DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Policy Advisory Committee met June 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1:30 PM meeting was called to order by Chair Timothy Hayden at 1:30 PM.
PRESENT: Hayden, Baarman, Hermes, Herron
ABSENT: Dina, Johl
Director Linda Zerwin, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board, non-voting Member
Eve Kraus, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board
David Poetz, Motorola System Manager
Bill Balling, DU-COMM
Steve Demas, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)
Marilu Hernandez, ACDC (Remote)
Bill Holmer, Carol Stream PD
Keith Krestan, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)
Dimitrios Lahanis, Darien-Woodridge Fire (Remote)
Bob Murr, College of DuPage (Remote)
Jason Norton, Darien PD (Remote)
Richard Sanborn, Jr., York Center Fire (Remote)
Bill Srejma, ACDC (Remote)
Andrea Lieberenz, Addison PD, Secretary
On roll call, Chairman Hayden, Member Baarman, Member Hermes, and Member Herron were present, which constituted a quorum.
There were no remarks from Chairman Hayden.
There was no Public comment.
A. Approval of Minutes
A. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 6, 2022 9:00 AM
Chairman Hayden requested this item be tabled until the next meeting. Ms. Zerwin advised there is a proposed edit, which will be sent to all members in preparation for the next meeting.
Member Baarman made a motion to table the minutes from the June 6, 2022 Policy Advisory Committee Regular Meeting, seconded by Member Herron. On voice vote, motion carried.
MOVER: Matt Baarman, DU-COMM PSAP Rep
SECONDER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep
AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Hermes, Herron
ABSENT: Dina, Johl
A. DEDIRS Access Request
Member Herron advised he spoke to the MERIT Board, and they have opted to stay with the policy of allowing only sworn MERIT members access. Therefore, they are asking the request be left as is. He said they will have access to Interops 1-8 and will discuss as policy is developed.
A motion was made to approve access to the Department of Homeland Security/ Homeland Security Investigations, as amended, by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.
A. ETS-R-0044-22 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS), as requested by the Department of Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations. Recommendation to amend and approve Policy Advisory Committee VOTE (to approve): 4 Ayes, 2 Absent.
MOVER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep
AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Hermes, Herron
ABSENT: Dina, Johl
1. Interop Talkgroups
Ms. Zerwin began the discussion asking for direction regarding agencies' use of Interops (1-8) as well as a dispatch channel (an Interop 9-1-1). She said that talkgroup would be monitored by the PSAPs, so when the outside agencies are looking to connect, they can start with that 9-1-1 Interop. She said she is bringing it to PAC and the PSAPs for feedback. She said if the goal is to get the new radios deployed and there needs to be a decision on whether the talkgroup would need to be added. Member Baarman clarified that Ms. Zerwin meant that the PSAPs would monitor the talkgroup if a radio user were to call out from a non-DuPage County entity. He said the current policy states the user is to call the PSAP and a patch would be set up. Ms. Zerwin said there would be Channels 1-8 as well as a 911 Interop. Member Herron confirmed that a channel would not be added, but just renamed. Ms. Zerwin said it can be done either way: Change InterOp to the 9-1-1 InterOp of a 9th channel can be added. She said it has been very successful in other 9-1-1 Systems, but it requires having someone monitor it which is why she is bringing it forward. Member Hermes said it sounds similar to the Chicago City-Wide or the old Point-to- Point. She said she does not see it as a problem, but it could be missed. She said there would have to be an understanding with the agencies that if they don’t get a response, they would have to call; there would need to be a failsafe. Member Baarman said it would not be the top priority for the dispatchers to listen to. Ms. Zerwin said the appeal is that an officer on the street can just switch over instead of looking up a phone number. A discussion ensued on the merits and cons of an Interop 9-1-1 talkgroup. Ms. Zerwin concluded by saying the PSAPs can discuss this in their Ops meetings and bring it to the next PAC meeting.
Mr. Poetz updated the PAC on his progress since the last meeting. He said that since PAC is de- coupling the radio name changes on the dispatch channels. He added that they are ready to start engaging the agencies on their fleet maps for what their new radios will entail, as well as the aliases and the peripheral information for the programming. He shared a spreadsheet from a police template and used Addison as an example.
