
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Feb. 27

City of Elmhurst Public Affairs and Safety Committee met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Deuter.

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Chair Deuter, Alderman Nudera, Alderman Hill

Absent: None

Elected Officials: Mayor Levin

City Staff Present: Fire Chief Bill Anaszewicz, Police Chief Michael McLean, Deputy Police Chief Brett Kaczorowski, History Museum Director Dave Oberg, Business Development Coordinator Heather Bereckis, Communications Manager Kassondra Schref, IT Director Larry Kravets, City Engineer Kent Johnson, Assistant City Manager Mike Kopp

Guests: Michael Bram, Sarah Porterfield, John Quigley, Bob Richards, Amy Schiller.

3. Public Comment

Sarah Porterfield spoke of her support for gun safety initiatives in the community. She spoke of the importance of being proactive about gun safety education and the impacts on gun safety in the community.

Michael Bram spoke about the Elmhurst Trolley route and stated he would be in favor of the route extending both further north and further south in Elmhurst.

4. Receipt of Written Communication


5. Business Before the Committee

A. Minutes of the February 13th, 2023 meeting of the Public Affairs & Safety Committee

Alderman Hill motioned to approve the minutes of the February 13th, 2023 meeting. Alderman Nudera seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

B. Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th

Elmhurst Running Club representative Bob Richards appeared before the Committee to discuss the proposed Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th Event. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report. Alderman Nudera seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

C. Spring Road Pet Parade

Amy Schiller appeared before the Committee to discuss the proposed Spring Road Pet Parade Event. Alderman Nudera motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

D. WBBS Liquor License Code Change

Business Development Coordinator Heather Bereckis discussed the proposed amendment to the WBBS Liquor License to amend the seating restriction change from a maximum of 60 to a maximum of 100 seats. The proposed report would also amend the square footage restriction from 3,000 square feet to 4,000 square feet. Alderman Nudera motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

E. WBBS Liquor License Request

Business Development Coordinator Heather Bereckis discussed the proposed report to change the liquor license classification of Bottle Theory from WBB to WBBS. Alderman Hill motioned to approve the report. Alderman Nudera seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

F. Explore Elmhurst Trolley

Communications Manager Kassondra Schref appeared before the Committee to discuss the proposed Explore Elmhurst Trolley program for 2023. Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce Director John Quigley explained the price structure and revenue from the Trolley advertisement program. IT Director Larry Kravets and Kassondra Schref discussed the rider collection data methods. Alderman Hill spoke of adding an additional stop in the area of York and Fremont and spoke in favor for consideration of eliminating unnecessary stops along the route. The Committee discussed examining ridership data in the future. Alderman Nudera motioned to approve the report. Chair Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill No. Motion carried.

G. Community Grants

Communications Manager Kassondra Schref provided a summary of the proposed 2023 Community Grant Program. Kassondra Schref discussed the criteria for the grants as well as qualifications. Alderman Nudera motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

H. Residential Intersection Traffic Control Discussion

City Engineer Kent Johnson appeared before the Committee to discuss the Residential Intersection Traffic Control proposed report. Kent Johnson discussed surrounding municipalities and the replacement or limited use of yield signs within their communities. Kent Johnson discussed improving traffic safety through consistent intersection controls and a proposed report to guide the completion of the pilot neighborhood study. Also discussed were similar intersection control practices which were implemented in Mount Prospect that decreased accidents by 50% and accidents that did occur were less severe. Alderman Nudera inquired about the fiscal costs of the future particular neighborhood studies. Alderman Nudera motioned to approve the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye. Motion carried.

I. Gun Safety Education Referral

Police Chief Michael McLean spoke of the current Elmhurst Police gun safety initiatives such as the resident gun cable and trigger lock program. Chief McLean discussed research on several gun safety community programs upon referral and discussed the positives and negatives of potential involvement. This topic will be discussed at a future meeting.

6. Other Business

Alderman Hill spoke of parking problems for vehicles “double-parking” on York Street to pick up food at Sushi Time.

Alderman Hill also spoke of concerns from residents on Ferndale due to parents using the street for student drop off.

Alderman Nudera inquired about traffic safety information results from a police speed study in the area of Seminole and Cottage Hill.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Nudera and seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call vote: Chair Deuter Aye, Nudera Aye, Hill Aye, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 9:51 p.m.
