
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Roselle Public Works Director: 'We’re not asking them to commit today and now'

Karenyoung linkedin

Roselle Public Works Director Karen Young | linkedin.com

Roselle Public Works Director Karen Young | linkedin.com

The village of Roselle will be seeking public comments about its plan to replace a water main.

During a recent board meeting, Public Works Director Karen Young provided information about the village’s policy for replacing lead service lines. She also was seeking the board’s opinions on other upcoming replacement projects. 

“We’re not asking them to commit today and now,” she said in a streaming video of the meeting. “We’re saying if it was available, we would bid that out and then be able to provide that price and they could make that determination.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzBXEU-rokg 

The village board has scheduled a water main replacement project starting next year and they are looking for resident feedback before it gets underway.

When it comes to upgrading service lines, “It’s hard to make a decision without knowing that cost,” Young said. “We would provide them what we estimate as part of the education component, but certainly when we got the bids they can make that final decision.”

The village is creating a survey that will be sent out to residents to gather their thoughts on the project and to begin its educational outreach on the project.

The board plans to schedule a public hearing in January on the issue to talk about all possible avenues and to let residents provide in-person feedback.

The survey intends to see how many residents are interested in collaborating with the village to replace lead lines. The village is planning on replacing all lead lines under their charge in the Maple Ave neighborhood. Residents, however, would be responsible for the lines running directly to their homes. The village wants to know if village residents want to work with the village to pay for their personal portion of the lines and replace them while the work is being done on the main.