
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Policy Advisory Committee met July 11

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Policy Advisory Committee met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Timothy Hayden at 9:00 AM.

Chairman Hayden called the meeting to order with a request that was made to allow remote participation for Vice Chair Dina Under Section 7a of the Open Meetings Act, If a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present as required by Section 2.01, a majority of the public body may allow a member of that body to attend the meeting by other means if the member is prevented from physically attending because of: (I) personal illness or disability; (ii) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or (iii) a family or other emergency.

A motion was made by Member Baarman, seconded by Member Johl, to allow Vice Chair Dina to remotely participate via Zoom. On voice vote, motion carried.


PRESENT: Hayden, Baarman, Dina (Remote), Hermes, Herron, Johl


Director Linda Zerwin, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board, non-voting Member

Matt Theusch, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board

Eve Kraus, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board

David Poetz, Motorola System Manager

Bill Balling, DU-COMM

Scott Bukovic, Westmont PD

Anthony Carpola, West Chicago PD (Remote)

Steve Demas, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

Tom Gallahue, ILEAS (Remote)

Bill Holmer, Carol Stream PD (Remote)

Michael Hylton, Oakbrook Terrace PD (Remote)

Keith Krestan, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

Dimitrios Lahanis, Darien-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

John Lozar, DU-COMM (Remote)

Bob Murr, COD (Remote)

Bill Srejma, ACDC (Remote)

James, Unknown (Remote)

Andrea Lieberenz, Secretary (Remote)

On roll call, Chairman Hayden, Member Baarman, Member Hermes, Member Herron, and Member Johl were present, which constituted a quorum.


There were no remarks from Chairman Hayden.


There was no Public comment.


A. Approval of Minutes

A. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 6, 2022 9:00 AM

Chairman Hayden advised there was a proposed edit to these minutes and asked for a motion regarding the edit.

Member Baarman made a motion to amend the minutes by removing the phrase, “but that they would like to implement the changes” from page 6 of the June 6, 2022 minutes, seconded by Member Hermes. On voice vote, motion carried.

A motion was made by Member Baarman, seconded by Member Hermes, to forward the minutes as amended from the June 6, 2022 meeting to the ETS Board to receive and place on file. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Matt Baarman, DU-COMM PSAP Rep

SECONDER: Sherianne Hermes, ACDC Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl

B. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Special Call - Jun 30, 2022 1:30 PM

Chairman Hayden advised there is a proposed amendment to fix a scrivener’s error and correct a vote in these minutes. Chairman Hayden said the scrivener’s error Bill Holmer is listed as being from the Carol Stream FD; it should be changed to the Carol Stream PD. The second correction is under 5A. The vote should read that Member Baarman made the motion and Member Herron seconded the motion to table the minutes from the June 6, 2022 meeting.

A motion was made by Member Baarman, seconded by Member Hermes, to forward the amended minutes from the June 30, 2022 meeting to the ETS Board to receive and place on file. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Matt Baarman, DU-COMM PSAP Rep

SECONDER: Sherianne Hermes, ACDC Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl

B. Radio Maintainer Report

1. 21-22-46 DEDIRS Monthly Maintainer Report

A motion was made by Member Johl, seconded by Member Herron, to forward the report to the ETS Board to receive and place on file. On voice vote, motion carried.


SECONDER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl


A. DEDIRS Access Request

1. ETS-R-0049-22 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS), as requested by the Illinois State Police.

A motion was made to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS) to the Illinois State Police by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman.

Ms. Zerwin advised that this is a reciprocal agreement. She said there will be two processes for this: first, it will be recommended for approval at the EST Board, and then the State will need to approve it. Member Baarman said the talk groups are good, but inquired about the Chicago priority. Ms. Zerwin said there is a list, and Chicago Priority is at the end. Member Baarman then asked if anything needs to be said about the hardware. Ms. Zerwin said that hardware is not included as part of this agreement. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep


AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl


1. 911 Interop Talkgroup

Ms. Zerwin said at the last PAC meeting, the PSAPs were going to get some feedback on how an Interop 911 talkgroup would be monitored within the PSAPs, but there may not have been enough time between meetings. Member Hermes and Member Baarman confirmed they had not had enough time. Member Herron said his understanding was that this was regarding identifying one channel to monitor. Ms. Zerwin confirmed Interops 1-7 would remain, and the eighth would become the 911 call channel.

Chairman Hayden advised this item will be included on the next meeting’s agenda.

