
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met May 22

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met May 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee: 

PRESENT: Alderman Thomas Belczak-Chairman, Alderman Eric Gustafson, Alderman Joseph Kenny, Dan Gombac – Director, Jordan Yanke – City Planner


Establish Quorum 

Chairperson Thomas Belczak called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. at the City of Darien City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien, Illinois. Chairperson Belczak declared a quorum present.

Old Business 

There was no old business.

New Business  

a. Resolution - Approving a sign/easement agreement for the purpose of constructing a marquee sign, enhanced hardscaping, landscaping, maintenance, and specified responsibility at 7702 Cass Ave (Southwest corner of Cass and Plainfield Road) PIN# 09-28-410-045. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that part of an additional enhancement to the Center of Town, city staff was directed to render conceptual drawings for marquee displays and a landscape feature at the southwest corner of Cass Avenue and Plainfield Road. He reported that the goal of the marquee message board is to provide motorists and residents information regarding city events, meetings, seasonal information, and urgent notifications. He further reported that the owners of the property have expressed interest to advertise their business and that the businesses occupying the Darien Professional Building will have the opportunity to advertise at no cost on the marquee panels.

Mr. Gombac reported that the programming and animation will be controlled through the City of Darien and outsourced to a media management vendor for display as required. He reported that the City Council expressed to advertise at no cost to all non for-profit service organizations within the City of Darien.

Mr. Gombac reported that the attorneys and the owners have reviewed and signed the agreement. He reported that he does not anticipate a lot of maintenance.

Mr. Gombac highlighted the items required for marquee displays as stated in the agenda memo.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approving a Resolution for a sign/easement agreement for the purpose of constructing a marquee sign, enhanced hardscaping, landscaping, maintenance, and specified responsibility at 7702 Cass Ave (Southwest corner of Cass and Plainfield Road) PIN# 09-28-410-045. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

b. Ordinance - Approving PZC2023-02 Variation Requests (Marquee & Electronic Message Board Sign) 7702 Cass Avenue (Darien Professional Building). 

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that the existing base is treated as a new sign. He provided an overview on the four variations and noted that the PZC approved the variations 7-2 with conditions.

Mr. Gombac reported that the PZC recommended that all panels be white but that trademark colors prevent this. He also reported that the PZC recommended to turn the sign off at 11:00 p.m. and keep “Drive Safely” or “Welcome to Darien” displayed.

Mr. Gombac presented renderings of the sign.

Alderman Stompanato reported that as a member of the PZC it was difficult to visualize what looked nice based on the information received. He stated that the drawings looked strange and that the PZC had a tough time visualizing.

Chairperson Tom Belczak questioned the rationale for turning off the sign. Alderman Ted Schauer stated that he did not see a need to shut the sign off.

Alderman Stompanato stated that the PZC voted to keep the messaging the same on all sides.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approving an Ordinance PZC2023-02 Variation Requests (Marquee & Electronic Message Board Sign) 7702 Cass Avenue (Darien Professional Building). 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

c. Resolution - Approving of a Plat of Easement as prepared by Schomig Surveyors, 7702 Cass Ave PIN# 09-28-410-045. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the Plat of Easement is required for the city to construct and maintain a specific area as defined within the marquee panel easement agreement. He reported that this was approved by the owners.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Plat of Easement as prepared by Schomig Surveyors, 7702 Cass Ave PIN# 09-28-410-045. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

d. Resolution - Waiving the competitive bid process and awarding a proposal to Belmont Digital Inc for the purchase of three (3) 38-inch x 114-inch marquee panels and required data infrastructure including, data management subscription based and structural steel supports and installation in an amount not to exceed $81,635. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the total amount was adjusted to $81,635. He reported that this is for three 9.45 feet x 3.15 feet high display panels with cabinet enclosures, installation and setup for the panels and connectivity, monthly service for 4G/5G at $100/month, managed services-content driven by the City of Darien reoccurring annual cost of $4,200, steel fabrication and foundations design cost in the amount of $2,150 including structural engineering and final architectural renderings.

