
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Illinois Federation of Teachers, who endorses Democratic candidates Rochford and O’Brien, believes 'We were all born into a racist society'

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Elizabeth Rochford, Illinois State Supreme Court candidate | Facebook/Judge Elizabeth Rochford for Supreme Court

Elizabeth Rochford, Illinois State Supreme Court candidate | Facebook/Judge Elizabeth Rochford for Supreme Court

Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien, two Democrats running for the Illinois State Supreme Court, have been endorsed by the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT), a union organization that believes “we are all born into a racist society,” and whose work is centered around diversity, equity, inclusion and racial injustice in educational settings.

"The IFT is proud to endorse @JudgeRochford," the federation said on Twitter. "She has worked to bring literacy programs to students, and she will bring her commitment to equity and fairness to the IL Supreme Court. #RochfordForSupremeCourt #IFTvotes."

On the Illinois Federation of Teachers' website, the group says, "We were all born into a racist society. Though it is not our fault, racism is all of our problem and dismantling it is all of our responsibility – both those who are victimized by systemic racism and especially those who have benefited from the purposeful exclusion and marginalization of people of color."

On their campaign websites, both Rochford and O'Brien are endorsed by the Illinois Federation of Teachers.

According to Ballotpedia, incumbent Michael J. Burke (R) and O'Brien (D) are running in the general election for Illinois Supreme Court 3rd District on Nov. 8.

According to Ballotpedia, Mark Curran (R) and Rochford (D) are running in the general election for Illinois Supreme Court 2nd District on Nov. 8.

According to its website, the IFT's work is focused on racial issues in public education, public services, civil and workplace rights and economic security.