2. Fire Focus Group Update

Vice Chair Dina said the Fire Focus Group had been meeting twice a month. He was confident they have the code plugs completed. He reminded the members that there had been some issues with the emergency button, but they have been cleared up, and were now working correctly. He said they tested old portable to new portable, new portable to new portable, and mobile to portable, and all appear to be working correctly. Vice Chair Dina said the group is continuing to work on the template, and it was very close to being completed. He continued saying he wanted to clear up any confusion there may have been concerning rolling out the Fire radios. He said it would not be with the template that they have today; there would be some changes. He made it clear that the one thing that would not change is the dispatch channel name. The template would include the Illinois Statewide Interoperability Template (SWIT) the new channels, updates that were done by contacting the surrounding communities, addition of the STARCOM channels, as well as the addition of the new 7 FD OPS Tactical Channels. He said they are confident it will be done by the end of the year when the radios arrive.

Vice Chair Dina said as far as the dispatch channel name changes, Member Baarman had mentioned that DU-COMM would prefer if the dispatch channel name changes were disconnected from the new radios, and the Fire Focus Group members agreed that that would be a good idea. He said they were going to provide a letter to DU-COMM and ACDC as to the advantages of making those name changes, and they would then provide a timeline to the Focus Group as to how they see it happening. He said their letter is almost complete, and they will anxiously await the timeline from the dispatch agencies. Member Hermes said at the last meeting, she spoke about the hours it will take, but they do not have a timeline ready. She said she will get it to the PAC Focus Groups. The timeline would include maintenance windows at the towers and so forth and would not be in addition to regular maintenance. Ms. Zerwin said the timeline will probably have to be married up to when some of the equipment is rolled out. ETSB staff would coordinate with the PSAPs on the rollout of CPE and the CAD update to provide a general timeline.

3. Police Focus Group Update

Member Herron advised the Police Focus Group had not met since last PAC meeting, but they have already looked at the radio functions. He said they analyzed old versus new and are fine with it. He said they have worked on the encryption over the last several meetings, and they are good on the number of encryption keys that are going in. He said they have looked at the templates of the surrounding communities, and those still needs to be discussed as to which encryption keys will be put in when the radios roll out. He thought this would be the most complicated part of the rollout. He said the Police Focus Group agrees with Fire that the original release will be the exact template they currently have. When Fire pushes theirs out, Police will release 2.0, and if and when a decision is made on radio channel changes, there will be a 3.0. He said as Ms. Zerwin had pointed out, the mobile radios and APX4000 portables are more complicated, as they have to be physically touched, and policies need to be developed. Member Herron said they were going to start pushing the templates out, but there still needs to be discussion on it.

Chairman Hayden asked if they are still looking to be ready by the end of summer. Member Herron said the sooner, the better.

Member Baarman asked what will need to be approved by this group; are announcement talkgroups being changed, if Failsoft was being reduced, what decisions have been made and what does PAC need to say is okay. Chairman Hayden said it will be recommended to the ETS Board on Wednesday to get the Police radios out with the existing talk groups and naming conventions. He said the difference will be that Mr. Poetz will put the code in, which will allow over-the-air programming on the APXNexts. Chairman Hayden said his perception is that the radios would roll out as is, with the new programming, and then as the process moves forward, as naming conventions and templates are developed, they will be corrected over-the-air so as to keep moving forward. When Fire portables are rolled out around the end of year, then encryption will be included.

A discussion ensued regarding talk group name changes and the changes that need to be decided. Ms. Zerwin said the Board is usually given something formal to approve. She suggested lists should be made as to what the name changes will be so there is a hard copy at the August meeting. Member Baarman questioned the procedural aspect, do the work groups need to provide this. Chairman Hayden said it would be coming from the working group, but there probably won’t be any changes until the end of the year. Ms. Zerwin suggested taking the templates, striking out and amending any changes, and then bringing it forward. They have only ever approved the template itself.

Member Herron questioned if the naming conventions could be pushed out over-the-air on the APXNexts. Mr. Poetz said the channel name of how the radio would interpret and present to the user, yes. There was a short discussion around agencies in talk group announcements and consolidation and what changes still need to be approved.

Member Herron asked about the STARCOM alias versus radio alias which led into a review of the fleet template that will be sent out to the agencies shared on-screen by Mr. Poetz. He said Ms. Zerwin and he had updated the form with both the radio alias and system alias. Mr. Poetz provided an overview of definitions of Radio Names, Unified Call List, System Names, Wi-Fi Programming, LTE Over-the-Air Programming, and Hardware Connection Programming.

