
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DuPage County Sheriff's Merit Commission met Oct. 20

DuPage County Sheriff's Merit Commission met Oct. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Members Present: Tony Reyes, Chairman

Frank Gravina, Secretary

Members Present via Videoconference: Chris Kachiroubas, Vice Chairman

Others Present: Debbie Krygowski, Merit Commission Assistant

Paul Bruckner, State’s Attorney

Meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. in Conference Room 3500A of the Jack T. Kneupfer Administration Building, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois.

Roll Call

On roll call, Chairman Reyes and Commissioner Gravina were present.

Chairman Reyes moved to allow Commissioner Kachiroubas to participate via audioconference. Seconded by Commissioner Gravina. Voice vote – all ayes. Commissioner Kachiroubas joined the meeting remotely.

Public Comment – None

Old Business

a) Promotional Exam Update – Ms. Krygowski informed the Commissioners that the Law Enforcement Bureau began reviewing the promotional exams ahead of the scheduled February 25, 2023 testing date. Promotional exams for the Corrections Bureau were on schedule. Ms. Krygowski asked about eligibility for promotional exams for three deputies. Two deputies received a rating of “needs improvement” in one category on their performance evaluation, but were marked “eligible for promotion” by their supervisors. Discussion. Since the Merit Commission Rules and Regulations specify that deputies must receive a rating of “meets or exceeds expectations” on each and every category of the performance evaluation, these two deputies are not eligible. Ms. Krygowski will notify the Sheriff’s Office. The other deputy had been sworn and served in the Corrections Bureau from July 2019, however, this deputy had moved to the Law Enforcement Bureau for approximately 6 months in 2020. Discussion. Per Merit Commission Rules and Regulations, a deputy must have served for a minimum of three years in the Bureau to which promotion is sought. Ms. Krygowski will notify this deputy that they are ineligible for promotion at this time. Ms. Krygowski was also notified that a deputy taking the promotional exam for Corrections would be on vacation on November 19th, the testing date. Discussion. The Commission agreed that offering a makeup testing date ahead of the November 19th date would be preferable. Ms. Krygowski will schedule a date for the makeup exam.

New Business

a) Candidate Questions – Ms. Krygowski has one more candidate on the 2020 Corrections list who has been unable to attend a certification interview since August. Chairman Reyes asked when candidates from the March 2022 Corrections list would be ready to certify. Ms. Krygowski anticipates those candidates ready to interview in November. Chairman Reyes instructed Ms. Krygowski to give the candidate a final deadline to interview of November.

Report from Sheriff’s Office - None

Adjournment into Executive Session

Chairman Reyes called for a motion to convene into Executive Session pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) of the Open Meetings Act for discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by section 2.06 and pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee. Commissioner Kachiroubas moved. Seconded by Commissioner Gravina. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Commission convened into Executive Session at 8:48 a.m.

Paul Bruckner left the room at 8:52 a.m.

The Commission convened back into Regular session at 9:53 a.m.

Roll Call

On roll call, Chairman Reyes and Commissioner Gravina were present. Commissioner Kachiroubas was present via videoconference.

Matters to be referred from Executive Session

a) Action on approval and/or release of minutes which were reviewed subject to a semi annual review of minutes on October 20, 2022. Chairman Reyes called for a motion to release Executive Session meeting minutes from: 5/4/2006, 2/3/2022, 2/17/2022, 3/3/2022, 3/17/2022, 4/7/2022, 4/21/2022, 5/19/2022, 6/2/2022, 6/16/2022, 7/7/2022, 7/21/2022, 8/4/2022, 8/18/2022, 9/1/2022. Commissioner Kachiroubas moved. Seconded by Commissioner Gravina. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

b) Action on certification of candidates who were subject to one-on-one interviews on October 20, 2022. Chairman Reyes called for a motion to certify Lateral Transfer to Corrections candidate 2080. Commissioner Kachiroubas moved. Seconded by Commissioner Gravina. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Reyes called for a motion to certify Law Enforcement candidates 2352 and 2353. Commissioner Kachiroubas moved. Seconded by Commissioner Gravina. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried. Candidate 2258 was not certified.


Chairman Reyes called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Gravina moved. Seconded by Commissioner Kachiroubas. Roll call. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:57 a.m.
