
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met Dec, 6

DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met Dec, 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


8:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair James Zay at 8:00 AM.


PRESENT: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze (8:01 AM), Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff (8:01 AM), Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

Other Board members in attendance: Sam Tornatore

Staff in attendance: Conor McCarthy (State's Attorney Office), Nick Kottmeyer (Chief Administrative Officer), Joan Olson (Chief Communications Officer), Craig Dieckman (Director, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management), Jason Blumenthal (Policy and Program Manager), Evan Shields (Public Information Officer), Jeff Martynowicz (Chief Financial Officer), Jennifer Sinn (Deputy Chief Financial Officer), Valerie Calvente (Procurement), Jeff York (Public Defender), Suzanne Armstrong (Court Administrator), Lisa Smith (State's Attorney Office), Barbara Reynolds (State's Attorney Office), Robert McEllin (Director of Probation and Court Services), Robert Lyons (State's Attorney Office), Bernard Murray (State's Attorney Office) and Nick Alfonso (State's Attorney Office).


No public comment was offered.


Acting Chair Jim Zay welcomed everyone to the Committee and advised that once the Committee assignments are approved, there will be a new Chair.


A. Judicial and Public Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - Nov 15, 2022 8:00 AM


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

6. PROCUREMENT REQUISITIONS A. JPS-P-0002-23 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Integrated Solutions Consulting, to provide general consulting services on matters concerning the DuPage County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, for the period December 13, 2022 through December 12, 2023, for a contract total amount not to exceed $73,746.48. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Sadia Covert, District 5

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

B. JPS-P-0003-23 Approval of an agreement with Bond, Dickson & Associates, to provide legal services as Special Assistant State's Attorneys, for the period December 14, 2022 through November 30, 2023, for the County Clerk - Election Division, for an amount not to exceed $100,000. (State's Attorney Office)


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Greg Schwarze, District 6

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

C. JPS-P-0004-23 Approval of an agreement with DuPage Legal Aid Foundation, to provide legal services as Special Assistant State's Attorneys, for the time period December 14, 2022 through November 30, 2023, for the State's Attorney Office, for an amount not to exceed $40,000. (State's Attorney Office)

Member Sadia Covert inquired if this agreement was in reference to the Pro Bono Clinic and asked if $40,000 was adequate for these legal services. Chief of Administration Robert Lyons, with the State's Attorney Office, responded that these attorneys provided with this funding are for their protective order program and that they were comfortable with the amount. Acting Chair Zay stated if additional funds are needed, they can return to the Board with that request. Mr. Lyons agreed.


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

D. JPS-P-0005-23 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Axon Enterprise, Inc., to provide interview software, transcription software, LEA interface, TechShare interface, cameras and unlimited storage to the State’s Attorney Office Children’s Advocacy Center, for the period January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, for a contract total amount not to exceed $32,340.80, pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act Sourcewell. (State’s Attorney Office)


MOVER: Sadia Covert, District 5

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

E. JPS-P-0006-23 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Axon Enterprise, Inc., to provide interview software, transcription software, LEA interface, TechShare interface, cameras and unlimited storage to the DuPage County State’s Attorney Office, for the period January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, for a contract total amount not to exceed $1,125,824.45, pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act Sourcewell. (State’s Attorney Office)

Member Paula Garcia inquired why this item was not included in the FY23 budget. Mr. Lyons spoke about the process taken to pick this vendor and why it was not in the FY23 budget. Chief Financial Officer Jeff Martynowicz continued to explain how money was put in contingencies for matters such as this. Member Mary Ozog inquired to how old the previous software was and Mr. Lyons responded that it is approximately five years old. Member Brian Krajewski asked Mr. Martynowicz to provide a list of any other items he is aware of that were not included in last year's budget. Mr. Martynowicz agreed to follow up with this.


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, District 6

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart


A. JPS-R-0002-23 RESOLUTION -- JPS-R-0007A-20- Recommendation for the approval of an amendment to resolution JPS-R-0007-20 Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the County of Kane for Housing and Detention services for minors to increase the per diem rate from $135.00 to $175.00. (Probation & Court Services)

Member Krajewski inquired whether a cost study was done on this. Director of Probation and Court Services Robert McEllin responded that his office did not request a cost study, but stated the going rates for Will County which is comparable to what Kane County is offering. Acting Chair Zay asked how many minors are receiving services at the facility. Mr. McEllin stated eight to ten minors per day on average. Member Michael Childress asked for an explanation of how these costs were determined, to which Mr. McEllin responded.


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Sadia Covert, District 5

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

B. JPS-R-0008-23 RESOLUTION -- Additional appropriation for the Law Library, Company 1400, Accounting Unit 5960, $2,240. (Law Library)


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

C. Amendment -- FI-R-0473-22A - Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grant Program PY22, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. HMGP.07-P, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1930, $83,040. (Correction of accounting unit used to establish grant - scrivener's error) (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)


MOVER: Mary Ozog, District 4

SECONDER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart


Motion to combine and approve items 8.A. through 8.D.


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Sadia Covert, District 5

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

A. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 1160-54110-4400 (equipment & machinery-Sheriff) to account no. 4410-53070-0000 (medical services) in the amount of $81,584 due to funds budgeted in Capital Assets for Inmate Conveyer System ($72,042) and Cyber Security power distribution components ($9,542) which are not available for delivery in FY22. Funds are needed in Arrestees Medical due to unusually high expenditures for specific inmates. (Sheriff's Office)

B. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 4400-53830 (other contractual expenses) to account no. 4400-53806 (software licenses) in the amount of $208,671 regarding the Fortinet Cyber security purchases that include software licenses and associated warranty costs as combined components. These were included in the budget as Other Contractual Expenses (53830) and in the purchase order as Software Licenses (53807). This transfer aligns the budget and the purchase order. (Sheriff's Office)

C. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 6300-50000 (regular salaries) to account no. 6300-53090 (other professional services) in the amount of $10,000 needed to cover additional costs relating to expert fees for other professional services to close out FY22. (Public Defender)

D. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 1180-53828 (contingencies) to account nos. 6500-54100 (IT equipment), 6500-54107 (software), 6510-54100 (IT equipment) and 6510-54107 (software) in the amount of $257,133 needed to cover Axon and Sourcewell contracts for interview equipment installation at the State's Attorney Office and Children's Advocacy Center. Budget transfer covers hardware and initial installation, as well as software and year one subscription costs. (State's Attorney Office)


A. Informational -- Public Defender's Office October 2022 Monthly Statistical Report (Public Defender)


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

B. Informational -- Resolution JPS-P-0297-22, clarification to RFP #22-081-SHF Jail Management Software to update Bid Tabulation sheet. (Sheriff's Office)


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Paula Deacon Garcia, District 2

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart


No old business was offered.


No new business was offered.


A. Motion to Adjourn

Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 a.m.


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Greg Schwarze, District 6

AYES: Ozog, Evans, Deacon Garcia, Schwarze, Cahill, Covert, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Zay, Childress

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart

B. This meeting has been adjourned to Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 8:00 A.M.