Mr. Poetz said there will not be full new templates, it is more of a one-to-one of the Agency's current template that will be programmed into the radio. Agencies will be asked if there are any different channels that they want in their agency-select part of the template, and changes could be made. He said a new template will have to be designed once the name changing convention goes through. Mr. Poetz said the agencies will then get their current fleet map, as well as the peripheral details. Mr. Poetz reviewed aliases and changes. He said each agency will get this spreadsheet and then return it and meet with him. This will be for any change that needs to be made to the equipment list. He said there will be further explanations and demonstrations when they meet. Mr. Poetz said the Police side is ready to go to the agencies.
Ms. Zerwin said regarding agency equipment requests that ETSB will use the fleet map, which will be easier for each agency to ensure they get the equipment they want based on their personnel and vehicle needs instead of using the original email requests. She stated that several agencies have decided they would like to make changes. The inventory will be married up internally by ETSB and the Service Manager. Once the list is sent back by the agency through the helpdesk, an in-person meeting will be set up to review the request and have the Agency sign off on their equipment list. This information would be tied to a spreadsheet to show the costs and if an agency needs time to review their budget, that can be factored in.
Mr. Poetz showed another spreadsheet for the encryption keys. There were no common key reference (CKR) numbers assigned at the last PAC meeting, they have been assigned now. He said they are now creating keys and going through the secure way of retaining the information of the secret code that the CKRs are using. A discussion ensued on encryption keys, MOUs with agencies outside of the DEDIR System, radio aliases versus console aliases, the number of characters allowed, and naming conventions. Member Baarman suggested that under the template tab, agencies should be offered a list of what channels/names they can use. He said a list of all of the valid selections would be helpful. Member Herron relayed that a couple agencies he had talked to were fine with receiving the new radios and were not concerned as much with changing their templates. He said there will be a second change when Fire rolls out, with potentially a third change a year or two down the line. Ms. Zerwin questioned if agencies should be offered a change or just stay with the template they have. Member Herron suggested getting the radios out, and if changes are needed, the change can be done at any time on the APXNexts. Ms. Zerwin said that Member Baarman made a valid point regarding what the agencies have to choose from. She questioned if it would be more advantageous to send out their template and not ask for a change. All were in agreement, as the agencies do not really know what they can change.
Ms. Zerwin circled back to the comment about alias changes as this was the first she had heard of moving away from the standard naming convention and was concerned about how to explain the aliases in the email instructions. Member Herron said that there are 14 characters on the display of the radio; 3 are allocated to the agency ID, and the remaining 11 are for each agency to decide on. Member Herron said every agency he had talked to would prefer to go to a naming convention. Further discussion ensued on the number of characters allowed, consistency of naming conventions, GPS within the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) interface and the current GPS refresh time, and past radio touches.
Member Herron suggested that radios alias changes would be made every time someone leaves, or is promoted, etc.. Ms. Zerwin asked what the expectation would be for the update of aliases on radios other than the APXNexts, so the APX4000s and the 300+ mobiles, in terms of policy and consistency with all the changes potentially being made to the APXNexts. She also questioned how often the changes to the APXNexts would be made, once a month or every time a ticket is submitted. Member Herron said his expectation would be if they want a change made, they make an appointment and bring the radios in, and the mobiles would have to be programmed in the field. Member Herron said that would have to be established in the policy. Ms. Zerwin clarified what would be the system-wide expectation for updating all radios.
Member Hermes advised that she has put together a report based upon the discussion at the last PAC meeting about renaming conventions and what her PSAP manpower hours. She said they met with her staff, and IT staff to create a spreadsheet. She said they estimate 168 hours in system changes, divided between ACDC and vendor work. It was also discovered that some of the vendor work could be done as a means of maintenance. She said they estimate 25 hours of training and 24 hours of policy revisions. Member Hermes will forward the spreadsheet when it is finalized. She advised they only factored ACDC into it.
There was no old business.
There was no new business.
A. Monday, July 11 at 9:00am in Room 3-500B
Member Baarman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:20pm, seconded by Member Herron. On voice vote, motion carried.