
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

DuPage County Board met March 14

DuPage County Board met March 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




3.A. Reverend Joseph Johnson - First Methodist Church of Elmhurst



5.A. Anniversary Award - Lucy Fletcher - 35 years

5.B. Anniversary Award - Jen Boyer - 25 years

5.C. Presentation - Illinois Housing Development Authority Executive Director Kristin Faust

5.D. Women's History Month Proclamation

6. PUBLIC COMMENT Limited to 3 minutes per person


7.A. 23-1116

7.B. 23-0980

02-24-2023 Paylist

7.C. 23-0997

02-28-2023 Paylist

7.D. 23-1064

03-03-2023 Paylist

7.E. 23-1080

03-07-2023 Paylist

7.F. 23-1083

03-07-2023 Auto Debit Paylist

7.G. 23-1068

County Clerk's Monthly Receipts and Disbursements Report - Feb. 2023

7.H. 23-1082

Change orders to various contracts as specified in the attached packet.


Committee Update

8.A. CB-R-0063-23

Appointment of Walter Daniel Perez, M.D. - Public Member to the Board of Health.

9. FINANCE - CHAPLIN Committee Update

9.A. FI-R-0088-23

Acceptance and Appropriation of the HOME Investment Partnership Grant - American Rescue Plan Grant Agreement No. M21-DP170214, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1450, $6,179,987. (Community Services)

9.B. FI-R-0089-23

Correction of a Scrivener's Error in Resolution FI-R-0077-23. (Care Center)

9.C. FI-R-0090-23

Correction of a Scrivener's Error in Resolution FI-R-0028-23. (Sheriff's Office)

9.D. FI-R-0091-23

Approval of an amendment to Resolution FI-R-0075-23, for an amended grant agreement with Poised for Success, for the use of ARPA funds. (ARPA Interest)

9.E. FI-R-0092-23

Budget Transfers 03-14-2023 - Various Companies and Accounting Units

9.F. FI-R-0093-23

Additional Appropriation for the Adult Redeploy Illinois Program Grant PY23 - Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 192301 - Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 6192 - from $354,223 to $409,453 (an increase of $55,230). (Probation and Court Services)

9.G. 23-1113

FI-R-0019A-22 - Amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of DuPage and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 31. (Care Center)



Committee Update

11.A. 23-1058

Travel Request for Weatherization Assessor to attend the Annual National Home Performance Conference hosted by the Building Performance Association and the Department of Energy for Weatherization agencies. Training to be held in Seattle, Washington from April 16, 2023 through April 20, 2023. Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging, and per diems for approximate total of $3,590. Weatherization Grant funded 5000-1440. (Community Services)

11.B. 23-1059

Travel Request for Weatherization Assessor to attend the Annual National Home Performance Conference hosted by the Building Performance Association and the Department of Energy for Weatherization agencies. Training to be held in Seattle, Washington from April 16, 2023 through April 20, 2023. Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging, and per diems for approximate total of $3,590. Weatherization Grant funded 5000-1440. (Community Services)

11.C. 23-1060

Travel Request for Weatherization Supervisor to attend the Annual National Home Performance Conference hosted by the Building Performance Association and the Department of Energy for Weatherization agencies. Training to be held in Seattle, Washington from April 16, 2023 through April 20, 2023. Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.) and per diems for approximate total of $3,700. Weatherization Grant funded 5000-1440. (Community Services)

11.D. 23-1061

Travel Request for Weatherization Assessor to attend the Weatherization Quality Control Inspector (QCI) training and take the BPI Proficiency exam in Champaign, Illinois from April 24, 2023 through April 27, 2023. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $1,640.97. Weatherization Grant funded. (Community Services)


12.A. JPS-P-0047-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Business IT Source, Inc., for the renewal purchase of IBM Passport Advantage, for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024, for a total contract amount of $94,818.06, per quote 20-002-CRCT. (Circuit Court Clerk)

12.B. 23-1015

Authorization is requested for one crew member to bring the next generation prototype rapid communications vehicle (RapidComm4) to Champaign, Illinois to be displayed at the ILEAS (Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System) Conference. Dates of travel are March 26, 2023 through March 27, 2023. ILEAS will provide lodging, as well as mileage for the RapidComm4 vehicle. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

12.C. 23-1016

Authorization is requested for one crew member to drive the second (chase) vehicle and follow behind the next generation prototype rapid communications vehicle (RapidComm4) to Champaign, Illinois so that it can be displayed at the ILEAS (Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System) Conference. Dates of travel are March 26, 2023 through March 27, 2023. ILEAS will provide lodging, as well as mileage for the RapidComm4 vehicle. The cost to DuPage County would be gas reimbursement in the amount of $30 for the second (chase) vehicle, as RapidComm4 only seats two persons. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