He reported that Belmont Digital, Cynosure Signs, Darien Professional Building representative, Peter Giadla, The Savanna Group, and the city have been engaged in preparing the various components to design the signage and the landscaping into a cohesive design build project.

Mr. Gombac reported that it has not been explored but that that there is potential for advertising for Darien businesses as a revenue base that is up for discussion.

Alderman Ted Schauer questioned if there will be insurance. Mr. Gombac reported yes. There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approving a Resolution waiving the competitive bid process and awarding a proposal to Belmont Digital Inc for the purchase of three (3) 38- inch x 114-inch marquee panels and required data infrastructure including, data management subscription based and structural steel supports and installation in an amount not to exceed $81,635. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

e. Resolution - Waiving the competitive bid process and awarding a proposal for the professional design and installation services to the Savanah Group for suppling the required materials and the installation services as it relates to the column hardscaping, irrigation, landscaping materials and general restoration within the easement area adjacent to the marquee sign structure in an amount not to exceed $33,184. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the Savanah Group has been engaged with the concept and design of the landscape features and has been working with the Darien Professional Building owner’s representative and city staff with the concept designs, hardscaping, and landscaping. He reported that Savanah Group has completed the landscape treatment fronting the northwest corner of Cass and Plainfield Rd, Dunkin Donuts. He reported that and irrigation system is necessary and that the water feature will be very economical.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approving a Resolution waiving the competitive bid process and awarding a proposal for the professional design and installation services to the Savanah Group for suppling the required materials and the installation services as it relates to the column hardscaping, irrigation, landscaping materials and general restoration within the easement area adjacent to the marquee sign structure in an amount not to exceed $33,184. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0.

f. Motion - Authorizing certain infrastructure improvements to be completed by the municipal Services Department in an amount not to exceed $33,000. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that staff will be installing a water service for the irrigation system. He reported that staff will replace the watermain and a storm sewer structure that has been abandoned

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval authorizing certain infrastructure improvements to be completed by the municipal Services Department in an amount not to exceed $33,000. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

g. Motion - Recommending zoning ordinance revisions creating a mixed-use zoning district to the City Council and to forward the draft revisions to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing and commission review. 

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that this is a motion to recommend zoning ordinance revisions creating a mixed-use zoning district to the City Council and to forward the draft revisions to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing and commission review.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval recommending zoning ordinance revisions creating a mixed-use zoning district to the City Council and to forward the draft revisions to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing and commission review. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

h. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Season Comfort, Corp., for the removal and replacement of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system at Darien City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road, in amount not to exceed $18,275. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the existing HVAC system is 15- 18 years old and needs replacement. He reported that the new unit will be more energy efficient.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval accepting a proposal from Season Comfort, Corp., for the removal and replacement of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system at Darien City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road, in amount not to exceed $18,275. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

i. Motion - A contingency in the amount of $1,500.00 for unforeseen repairs related to the removal and replacement of HVAC components. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is for a contingency in the amount of $1,500.00 for unforeseen repairs related to the removal and replacement of HVAC components.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval of a contingency in the amount of $1,500.00 for unforeseen repairs related to the removal and replacement of HVAC components. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

j. Ordinance – Authorizing the disposal of surplus property. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that staff is requesting that the property be declared as surplus property and auctioned utilizing the services of GovDeals, Inc., or dispose of said property.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of an Ordinance authorizing the disposal of surplus property. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0.

k. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from EJ Equipment for a lease agreement of a vactor truck for hydro excavations of buffalo boxes, main line valves, fire hydrant and utility potholes and storm sewer basin cleaning and storm sewer main line jetting at various locations throughout the city at the proposed unit price and not to exceed $72,250. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that approval of this resolution is for EJ Equipment for a lease agreement of a vactor truck for hydro excavation at various locations throughout the city for buffalo box repairs during the meter replacement program, at the proposed unit price and not to exceed $72,250. He reported that the rented truck has been a lifesaver.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from EJ Equipment for a lease agreement of a vactor truck for hydro excavations of buffalo boxes, main line valves, fire hydrant and utility pot holes and storm sewer basin cleaning and storm sewer main line jetting at various locations throughout the City at the proposed unit price and not to exceed $72,250. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

l. Resolution – Approving the purchase of a water valve exercisor from E.H. Wachs for a total amount not to exceed $131,250.00. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the equipment would be utilized for routine maintenance and during water main breaks. He reported that the exercise program would be an ongoing maintenance on a 5-year rotation.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval of a Resolution approving the purchase of a water valve exercisor from E.H. Wachs for a total amount not to exceed $131,250.00. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

m. Motion – Approving the striping and tool storage bins for the water valve exercisor. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is a motion approving the striping and tool storage bins for the water valve exerciser not to exceed $3,250.00.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval of the striping and tool storage bins for the water valve exercisor. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

n. Resolution - Accepting the proposal of a subscription based Mini-Road Weather Information Systems sensors from Frost Solutions, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $19,600. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is the Road Weather Information Systems that gives vital road temperature during the winter season. He reported that utilizing this information throughout the City’s 7 snow regions would allow staff to implement the optimal anti and/or deicing products on the roadways. He further reported that through the sensors, there could be savings realized on anti, deicing products, road salt usage and staffing.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting the proposal of a subscription based Mini-Road Weather Information Systems sensors from Frost Solutions, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $19,600. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

o. Resolution – Authorizing the purchase of the following items: Coats MAXX80220 Tire Changer, Coats 15003DA Tire Balancer, Coats 800525 Wheel Lift to Balancer, Coats 113277C Light Truck Cone Kit, Coats 5610104 Pin Plate, Tiger Tool King Pin Press, from NAPA Auto Parts in an amount not to exceed $26,685.00. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is for the replacement of the tire changer machine and tire balancer. He reported that the machines are approximately 23 years in age and have served their useful life.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution authorizing the purchase of the following items: Coats MAXX80220 Tire Changer, Coats 15003DA Tire Balancer, Coats 800525 Wheel Lift to Balancer, Coats 113277C Light Truck Cone Kit, Coats 5610104 Pin Plate, Tiger Tool King Pin Press, from NAPA Auto Parts in an amount not to exceed $26,685.00. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

p. Motion - Authorizing Staff and vendors to complete specific safety tasks and landscape restoration at 1640 Royal Oak Drive-fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed a total project cost of $26,700. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that staff has been requested to review an ongoing concern regarding the bush line and encroachment on Frontage Road adjacent to the sidewalk, at the subject property. He reported that the exiting bush line provides the residential development a privacy screening and continues to overgrow onto the sidewalk causing a potential safety issue to pedestrians.

Mr. Gombac reported that the sidewalk was installed by the City of Darien in approximately 1987 and is under city responsibility for maintenance. He reported that the condominiums were constructed prior to the sidewalk and appears that the landscaping, bush line was planted during the development. He further reported that a notice of violation was sent to the property last year for the overgrowth and that the HOA complied by cutting back the overgrowth.

Mr. Gombac reported that the concern remains that any additional cutting back will expose a barren bush line and will remain aesthetically unpleasing. He reported that there is an additional area consisting of approximately forty-five feet that requires the removal of makeshift deteriorated metal fencing/panels and protruding steel bars/pipes.

Mr. Gombac reported that the State has been contacted and that they will not contribute. He reported that this has not been budgeted and will come from the capital account.

Alderman Ted Schauer stated that this is dangerous and that he would like to see the work done.

