
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee met June 6

City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee met June 6

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Friant called the June 6, 2023 Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee (PDC) meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Municipal Center Lunchroom located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.


Present: Pam Bartlett; Jan Erickson; Jeff Friant, PDC Chairman; Bill Novack; and Carl Wohlt (Not enough members present to establish a quorum, so no action taken over the course of the meeting)

Absent: Valla Aguilar; John Cuff; Mary Gibson; Ian Holzhauer; John Joseph; Pat Kennedy; Tom Stibbe; and Mike Sullivan

Also Present: Rebecca DeLarme, City Staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; Rick Hitchcock, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman; Julie Landry, City Staff; Carl Peterson, GRWA; and Geoff Roehll, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman


There were no public comments.


1. Approval of Minutes - Jeff Friant 

Approve minutes from the May 2, 2023 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting

No vote was taken to approve the May 2, 2023 minutes as there was not a quorum of Riverwalk Commissioners present.

2. Park District 

There was no Park District report.

3. Fredenhagen Park Fountain - Bill Novack 

Novack reported on the successful discussions with the Exchange Club and Fredenhagen family representatives about possible alternatives to the Exchange Club Memories Fountain. He advised of the most recent meeting that was held on June 2, 2023 and included himself, Wohlt, Hitchcock and Geoff Roehll. Hitchcock provided the Preliminary (re)Design Program document (attached to these minutes) that outlines the background, goal/objectives, design criteria, design process, participants, and schedule. Roehll discussed the three options that include fixing the fountain (and reviewing the existing cost estimates with City staff), repairing with changes that make it less complex, or replacing it with something new that would reduce the City’s future maintenance obligation. Wohlt noted the importance of visibility of the area from Washington Street and discussed adding seasonal lighting.

The group thanked Hitchcock and Roehll for their efforts and expressed support for this and requested the Riverwalk consultants be included. Friant will provide an update to the Riverwalk Commission at next week’s meeting.

4. Fredenhagen Park Maintenance - Bill Novack 

Novack provided background on the need for maintenance on the Ipe wood and various structures in Fredenhagen Park. He reported that Stibbe received bids and was planning to begin work on the front part of the park, with the City reimbursing the Park District. The City now needs to publicly bid this, or work to repair smaller sections as to remain within the current PA022 budget. Novack inquired if the PDC would be in agreement with starting work on one of the trellises located in the back of the park. The group consensus was it was best to begin work during the warmer months and remain within the current budget. Novack will research options and follow up with the PDC.

5. Riverwalk Master Plan - Jeff Friant for Pat Kennedy 

Friant advised that after the AMP Walk, we are now in the timeframe for any updates that the PDC can review and bring back to the Riverwalk Commission prior to the City’s budgeting process. Hitchcock suggested updating the following: 1) Message from Chairman; 2) the title change to Riverwalk Bicentennial Master Plan; 3) the possibility of including the Fredenhagen Park/Fountain updates; 3) advancing conceptual thoughts on the parking lot on Main Street; 4) reviewing some of the existing projects in the plan; and 5) introducing new graphics, specifically for the Eagle Street Gateway project. Friant thinks it should include project phases (i.e., design, permitting, construction) and Erickson would like to see updated graphics and noted the importance of showing progress. Roehll noted that cost estimates should also be updated. Peterson will bring a draft that captures these ideas to next month’s PDC meeting. Hitchcock noted that parking on the east extension should also be considered.

6. Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund (RBF) - Jan Erickson 

Erickson noted the RBF would be meeting in two weeks and asked the group to provide names of any organization that would like a presentation on the Master Plan.

7. Eagle Street Gateway Design Update - Bill Novack and Brian Dusak 

Dusak provided an update noting they are still waiting on comments from their resubmittal to DuPage County. They continue to work through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the funding and are submitting documents to HUD. They continue to work with City staff as they will need to provide this information for public review for a certain period of time. They are still anticipating going out to bid this year with hardscape going in by fall, and landscaping possibly falling into next spring.

8. South Extension Preliminary Design - Bill Novack and Brian Dusak 

Dusak noted the next steps are to get an updated cost estimate prepared that should be completed by next week, and to finish up preliminary engineering so they can move into final engineering later this year. Peterson noted that everyone was in agreement on the path alignment but they still need to finalize how the South Gateway and Hillside Gateway will actually look. Hitchcock inquired about a meeting with the residents. Novack suggested holding an Open House for the residents who back up to the river to also include the residents on the other side of Melody Lane. Dates were discussed with the consensus being the meetings should be held mid-July.

Erickson noted they have had conversations with some members of the Naperville Cemetery Association and will be invited to their next board meeting to present preliminary ideas. She requested updated concept drawings or a plan view for the northwest corner of Martin Avenue and Washington Street from Peterson. Novack noted the importance of including Ryan Companies in these discussions. 

Erickson inquired about the possibility of holding an Open House for the Eagle Street Gateway project and the Fredenhagen Park Fountain at the same time. Novack noted that it would have to be dependent on the groundbreaking timeframe for the Eagle Street Gateway project. Erickson reiterated the importance of Naperville resident Cheryl Hoyer’s initial request many years ago for the ADA accessibility ramp and would like to have her daughter contacted for involvement with the Eagle Street Gateway groundbreaking.

9. Update on Washington Street Bridge Construction - Bill Novack 

Novack advised that the contractor has moved traffic to the west side of the bridge and demo has begun on the east side. The cofferdam is in place and they are starting utility work.


There was no new business to discuss.


Riverwalk Commission, June 14, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

**Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, July 11, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, July 12, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, August 1, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL


There was no quorum and the meeting ended at 8:42 a.m.
