
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Dec. 11

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Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Dec. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Deuter, Veremis, Park

Absent: None

Staff Present: Franz, Gal, Kopp

Elected Officials: None

3. Receipt of Written Communications


4. Public Comments


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes November 27, 2023

Alderman Veremis moved to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on November 27, 2023.  Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

B. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) - Review of the following Executive Session Meeting Minutes to remain closed: June 08, 2009, June 22, 2009, May 22, 2017, June 26, 2017, July 10, 2017, August 14, 2017 and April 12, 2021

Alderman Veremis made a motion to release the June 08, 2009 Executive Session Meeting Minutes, and to keep closed the following Executive Session Meeting Minutes: June 22, 2009, May 22, 2017, June 26, 2017, July 10, 2017, August 14, 2017 and April 12, 2021. Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion Passed.

C. Planned Unit Development Concept Meeting – Churchville Middle School

CP Franz introduced the proposed concept for an auditorium addition to Churchville Middle School. David Evans and Stacey Jawor from Wight & Co. were in attendance on behalf of District 205.

There were no comments from the Committee that would prevent the applicant from moving forward with the request.

D. Case 23 P 12 Enterprise Plat of Subdivision (Consolidation)

ACP Gal summarized the request and stated the Zoning & Planning Commission recommended unanimously for approval. The applicant, Mark Olson, was in attendance and addressed questions from the Committee.

Alderman Park made a motion to approve the draft report recommending approval of the Plat of Subdivision (Consolidation) at the property commonly known as 896 N. York Street. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice vote. Motion passed.

E. Case 23 P 11 Yorky's Conditional Use Permit - 609 W. St. Charles Road

ACP Gal summarized the request. The applicant, Mirjan Sadik, was in attendance and addressed questions from the Committee. The Zoning & Planning Commission recommended unanimously for approval and recommended one condition to allow only 50% of the LED message sign to be changeable.

Alderman Veremis proposed a revision to the draft report to add the additional information regarding light brightness from the Z&P report. The Committee agreed that additional information was not necessary since it is a City requirement.

Alderman Veremis made a motion to approve the draft report recommending approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-thru Restaurant and Conditional Use Permit for Pylon Sign with one condition at the property commonly known as 609 W. St. Charles Road. Alderman Park seconded. Voice vote. Motion passed.

F. Zoning Ordinance Update

The Committee reviewed Articles 14 through 20. Staff will return with a list of circle backs after reviewing them with the consultant.

6. Other Business


7. Adjournment

Alderman Veremis moved to adjourn at 9:27 p.m.  Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote.

Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