Chairperson Tom Belczak stated that he would like to see the HOA more involved and have some skin in the game. Mr. Gombac reported that he would contact them.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval authorizing staff and vendors to complete specific safety tasks and landscape restoration at 1640 Royal Oak Drive-fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed a total project cost of $26,700. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

q. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Hidden Gardens for the purchase of 45 6-foot high Green Winter Arborvitaes to be placed at 1640 Royal Oak Drive-fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed $8,325. 

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from Hidden Gardens for the purchase of 45 6-foot high Green Winter Arborvitaes to be placed at 1640 Royal Oak Drive-fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed $8,325. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

r. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Peerless Fence for the fence materials and installation of vinyl covered 3-foot-high cyclone fence to protect against fall protection adjacent to Carriage Greens Golf Course, 1600 Block fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed $9,240. 

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from Peerless Fence for the fence materials and installation of vinyl covered 3-foot-high cyclone fence to protect against fall protection adjacent to Carriage Greens Golf Course, 1600 Block fronting Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed $9,240. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

s. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Superior Road Striping, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the 2023 Street Striping Program. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the Street Striping Program includes the placement of various thermal plastic quantities for Crosswalks, Only’s, Only Arrows, Center Lanes, and Stop Bars for the City’s roadways as required throughout the year.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from Superior Road Striping, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the 2023 Street Striping Program. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

t. Resolution - Authorizing the purchase and deploying a web-based Permitting, Licensing and Code Enforcement Software with OpenGov in an amount not to exceed $43,405. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the city’s permitting and licensing process is managed in person and done through a series of non-electronic, paper-based reviews and payment steps. He reported that staff has been researching software solutions to provide an automated system that would improve efficiencies and processes not only for residents and businesses, but also internal staff.

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that Ex-Alderman Lester Vaughn provided feedback and supported the proposed software.

Chairperson Tom Belczak stated that he would like to explore adjudication. Mr. Gombac stated that he would discuss this with the Chief and provide an update. There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Stompanato made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval of a Resolution authorizing the purchase and deploying a web-based Permitting, Licensing and Code Enforcement Software with OpenGov in an amount not to exceed $43,405. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0.

u. Motion - Authorizing Staff to proceed with the Clarendon Hills Crosswalk Pedestrian Signal Project Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School 7400 Block of Clarendon Hills Road in an amount not to exceed $56,200. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that in April 2023 the students of Hinsdale South Civics Department, presented a report regarding the existing crosswalks fronting the high school. He reported that the students requested electronic pedestrian signals that would allow optimal safety conditions for students to cross Clarendon Hills Road from the school parking lot to the school. He further reported that Mr. Jason Oskorep, Director of Operations, informed the City Council that they were willing to allocate up to $25,000 for the improvement.

Mr. Gombac reported that staff recommends approval of a motion authorizing staff to proceed with the Clarendon Hills Crosswalk Pedestrian Signal Project Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval authorizing staff to proceed with the Clarendon Hills Crosswalk Pedestrian Signal Project Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School 7400 Block of Clarendon Hills Road in an amount not to exceed $56,200. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

v. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from TAPCO for the purchase of two (2) Pedestrian Crosswalk Signalization System for the crosswalk applications at Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School at an amount not to exceed $23,147.68. 

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is a proposal from TAPCO is for the purchase of two Pedestrian Crosswalk Signalization System for the crosswalk applications at Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from TAPCO for the purchase of two (2) Pedestrian Crosswalk Signalization System for the crosswalk applications at Clarendon Hills Road at Hinsdale South High School at an amount not to exceed $23,147.68. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 

w. Minutes – April 24, 2023, Municipal Services Committee 

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Schauer approval of the April 24, 2023, Municipal Services Committee Meeting Minutes. 

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0. 


Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that staff is working on a main break on Seminole that the loggers picked up. He reported that staff will be replacing 40 ft. of water line.

Mr. Gombac reported that there may be a Special Meeting on June 5, 2023, before the City Council meeting.


Chairperson Tom Belczak announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 26, 2023.


With no further business before the Committee, Alderman Schauer made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Stompanato to adjourn. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. 
