
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

DuPage County Board met Oct. 24

DuPage County Board met Oct. 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




3.A. Reverend Alex Molina – St. Andrew Lutheran Church, West Chicago 



5.A. Proclamation Honoring DuPage County Transportation Director Christopher Snyder 

6. PUBLIC COMMENT Limited to 3 minutes per person 


7.A. ETSB Budget Presentation


8.A. 23-3415  

DuPage County Board Minutes - Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 10, 2023 

8.B. 23-3272  

10-06-2023 Paylist 

8.C. 23-3345  

10-13-2023 Paylist 

8.D. 23-3366  

10-17-2023 Paylist 

8.E. 23-3336  

10-12-2023 IDOR Wire Transfer 

8.F. 23-3300  

Recorder's Monthly Revenue Statement - September 2023 

8.G. 23-3392  

Change orders to various contracts as specified in the attached packet. 


9.A. CB-R-0091-23  

2024 County Board Meeting Schedule

9.B. CB-R-0093-23  

Expanded Board of Review Appointment of 2 Members - List Attached. 


Committee Update  

10.A. FI-R-0236-23  

Annual Financial Commitments in Support of DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau for Fiscal Year 2023, $50,000.

10.B. FI-R-0237-23  

Service Agreement between the County of DuPage and Choose DuPage, Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025.

10.C. FI-R-0238-23  

Additional appropriation for the Detention Screening Transport Fund, Company 1400, Accounting Unit 6130, $254,000. (Probation and Court Services)

10.D. FI-R-0239-23  

Acceptance and appropriation of additional funding of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) HHS Grant FY23 Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 23-224028, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 1420, from $3,291,193 to $3,718,038 - an increase of $426,845. (Community Services)

10.E. FI-R-0240-23  

Acceptance and appropriation of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) State Grant PY24 Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 24-254028, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 1495, in the amount of $5,528,383. (Community Services)

10.F. FI-R-0256-23  

Approval of a grant agreement with Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, for the use of ARPA funds, in the amount of $50,000. (ARPA ITEM)

10.G. FI-R-0257-23  

Correction of a Scrivener's Error in Resolution FI-R-0444-22.

10.H. FI-R-0258-23  

Budget Transfers 10-24-2023 - Various Companies and Accounting Units

10.I. FI-P-0018-23  

Approval of an agreement with Rock Fusco & Connelly, LLC, to provide legal services as Special Assistant State's Attorneys, for the time period of October 12, 2023 through November 30, 2024, for the State's Attorney's Office, in an amount not to exceed $150,000. (State's Attorney's Office)  



Committee Update  

12.A. DC-O-0051-23  

ZONING-23-000056 – Almedia: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to increase the maximum total size of detached accessory structures from permitted 2,600 sq. ft. to approximately 3,182 sq. ft. (2,894 sq. ft. for existing detached accessory building and 288 sq. ft. for a proposed horse shelter). (Wayne/ District 6) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

12.B. DC-O-0052-23  

ZONING-23-000057 – Schmidt: To approve the following zoning relief: Conditional Use to increase the total size of detached accessory buildings from permitted 708 sq. ft. to approximately 1,200 sq. ft. (1,200 sq. ft. proposed detached garage). (Lisle/ District 3) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

12.C. DC-O-0053-23  

ZONING-23-000058 – McCann: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to reduce the interior side setback from 3" to approximately 0", for a proposed fence on the property line. (Milton/District 4) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

12.D. DC-O-0054-23  

ZONING-23-000060 – Taft: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to reduce the interior side setback from 3" to approximately 0" for a proposed fence on the property line. (Milton/District 4) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

12.E. DC-O-0055-23  

ZONING-23-000061 – Ruth Lake Country Club: To approve the following zoning relief: Conditional Use to reduce the front yard setback from 30’ to approximately 18’ for the construction of two recreational pickleball courts. (Downers Grove/ District 3) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

12.F. DC-O-0056-23  

ZONING-23-000064 – Szul: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to reduce the interior side setback for a new generator from 9 feet to approximately 6 feet. (Wayne/ District 6) 

