
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

City of Darien Economic Development Committee met June 23

City of Darien Economic Development Committee met June 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:03PM. Committee Members present were Bryan Gay, Lou Mallers, Brian Liedtke, Tom Papais, Matt Weberling, and Angelo Imbrogno. Also present were Mayor Joe Marchese and City Planner Jordan Yanke.

2. Public Comment


3. Approval of Minutes – May 5, 2022

Minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4. New Business

a) Discussion on EDC Duties and Tasks

Develop Working Strategy for Staff/EDC (PAGE 4)

City Planner Jordan Yanke provided opening remarks on the EDC Mission Statement and the duties and tasks that were adopted at the time of the Committee’s inception. Comments by the Committee at a prior meeting prompted a larger discussion and refocus on these elements. Staff noted the objective is to develop a working strategy and assign duties and tasks specifically to the EDC members so there are more defined roles. Discussion ensued and the conversation will continue during upcoming meetings until a more defined working strategy is put together.

Additional discussion by the Committee pertained to being proactive on the updated Key Development Areas that will be adopted by the City Council. The Committee requested that staff begin to bring ongoing agenda items forward covering each development area and other areas that are requested by the EDC. The goal is for a detailed discussion to occur on each development area so the Committee and staff can create conceptual plans that can be provided to prospective developers and/or owners of each site.

5. Old Business

a) Previous Follow Up/Hanging Matters

i. EDC Member Updates

EDC Committee Member Tom Papais gave an update on the Chamber of Commerce activities and upcoming events.

ii. Staff Updates

Staff gave a general update on development and building projects throughout the City.

6. Next Scheduled Meeting

Per Committee direction, the July meeting will be cancelled. Due to the cancellation, the next scheduled meeting is Thursday, August 4, 2022.

7. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 8:28PM.
