
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

‘Complete fabrication. Every word of this mailer is a lie’: Coyne on Sullivan mailer


kevin Coyne (left) Theresa Sullivan (right) | City of Naperville

kevin Coyne (left) Theresa Sullivan (right) | City of Naperville

Former Naperville City Council member Kevin Coyne says a mail piece just sent to thousands of city residents is a "dangerous" and "a complete fabrication.” 

The piece, sent by current Member Theresa Sullivan in support of her slate to take over control of the council. says anyone who objects to gay porn comics like "Gender Queer" in school libraries is a "book banner" opposing "literary classics.” 

“Thousands of Naperville residents recently received a patently false mailer that wrongfully alleged that there are numerous local candidates running for office in Naperville who have designs on banning books and ‘literary classics,’” Coyne said in an email. 

“Thankfully, there are no such candidates. Exactly zero local candidates have voiced any support for banning books. Our libraries are not being pursued by any local groups or candidates seeking to ban books. There are also no book ban controversies now - or known to be coming - before the Naperville Library Board. This mailer, sent by the group Naperville Forward (chaired by Naperville City Councilwoman Theresa Sullivan), is a complete fabrication. Every word of this mailer is a lie.” 

“It is one thing to engage in some puffery during election season. It is something else entirely to outright lie about people. This mailer was an attempt to deceive voters and to incite outrage and angst amongst our residents. The lowest form of campaigning.” 

“The candidates that were supported by this terrible piece should publicly repudiate it. Hopefully, our community sends a message on Election Day that this kind of campaigning will not be tolerated in Naperville.” 

The hyperbolic mailer reads, “They’ll decide what book you and your kids can read!” 

“Books are under attack across the United States – challenged in droves by self-appointed ‘book police,’ who decree that scores of classics be removed from school and library shelves.”

On the backside, the mailer serves as a call to action. “On April 4th, Say NO to Extremism. Support These Naperville Forward Endorsed Candidates,” the mailer reads. 

The mailer promotes several Naperville Forward candidates running for mayor, city council, school and park district boards. Noting the candidates “hope to advance a fanatical agenda that will have a profoundly negative impact on our freedoms and the quality of life we have in Naperville.”

Sullivan is a Naperville native. 

On her website, she says she “believes in good government and combating the perception of conflicts of interest.” 

She also notes on her website her involvement as liaison with Naper Pride “that celebrates LGBTQ+ members of the community and focuses on inclusivity for ALL.”

Sullivan has been a critic of the Naperville Police noting in one exchange with Naperville police chief Bob Marshall “it would be wise to stop talking about where people are coming from (Cook County) to commit crime in Naperville is not helpful to be inclusive.” 

She was lampooned for those comments by the City Council Watch Dog, who noted “she is more concerned about being ‘inclusive’ for the good folks of Naperville, or for ne’er-do-wells and thugs.”