ZHO Recommendation to Approve 

Development Committee VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent 


Committee Update


Committee Update 


Committee Update  

15.A. HS-R-0062-23  

Approval of issuance of payments by DuPage County to energy assistance providers through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) HHS Grant FY23 Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 23-224028 in the amount of $367,086. (Community Services)

15.B. HS-R-0063-23  

Approval of issuance of payments by DuPage County to energy assistance providers through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program State Grant PY24 Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 24-254028 in the amount of $4,643,841. (Community Services)

15.C. HS-R-0064-23  

DuPage Care Center Rate Increase

15.D. HS-P-0072-23  

Awarding resolution issued to Chicago United Industries, LTD., to furnish, deliver and install Energy Star Appliances, for the Weatherization Program, for Community Services, for the period of October 29, 2023 through October 28, 2024, for a contract total of $67,367, per bid #22-065-CS, first option to renew.

15.E. HS-P-0073-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Medline Industries, Inc.,for replacement mattresses, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period October 25, 2023 through October 24, 2024, for a contract total not to exceed $49,060. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act OMNIA Partners Cooperative Contract #2021003157. (ARPA ITEM)

15.F. HS-P-0074-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Pulmonary Exchange, Ltd., for the rental of respiratory care equipment, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period November 20, 2023 through November 19, 2024, for a total contract not to exceed $45,000. Per bid renewal #21-072-CARE, second of three, one-year optional renewals.

15.G. HS-P-0075-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Valdes Supply, to furnish and deliver paper products (restroom tissue, paper towels and facial tissue, Group 2), as needed for the DuPage Care Center, for the period December 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024, for an amount not to exceed $87,000. Per bid renewal #22-112-FM, first of three one-year optional renewals.

15.H. HS-P-0076-23  

Awarding Resolution issued to Comfort 1st Insulation and Energy Solutions, Inc., to provide architectural weatherization labor and materials for the PY23/24 Weatherization Program Grant, for the period of October 30, 2023 through November 30, 2024, $265,567. (Community Services)

15.I. HS-P-0077-23  

Awarding Resolution issued to Nortek Environmental, Inc., to provide mechanical (HVAC) weatherization labor and materials for the PY23/24 Weatherization Program Grant, for the period of October 30, 2023 through November 30, 2024, $663,919. (Community Services)

15.J. HS-P-0078-23  

Awarding Resolution issued to Arcos Environmental Services, Inc., to provide architectural weatherization labor and materials for the PY23/24 Weatherization Program Grant, for the period of October 30, 2023 through November 30, 2024, $265,567. (Community Services)

15.K. HS-P-0079-23  

Awarding Resolution issued to Healthy Air Heating & Air, Inc.,to provide architectural weatherization labor and materials for the PY23/24 Weatherization Program Grant, for the period of October 30, 2023 through November 30, 2024, $265,567. (Community Services)

15.L. HS-P-0080-23  

Awarding Resolution issued to Healthy Air Heating & Air, Inc.,to provide mechanical (HVAC) weatherization labor and materials for the PY23/24 Weatherization Program Grant, for the period of October 30, 2023 through November 30, 2024, $663,919. (Community Services)  



Committee Update


Committee Update  

18.A. FM-R-0005-23  

Rescind resolution FM-P-0081-23 for the approval of a contract to United Door & Dock LLC, to provide preventative maintenance, service, and repairs for overhead doors, roll-up shutters, gate operators, dock levelers and revolving doors, as needed for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the two-year period, November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2025, for a total contract amount not to exceed $209,000, lowest responsible bid #23-091-FM. ($140,000 for Facilities Management, $30,000 for the Division of Transportation and $39,000 for Public Works)

18.B. FM-P-0084-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Builders Chicago Corporation, to provide preventative maintenance, service and repairs for overhead doors, roll-up shutters, gate operators, dock levelers and revolving doors, as needed for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the two-year period, November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2025, for a total contract amount not to exceed $209,000, per lowest responsible bid #23-091-FM. ($140,000 for Facilities Management, $30,000 for the Division of Transportation and $39,000 for Public Works)

