
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Nov. 13

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Elmhurst City Hall | Elmhurst city facebook

Elmhurst City Hall | Elmhurst city facebook

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1832 P.M. by Chair Brennan

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Alderman Hill, Alderman Nardini,

Elected Officials: Alderman Bram, Alderperson Sienko

City Staff Present: Police Chief Michael McLean, Deputy Police Chief James Gandy, Fire Chief Richard Dufort, History Museum Executive Director Dave Oberg, Communications Director Kassondra Schref, City Engineer Kent Johnson

3. Public Comments

Resident Brian Moran spoke to the committee regarding traffic concerns at Gladys/Michigan. He related there is a significant amount of cut-thru traffic and speeding cars.

Resident William Weather reiterated what Brian Moran related regarding the traffic concerns at Gladys/Michigan.

Resident Rebecca Gee spoke to the committee about traffic safety near Field School and the intersection of Third/Emroy.

Resident Blair Telford represented many of the residents near Kenilworth/Columbia regarding the Kenilworth Ave Traffic Control Referral, supporting stop signs for the intersection and discussing a recent crash that occurred.

4. Receipt of Written Communication

Rebecca Gee provided written communication to the committee regarding traffic safety near Field School and the intersection of Third/Emroy.

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Public Affairs & Safety Committee Meeting, October 23rd, 2023, Minutes

Alderman Hill motioned to approve the minutes; Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried

B. Review of Executive Session Minutes

Alderman Hill motioned not to release the executive session minutes of the March 23rd, 2017, meeting, Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried

C. Gladys Avenue and Michigan Referral Update

City Engineer Kent Johnson spoke to the committee and presented data related to crashes that have occurred at the intersection. There was discussion regarding general safety concerns, traffic congestion from businesses in the area, and other traffic concerns. Alderman Nardini sought clarification regarding speed studies and the 85th percentile used in speed study/data presentation. Chair Brennan related he observed the area firsthand, and stated he understood there were safety concerns. In addition, he related he felt that one crash per year at an intersection seemed problematic to him. Finally, Chair Brennan questioned what the actual safety issue was, was it speeding cars or cars cutting through the parking lot. Alderman Bram spoke to provide a historical aspect, explaining why Gladys was closed off at York Rd, the fact there were no sidewalks along Michigan, sightline issues, and the lack of a four way stop sign. Finally, the on-going Neighborhood Traffic Studies from KLOA were discussed, with Alderman Hill encouraging the committee to seek recommendations from the traffic consultants and Alderman Nardini questioning if there had been any signage changes Citywide since KLOA started with the Neighborhood Traffic Studies.

D. Kenilworth Avenue Traffic Control Referral

Discussion took place regarding referral, including the differences between stop versus yield signs. The recent crash that occurred on October 31st, 2023, was also discussed, as was the on-going Neighborhood Traffic Studies from KLOA. Both Chair Brennan and Alderman Hill made comments regarding it being unknown if a stop sign would have made a difference in preventing the recent crash. Alderman Hill commented on the hazards of setting precedent in agreeing to the placement of traffic control devices without proper data and analysis. The committee agreed on the importance of allowing the area to be studied by KLOA to determine proper placement of traffic control devices.

E. Bike and Pedestrian Plan Overview

Topic was postponed for a future meeting

F. Crosswalk Improvement Budget for 2024

Topic was postponed for a future meeting

6. Other Business

Alderman Nardini related he would be interested to know from staff if a percentage of cars using city streets decreased and bicycle traffic increased.

Chair Brennan related resident Joellyn Kenny had concerns regarding parking on Spring Rd adjacent to Eldridge Park during large Park District events.

Chair Brennan also clarified some comments he made regarding the Delta 8 ordinance, specifically related to the differences between possession versus business regulations.

Alderman Hill related he hopes to address information related to the Trolley Program at a future meeting.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Nardini and seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.
