
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met May 22

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met May 22

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Deuter, Park, Veremis

Absent: None

Staff Present: Franz, Gal

Elected Officials: Mayor Levin (part)

3. Receipt of Written Communications


4. Public Comments

David Pollitz spoke in support of allowing chicken keeping in Elmhurst and described the benefits of being able to keep them in residential districts.

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes May 8, 2023

Alderman Park moved to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on May 8, 2023. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

B. Ex Officio Appointment to Economic Development Commission

Alderman Park made a motion to approve the draft report recommending Alderman Veremis as the Ex Officio member to the Economic Development Commission. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion Passed.

C. Referral: Residential Chicken Keeping

Chair Deuter summarized the referral and noted that a previous referral on chickens was not completed and did not continue to City Council.

The Committee agreed that, like beekeeping, the proposed change to allow chickens would amend the Municipal Code rather than the Zoning Code. Therefore, the Committee agreed to forward this referral to Public Affairs & Safety Committee with recommendations based on DPZ’s discussion and staff’s initial research.

CP Franz reviewed the information collected from other communities. CP Franz spoke with five communities and noted that, overall, there were no major problems associated with chicken keeping since ordinance adoption. The Committee discussed required fencing/enclosure for chickens, restricting roosters, egg sales and breeding, treating coops like accessory structures with respect to lot coverage and setbacks. The Committee also recommended including resources on chicken keeping on the City website should chicken keeping be approved.

Alderman Park made a motion to issue a report recommending that the referral on residential chicken keeping be forwarded to Public Affairs & Safety Committee with recommendations from the DPZ Committee and City staff. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion Passed.

D. Planning & Zoning Orientation

CP Franz presented on the standards for a variation and the Committee discussed recent examples.

6. Other Business

Chair Deuter asked staff to forward the Technical Report and memo regarding the PUD ordinance from Camiros to the Committee in preparation for future discussion on the Zoning Ordinance update.

CP Franz stated that a joint meeting between the Zoning & Planning Commission and the DPZ Committee will be held on July 10th or July 18th subject to Commission/Committee availability.

Chair Deuter asked the Committee to review their summer schedules and note any upcoming meeting conflicts to CP Franz.

7. Adjournment

Alderman Veremis moved to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote.

Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
