8.G. FI-R-0023-24 

Intergovernmental Agreement between TechShare Local Government Corporation, the  County of DuPage, and the DuPage County State's Attorney, for professional case management and digital media services, for an estimated County cost of $181,250.  (State's Attorney's Office) 

9. INFORMATIONAL A. Payment of Claims 

 9.A.1. 24-0286 

01-05-2024 Paylist 

9.A.2. 24-0323 

01-09-2024 Paylist 

9.A.3. 24-0394 

01-12-2024 Paylist 

9.A.4. 24-0420 

01-17-2024 Auto Debit Paylist 

9.A.5. 24-0426 

01-17-2024 Public Works Refunds Paylist 

B. Wire Transfers 

9.B.1. 24-0287 

01-05-2024 Corvel Wire Transfer 

9.B.2.  24-0334 

01-09-2024 IDOR Wire Transfer 

C. Appointments 

9.C.1. CB-R-0014-24 

Appointment of Gina LaMantia - DuPage Airport Authority. 

9.C.2. CB-R-0015-24 

Appointment of Anthony Giunti - DuPage Airport Authority.

9.C.3. CB-R-0016-24 

Appointment of Eric Swanson - Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) - Sheriff's  Representative. 

9.C.4. CB-R-0017-24 

Appointment of Public Aid Committee - Member List attached. 

D. Grant Proposal Notifications 

9.D.1. 24-0379 

GPN 001-24 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) PY24, Illinois Department of  Commerce and Economic Opportunity, US Department of Health & Human Services  $1,196,614. (Community Services) 

9.D.2. 24-0380 

GPN 003-24 Community Development Block Grant PY24, U.S. Department of Housing  and Urban Development $3,663,480. (Community Services) 

 9.D.3. 24-0381 

GPN 004-24 HOME Investment Partnership Program FY24 U.S. Department of Housing  and Urban Development $1,860,190. (Community Services) 

9.D.4. 24-0382 

GPN 005-24 Emergency Solutions Grant FY24, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban  Development $288,247. (Community Services) 

9.D.5. 24-0363 

GPN 006-24 Unified Work Program (UWP) Competitive Grant-DuPage County Bicycle  and Pedestrian Plan (Public Engagement and Existing Conditions)–Chicago Metropolitan  Agency for Planning–USDOT/FHWA- $148,950 ($100,000 Federal). 


10.A. OpenGov Overview 

10.B. 24-0429 

Recruitment Procedures Policy - Proposed Updates 



