
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 10, 2025

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Policy Advisory Committee met June 6

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Policy Advisory Committee met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Timothy Hayden at 9:00 AM. Chairman Hayden called the meeting to order with a request that was made to allow remote participation for Member Hermes. Under Section 7a of the Open Meetings Act, if a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present as required by Section 2.01, a majority of the public body may allow a member of that body to attend the meeting by other means if the member is prevented from physically attending because of: (I) personal illness or disability; (ii) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or (iii) a family or other emergency.

A motion was made by Member Baarman, seconded by Member Herron to allow Member Hermes to remotely participate via Zoom. On voice vote, motion carried.


PRESENT: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes (Remote), Herron, Johl



Director Linda Zerwin, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board, non-voting Member

Matt Theusch, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board

Eve Kraus, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board

David Poetz, Motorola System Manager

Bill Balling, DU-COMM

Jim Connolly, Village of Addison (Remote)

Steve Demas, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

Tom Gallahue, ILEAS (Remote)

Todd Kubish, Villa Park PD (Remote)

Dimitrios Lahanis, Darien-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

John Lozar, DU-COMM

Bret Mowery, York Center Fire (Remote)

Bob Murr, College of DuPage (Remote)

John Nebl, OHSEM (Remote)

Jason Norton, Darien PD (Remote)

Richard Sanborn, Jr., York Center Fire (Remote)

Bill Srejma, ACDC (Remote)

James Weaver, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

On roll call, Chairman Hayden, Vice-Chair Dina, Member Baarman, Member Hermes, Member Herron, and Member Johl were present, which constituted a quorum.


There were no remarks from Chairman Hayden.


The following individual submitted public comment:

Todd Kubish - Villa Park Police - Record of attendance only


A. Approval of Minutes

A. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Special Call - May 16, 2022 9:00 AM

A motion was made by Member Johl, seconded by Vice Chair Dina, to forward the minutes from the May 16, 2022 meeting to the ETS Board to receive and place on file. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Pat Johl, ACDC Fire Rep

SECONDER: Andy Dina, DU-COMM Fire Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl

B. Radio Maintainer Report

1. 21-22-42 DEDIRS Monthly Maintainer Report

All Members had already received and reviewed the Radio Maintainer Report.

A motion was made by Member Johl, seconded by Member Herron, to forward the report to the ETS Board to receive and place on file. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Pat Johl, ACDC Fire Rep

SECONDER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl


A. DEDIRS WAVE Applications

1. 21-22-43 Villa Park Police WAVE Application

Chairman Hayden reminded the group that per policy, approval of this item does not need to go to the ETS Board. Ms. Zerwin advised Villa Park Police's application is on file and it meets all of the requirements.

A motion was made by Member Baarman, seconded by Member Johl to approve the Villa Park Police WAVE Application. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Matt Baarman, DU-COMM PSAP Rep

SECONDER: Pat Johl, ACDC Fire Rep

AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl


A. DEDIRS Access Request

A. ETS-R-0043-22 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS), as requested by the Canadian National Railway Police.

Chairman Hayden advised that the 14-day notice ended that morning, Monday, June 6, 2022 with no opposition. The sponsoring agency is the Roselle Police Department. Chairman Hayden added that the Canadian National Railway Police were requesting access to Interops 1-8, ACDC1, ACDC3, 1West, 1North, 1East, 3East, and 7West.

A motion was made to approve access to the Canadian National Railway Police by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman.

Chairman Hayden opened it up to discussion. Member Herron said this is similar to other recent requests and should authorization be only for the Interops 1-8. There will have to have a discussion on what channels are shared. He said he spoke to both dispatch centers, and they were not in favor of sharing the main dispatch channels. He suggested authorizing Interops 1-8 only and revisiting it once the policy is adjusted to provide direction. Vice Chair Dina agreed with Member Herron. Vice Chair Dina hoped to have the policy at one of the upcoming PAC meetings. He said Member Baarman has reviewed the policy which it being adjusted to say that bordering communities could be approved for access to the main dispatch channels, and communities further out could be approved for access to be patched to Interops 1-8.

