
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Batavia committee weighs solutions to Carriage Crest flooding


Rahat Bari, city engineer | City of Batavia / YouTube

Rahat Bari, city engineer | City of Batavia / YouTube

At its Nov. 1 meeting, the Batavia Committee of the Whole heard from city engineer Rahat Bari, who discussed stormwater mitigation in the Carriage Crest subdivision. 

Bari explained that when there is any standing water in the area, from rainfall or other events, it seeps into the groundwater, which is naturally at a high level, and that then leaks into the residents’ basements. 

The council discussed a couple options for relieving this problem, like installing a pump in the pond area to pump out water when it rises, put in a clay liner to prevent it from seeping into the groundwater, or gravity-based draining solutions.

“The groundwater issue, that is not easily solvable,” Bari said. “What we are trying to solve is the surface water that comes to that pond. And we are trying to not let the water go in, infiltrate into the ground rather than go to the river so that it's not making the situation worse than what it is for the groundwater.”

The committee was told most of the gravity-based solutions would be very expensive and very inconvenient for homeowners, because it would involve multiple days of intense digging on their properties. 

After looking at the options, the council and neighborhood is leaning toward a pump that directs water into the Fox River, which would involve much less digging and smaller pipes.