18.C. FM-P-0085-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to GenServe LLC, for semi-annual inspection, preventative maintenance, and emergency call out service for campus backup emergency generators, for the two-year period of November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2025, for a contract total amount not to exceed $135,912; per lowest responsible bid #23-099-FM. ($96,000 for Facilities Management, $5,000 for Animal Services, $10,000 for the Division of Transportation, $9,912 for Stormwater, and $15,000 for ETSB)  


Committee Update 



Committee Update  

21.A. TE-P-0067-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Infor (US) Inc., for ERP software maintenance and support, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of November 13, 2023 through November 12, 2024, for a contract total amount of $203,506.51. Exempt from bidding per DuPage County Purchasing Ordinance, Article 2-347(5) - Sole Source. This is proprietary software that must be maintained by the vendor, Infor (US) Inc.

21.B. TE-P-0068-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to SHI International Corp, for an Enterprise Term Lease Agreement with Adobe Systems Inc., for Adobe software licensing for use by DuPage County and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County. This contract covers the period of November 10, 2023 through November 9, 2024, for Information Technology, for a contract total of $142,076.84. Contract pricing pursuant to the National Joint Powers Alliance / Sourcewell Contract #081419-SHI cooperative purchasing agreement, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act". The Forest Preserve will be charged back for their portion of this purchase.

21.C. TE-P-0069-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to MHC Software, Inc., for annual maintenance of the Enterprise Content Management System that integrates with the ERP system for Finance and Human Resources, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024, for a contract total amount of $81,043.79. Exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(c) “Competitive Bids” not suitable for competitive bids - Sole Source. This is a proprietary system.  


Committee Update  

22.A. DT-R-0086-23  

Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the City of Warrenville, to resurface Warrenville Road, between River Road and the bridge carrying Warrenville Road over the West Branch of the DuPage River; estimated County cost $22,500.

22.B. DT-R-0087-23  

Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority to establish their respective responsibilities toward the York Road reconstruction from Gateway Drive to Devon Avenue (Estimated County cost $24,793,250).

22.C. DT-R-0088-23 

Memorandum of Understanding between the County of DuPage and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority for a study for a multi-use path connecting the Great Western Trail and the Illinois Prairie Path, along I-355.

22.D. DT-R-0089-23  

Settlement Agreement between the County of DuPage, Wilshire Tower SPE, LLC and the Village of Bloomingdale for the improvement and transfer of maintenance of an online stormwater and compensatory floodplain storage system as a result of prior improvements by the County of DuPage along Army Trail Road.

22.E. DT-P-0101-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Priority Products, Inc., to furnish and deliver Weatherhead Hydraulic Fittings, Hoses and Connectors, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2024, for a contract total not to exceed $35,000; per lowest responsible bid 23-089-DOT.

22.F. DT-P-0102-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract with Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc., to furnish and install two (2) dump bodies on (2) Ford F-550 chassis, for the Division of Transportation, for a contract total not to exceed $66,498. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (NJPA-Sourcewell # 062222-AEB).

22.G. DT-O-0052-23  

Ordinance declaring the assignment of Easements from the Village of Lisle to the County of DuPage necessary and convenient to the County of DuPage for improvements along CH3/Warrenville Road over East Branch DuPage River Bridge, Section 14-00124-BR.

22.H. 23-3277  

DT-P-0121D-20 – Amendment to Resolution DT-P-0121C-20, issued to Knight E/A, Inc., for Professional Design Engineering Services for improvements to the bridge carrying Warrenville Road over the East Branch of the DuPage River, Section 14-00124-04-BR, to increase the funding in the amount of $67,650, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $533,471.10, an increase of $14.52% and a cumulative increase of 34.78%.

22.I. 23-3283  

DT-R-0081A-23 – Amendment to Resolution DT-R-0081-23 for the correction of a scrivener’s error in the County cost for the awarding contract to Meade, Inc. for 2024-2025 Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance at various intersections within DuPage County, Section 24-TSMTC-04-GM.  




25.A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters 

25.B. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) - Litigation 

25.C. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21) - Review of Executive Session Minutes 


26.A. CB-R-0094-23 

Pertaining to the Review of Executive Session Minutes. 


27.A. This meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. 