12.D. 23-1017

Authorization is requested for one crew member to bring the next generation prototype rapid communications vehicle (RapidComm4) to Champaign, Illinois to be displayed at the ILEAS (Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System) Conference. Dates of travel are March 26, 2023 through March 27, 2023. ILEAS will provide lodging, as well as mileage for the RapidComm4 vehicle. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

13. LEGISLATIVE - DESART Committee Update

14. PUBLIC WORKS - GARCIA Committee Update

14.A. FM-P-0051-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Commercial Mechanical, Inc., to provide repairs and maintenance for the tunnel pipe supports for the County Campus, for Facilities Management, for the period March 14, 2023, through November 30, 2023, for a total contract amount not to exceed $58,000, per lowest responsible bid 23-019-FM.

14.B. PW-CO-0002-23

Amendment to the original County Contract 5692-0001 SERV, issued to Fehr Graham & Associates LLC, to add verbiage to support loans from the IEPA Water Pollution Control Loan Program. No change in contract total.

14.C. PW-CO-0003-23

Amendment to County Contract 6163-0001 SERV, issued to Currie Motors Frankfort, Inc., for one (1) dump body 2023 Ford F-550XL Truck and two (2) utility body 2023 Ford F-350XL Trucks, for Public Works and Stormwater, for a change order to increase the contract in the amount of $39,293 (Stormwater $22,496 and Public Works $16,797), an increase of 16.99%. These truck chassis were purchased pursuant to Resolution DT-R-0306B-22.

14.D. PW-P-0027-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Drydon Equipment, Inc., for four (4) Filtomat M306 LP wastewater treatment plant effluent water strainers to be installed at the Woodridge Greene Valley Treatment Plant and Knollwood Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities, for Public Works, for the period of March 14, 2023, through November 30, 2023, for a total contract amount not to exceed $82,427, per lowest responsible bid #23-016-PW.

14.E. PW-P-0028-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Home Depot USA, Inc., for miscellaneous maintenance, repair and operation supplies, for Public Works facilities, on an as-needed basis, for the period of March 17, 2023, to November 30, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed $135,000. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, OMNIA Partners/US Communities Contract #16154.

14.F. FM-P-0048-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Martam Construction, Inc. to install an asphalt outdoor visitation recreational area for the 422 Child Advocacy Neutral Exchange Center (CANEC) for social distancing in the amount of $211,502, and to install Accessible Parking for Persons with Disabilities (ADA) in front of the 421 JTK building in the amount of $73,755, for the period March 15, 2023, through November 30, 2023, for a total contract amount not to exceed $285,257; per lowest responsible Bid 22-130-FM. (PARTIAL ARPA ITEM)

14.G. FM-P-0049-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Gehrke Technology Group, Inc., to furnish and deliver water treatment chemicals, as needed, for campus facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period March 23, 2023 through March 22, 2024 for a contract total amount not to exceed $90,000; per renewal option under bid award #22-016-FM, first option to renew.


Committee Update

15.A. SM-P-0033-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract to AT&T Business, to provide high speed internet services for the County's Flood Control Facilities, for the period of March 14, 2023 through March 14, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed $86,675.10 per Bid #23-027-SWM.

16. TECHNOLOGY - YOO Committee Update

16.A. TE-CO-0006-23

Amendment to County Contract 3866-0001 SERV, issued to Telcom Innovations Group, for the procurement of hardware, software, software maintenance, and labor to replace the County phone system and to provide enhanced support and premium software assurance, to increase the contract amount in the amount of $21,475.50 to add software licensing and assurance in order to meet the increased headcount in the Public Defender and State's Attorney's Offices, resulting in a new contract total amount of $1,239,448.30, an increase of 1.76%.

16.B. TE-P-0052-23

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, for the purchase of laptops, desktops, monitors, and docking stations, for Information Technology, for the period of March 14, 2023 through March 14, 2024, for a contract total amount of $133,650. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, OMNIA Partners IT Products and Services Contract #4400006644 cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act".

17. TRANSPORTATION - OZOG Committee Update


Awarding Resolution to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for the CH3/Warrenville Road Sidewalk Improvement from I-88 to Illinois 53, Section 20-SDWLK-05-SW, for an estimated County cost of $309,141.00; Per low bid.

17.B. DT-R-0056-23

Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the City of Chicago concerning installation and operation of certain navigational aid facilities supporting O'Hare International Airport (Delegation of signatory authority to the Director of Transportation).

17.C. DT-O-0048-23

Ordinance for a Highway Authority Benefits Agreement for CH9/Lemont Road & CH33/75th Street.


18.A. 23-1074

PA99-0646 Pension Obligation Projections Required by the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act




A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters B. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) - Pending Litigation


A. This meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
