
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, February 28, 2025

Pekau: Ron DeSantis causes Sean Casten to fly off the rails

Keithpekau orlandpark

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau | Courtesy Photo

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau | Courtesy Photo

People Over Politics has issued the following press release:

February 21, 2023 -  Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06) just had a meltdown on Twitter over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ meeting with Chicago law enforcement. Keith Pekau, Mayor of Orland Park and a former candidate for Congress, reacted to Casten’s rant saying: 

A law-and-order governor comes to town to meet with law enforcement and CONGRESSMAN Sean Casten - who supported the unsafe, unconstitutional SAFE-T ACT, supports open borders, and voted against a ban on Fentanyl - lost his mind on Twitter in the most toxic way possible. 

Casten was so undone by the meeting that he called the Governor of Florida a "racist and a coward."  This is a go-to insult for Casten. If you disagree with him about anything you’re automatically a racist and a coward... and probably homophobic.

He dismissed Chicago's significant crime problem as a political distraction like “Ebola” and "Crackheads." In fact, Chicago’s total homicides out-paced both New York and Los Angeles in 2022. The city's crime rates are outliers nationally, and therefore are of national concern. If Casten doesn't want people to talk about Chicago crime, he should help reduce it. A great start would be not supporting measures that protect criminals over law-abiding citizens and police. 

Finally, Casten summoned the ghost of Art Jones to, of course, cast all Republicans as Nazis.  In 2018, the ILGOP shamefully failed to keep Jones off the ballot for Congress in IL-03. At the time, party leaders issued mea culpas and asked Jones to step down. Republican office-holders across the state issued condemnations of Jones and party leadership. I personally condemned Jones and publicly endorsed his opponent, Democrat Congressman Dan Lipinski, as did every other Republican mayor in the district. And since then, the party has changed its chairman and many other officials. But none of that matters to Sean Casten.  He’s a bitter partisan who sows division and hurls insults at every opportunity. 

The next time you wonder why nothing gets done in Congress, look no further than Sean Casten.