
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Oct. 10

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Oct. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by Chair Brennan.

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Brennan, Vice Chair Hill, Alderman Nardini

Absent: None

Elected Officials: City Clerk Jackie Haddad-Tamer

City Staff Present: City Manager James Grabowski, Police Chief Michael McLean, Fire Chief Richard Dufort, Deputy Police Chief Brett Kaczorowski.

Guests: Elmhurst Residents William Weathers and Brian Moran

3. Public Comment

Elmhurst residents William Weathers and Brian Moran spoke of their traffic concerns in the area of Michigan and Gladys, stating that vehicles cut through the private parking lot illegally and they believe vehicles are speeding. Moran stated at times he will pretend to have a speed gun in his hand, wear a fireman style hat and safety vest while hiding behind a tree, and jump out at motorists.

4. Receipt of Written Communication


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Minutes of the September 25th, 2023 meeting of the Public Affairs & Safety Committee

Alderman Hill motioned to approve the minutes of the September 25th, 2023 meeting. Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

B. Delta 8 THC Regulation Discussion

Chief McLean presented information on the Delta 8/Delta 9 THCO proposed ordinance. The Committee discussed notification of businesses prior to the effective date of the ordinance. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

C. Spring Road Business Association Winter Fest

Eric Weech appeared before the Committee to discuss the proposed Spring Road Business Association Winter Fest, which would include a road closure of Prairie Path Lane from Spring to Pioneer Park for sleigh rides on December 9th, 2023 from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Alderman Nardini inquired about reimbursement expenses. Chief McLean informed the Committee the Spring Road Business Association would be billed for the officer required for the road closure. Alderman Hill complimented the time change with the potential to bring in a larger crowd. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report. Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

D. Body Camera and Squad Car Camera Purchase

Chief McLean presented information to the Committee on the proposed purchase of Body Cameras and Squad Cameras utilizing Axon Enterprises as the vendor. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report. Alderman Nardini seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

E. Michigan and Gladys Traffic Control Referral

This topic will be discussed at a future meeting.

F. Fourth Extended Schedule MOU with FOP Lodge 81

Chief McLean discussed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding for FOP Lodge 81 reference 12-hour shifts. Alderman Nardini motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye. Motion carried.

6. Other Business

Alderman Hill noted his concern for comments made during public comment that a resident would attempt to impersonate a city staff member with traffic control.

Chief McLean noted that the City of Elmhurst has been responsive to traffic concerns in that area by additional enforcement, speed studies, and meeting personally on several occasions with neighbors.

Alderman Nardini noted that he would like a look at traffic in the area of S/B West near Ben Allison Park for speeding vehicles. Chief McLean noted that the Elmhurst Police traffic unit are actively working this area, have spoken with the concerned resident, and completed a traffic study showing a low volume of crashes in the area.

City Manager Grabowski noted that a recent referral would be directed to both the Public Works and the Public and Safety Affairs Committees on sidewalks.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Hill and seconded by Alderman Nardini. Roll call vote: Chair Brennan Aye, Hill Aye, Nardini Aye, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 7:06 p.m.