A discussion ensued regarding radio name changes and a maintenance timeline for making the change disseminated across DuPage County. Mr. Poetz discussed agency requested changes, including local updates, talkgroup updates, and system updates. Ms. Zerwin said she asked Mr. Poetz to give this overview, which provides three levels for the focus groups to begin their policy discussion. With the vocabulary that Mr. Poetz provided, everyone can be on the same page and can use the same vocabulary.

Ms. Zerwin continued saying they had identified some challenges, such as deviating from the current standardized naming convention to individualized radio names, for discussion. Mr. Poetz reviewed the challenges starting with the Unified Call List, which is a static list and is not fully complete until all agency fleetmaps are submitted to ETSB.

Another challenge is that the DuPage fleet changes are not made through the fleet at the same time so the entire fleet would not be using the static list in their radios. Member Baarman asked if police and fire would be maintained or one list. Mr. Poetz confirmed one list. Ms. Zerwin said that even though the APXNext can be programmed over-the air, they are still in the same situation because certain radios of the fleet have to be touched. Ms. Zerwin said they would get the overview sheet out to the focus groups to discuss in terms of policy, but that we are trying to manage expectations for updates. Member Herron said even if the radio is not perfect, but that the Telecommunicator will have that changed in front of them, although the change on the radio could be delayed and may be incomplete. Member Hermes questioned if the name change on the consolette would be seen, that this does not affect how the consolette looks. Ms. Zerwin clarified there is a difference between a console and a consolette. There was a short discussion on what will be shown on both the console versus a consolette. The consolette will be an APXNext radio. Ms. Zerwin said a paragraph about the consoles would be added before the overview sheet goes out. A discussion ensued regarding the call list and what happens when changes are made.

Member Hermes questioned if the system alias, clarified by Member Baarman as the alias as seen on the console, would only show the last name, and not the rank. Member Hermes expressed her concern that the tile view on the console would show rank first not allowing a dispatcher to see the complete name of the person. ACDC does not want the rank to show because it takes too many characters out of the initial tile view for the dispatcher to see who the person is. If there are four people on the same channel and the display says Chief, it could be any one of four Chiefs. She said that ACDC only wants to see the three-character agency designation and the last name. She clarified that would be the system alias and that would not affect what is seen on the radios. Member Baarman said what DU-COMM has done in the past, he doesn’t know that they care what that is, that if a telecommunicator goes out over the air to a Sergeant, the Sergeant has to know that whatever DU-COMM is telling them, they know how to translate that. A TC may not know who ADP01 is, but someone on that channel knows exactly who it is. He said it has been more free flowing on the DU-COMM side. A discussion ensued on the console views and number of characters that could be seen on the dispatch tile without digging into further details, which slows the process, and how the tile view presents differently on the dispatch within the two PSAPs. She suggested giving an example of “good practice” when this list goes out. Member Baarman questioned whether ACDC is using the expanded or compressed tiles. Member Hermes was unsure but operationally believed DU-COMM dispatchers would be using the tiles in the same manner to find the name of who has keyed up.

Member Herron agreed with Member Hermes of having an example line. Ms. Zerwin said they would have to come up with a standard then and they do not have one. She said they are again delaying the process. She questioned if the policy would need to be changed to address the names and brought through. The radios need to be set up. She continued saying they could let the agencies keep what they have in the radios now and let them make name changes later. Would they let the PSAPs decide what is in the system alias column. Decisions have to be made for the 3500 radios. Are they opening this up to allow agencies to make whatever changes they want or do they want it in policy. There has to be a flow; would they take the policy to the focus groups and make the recommendations. Member Baarman said he prefers to keep it how it is today. The first three characters would identify the agency and agency picks and if the PSAPs want to work with their agencies to provide standardization within their agency, a system alias could be updated at any time. Ms. Zerwin said the sheet would go out as they see it, in theory the agencies would carry it over, but changes can be made, and the PSAP can be brought in if there are a lot of changes to discuss. A short discussion ensued on the naming convention and perhaps use of a badge number as identifier. Member Baarman said this template is an improvement over the last one; that the confusion from the last meeting's discussion had been cleared up.


There was no old business.


There was no new business.


A. Monday, July 18 at 9:00am in Room 3-500A


Member Baarman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:50am, seconded by Member Herron. On voice vote, motion carried.