A discussion ensued on the pros and cons of sharing channels with different agencies and how encryption would affect these requests.

A motion was made to amend the request from the Canadian National Railway Police to allow access to Interops 1-8 channels only by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOVER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep


AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl

B. ETS-R-0044-22 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS), as requested by the Department of Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations. Recommendation to amend and approve Policy Advisory Committee VOTE (to approve): 4 Ayes, 2 Absent.

Chairman Hayden advised that the 14-day notice ended on June 2, 2022 with no opposition. The Department of Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations (DHS/HSI) had attached a list of 15 police departments and 15 TAC channels to their application.

A motion was made to approve access to the Department of Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman.

Member Herron said the DHS/SHI is strictly law enforcement, and they work with DuPage in very intense situations. He said he did not know if the Interops are right for them, and he is not sure if they need to have permission; they are Homeland Security and can do what they want. Chairman Hayden confirmed that it is DuPage police department members are part of the make-up of DHS.

A discussion ensued on who would sponsor them, the fact that they may need MERIT channels, and how encryption would affect access.

Chairman Hayden asked David Poetz if he could program the radios. Mr. Poetz said currently, in Advanced Digital Privacy (ADP), there is only one key, and if it were given to DHS, it would give them access to all of the DuPage encryption channels. He said when the transition is made over to Advanced Digital Systems (ADS) with the new radios, and then the radios could be programmed with restricted access.

A motion was made to withdraw the first motion by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman.

A motion was made to table the request from the Department of Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations by Member Herron, seconded by Member Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.

RESULT: TABLED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/30/2022 1:30 PM

MOVER: Steve Herron, DU-COMM Police Rep


AYES: Hayden, Baarman, Dina, Hermes, Herron, Johl


David Poetz reminded the group that at the last meeting potential changes to primary dispatch talk group names were discussed, as well as the Ops channels. He advised that there was a Fire Standardization meeting last week, where the proposed changes were discussed. Mr. Poetz discussed the changes the group agreed with and those they did not.

Member Herron said the discussion with the Police group went okay. He said he is fearful of moving to a different methodology of naming the radio channels and would like to have a better understanding of how that will transpire. He was unaware of the complexity in the radio of changing a radio name. Member Herron said we all want to see some type of method of how we are going to get there, as well as a timeline. How long are we going to hold on to the new radios? Can they be pushed out now and then be changed as we go? A discussion ensued on how and when to get the radios out and how to keep everything secure.

Member Baarman asked if the police work group was looking at the transition plan and if it would be presented. Ms. Zerwin said if we want the radios to get out sooner, all of the talk groups need to be in the radios.

Discussions continued on chat questions submitted from viewers, Ops channels, keying of the radios, encryption keys, etc.

Chairman Hayden said he wants to get the radios out, and it sounds like the naming conventions for DU-COMM are very complicated. He said with the new systems, there is an opportunity. He advised they get the radios out, and plan it out for DU-COMM later. Vice Chair Dina agreed with Chairman Hayden and believed a compromise was found during this meeting. Vice Chair Dina said he would like a timeline for when the next name change will come out. Member Hermes agreed and spoke to the timeline and the naming conventions. Within ACDC, they have always been ACDC1-5 so if the number changes, so be it, as the naming convention remains the same, but the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), would need to be changed. She believed the naming convention were inclusive and worked well and has started mapping out a plan of systems and who needs to touch what to make any adjustments so 10-15 years from now whoever is sitting in their positions do not have to make the same decisions.

Ms. Zerwin said all of these systems are due to be replaced in the next 18 months, that would be the timeline. She said the biggest challenge is looking at the configuration of the CAD, as it is the most impactful to the telecommunicators in terms of how it rolls out. The PAC Members concurred that they had believe this would be a simple change and realize through discussion that it is not. Ms. Zerwin added, that before Mr. Poetz came on board, Motorola had talked about double loading the radios for this purpose. The question for the work groups would be what other questions need to be answered to get the radios out. She said the goal would be to have a recommendation for the July ETS Board meeting.


There was no old business.


There was no new business.


A. Monday, June 27 at 9:00am in Room 3-500A


Member Johl made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:21am, seconded by Member Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.
