
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Winfield schools superintendent Rich breaks down district's report card


Winfield staff | Facebook

Winfield staff | Facebook

At its Oct. 27 meeting, the Winfield District 34 School Board heard from Superintendent Matt Rich, who gave the fall data presentation for the district’s report card.

The district uses a couple different methods for measuring proficiency and growth. For reading and math, it uses the MAP tests (K-8), IAR assessments (3-8), and FastBridge (K-3). Parents and students have reported that tests like the MAP test are fairly accurate predictors of how they will do on college entry tests like the SAT. For measuring science, students in grades 5-8 take the Illinois Science Assessment once a year.

“The FastBridge and the MAP and the classroom experiences, we value very heavily because it correlates to what we can teach and correlates to performance as we care about in the future,” Rich told the board.

Rich went through the reading scores for each of the grades, making comments or adding context when needed. He said that certain grades were affected by the pandemic years, specifically some of the younger grades because they missed the formative literacy teachings in preschool through first grade. The data from third graders, who were first graders in 2020, were very encouraging as they show positive growth in reading for comprehension.

The math levels in early grades looked very consistent with pre-pandemic levels, which the superintendent hypothesized was because early learners, and preschool and kindergarten students do not do a lot of work with math but instead focus on reading. The district is, however, very concerned with its sixth grade, especially in math. Rich said the district has several kids who need extra help with their math skills.

Also at the meeting, Jason Kucera, principal of Winfield Primary & Central Schools, recognized eighth graders Emily Kacick and Samantha Mueller for their leadership skills.

The board will meet again at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Winfield Central Schools Commons.