
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met July 11

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Alderman Thomas Belczak -Chairman, Alderman Joseph Kenny, Dan Gombac – Director, Jordan Yanke – City Planner, Elizabeth Lahey - Secretary

ABSENT: Alderman Eric Gustafson,


Chairperson Thomas Belczak called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the City of Darien City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien, Illinois. Chairperson Belczak declared a quorum present.


a. 2022HEN-01 Elisabeth Monahan (1938 Manning Road) - Petitioner seeks relief from City Code Sections 7-5-1(B)(5) and 7-5-1(B)(8) of the Chicken Ordinance to grant approval for an existing enclosure and chicken coop.

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that the City adopted an ordinance in 2020. He reported that the petitioner is asking for relief from the City Code for the fence and property line. He further reported that the school and neighbor are both in support of this request and that photos and aerial images are provided in the packet.

Chairperson Belczak stated that he had no issues since both neighbors were in favor but questioned the replacement of the fence in the future.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that any new construction or fence has to follow the standard.

Alderman Joe Kenny questioned the timing of replacement.

Mr. Yanke reported that the requests are on a case-by-case basis.

The petitioner, Ms. Elizabeth Monahan stated that she has had the coup for 4 years. There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of 2022HEN-01 Elisabeth Monahan (1938 Manning Road) - Petitioner seeks relief from City Code Sections 7-5-1(B)(5) and 7-5-1(B)(8) of the Chicken Ordinance to grant approval for an existing enclosure and chicken coop.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

b. PZC2022-02 First American Bank (2013 75TH Street) - Petitioner seeks approval for variation requests from Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B) of the City’s Sign Code.

Mr. Jordan Yanke, city Planner reported that the subject property is located on the south side of 75th Street, just west of Fairview Avenue. He reported that the bank currently shares a ground (i.e., monument) sign with the parcel to its west, which was originally a Steak ‘n Shake and that the property owners have agreed to remove the shared ground sign and construct their own.

Mr. Yanke reported that the petitioner has proposed a new ground sign with electronic messaging requiring a variation. He reported that the PZC approved the request on June 15th with a number of conditions removing multiple colors. He further reported that the petitioner is asking that the multiple colors be added back in.

Mr. Dan Olson, Parvin-Clauss Sign Company, representing the petitioner stated that the present signs in the window will be taken down. He stated that the sign will have no flashing but that they would request multiple colors to display a few products with their signature color.

Mr. Yanke reported that the Ordinance states that there shall not be changing colors. Chairperson Belczak questioned if they would have the same type of advertising. Mr. Olson stated the advertising will be the same.

Alderman Kenny questioned why the bank does not have to follow the hours of operation.

Mr. Yanke reported that the hours of operation are not in the Code and that he kept the conditions the same.

Mr. Olson stated that he did not believe advertising will be 24 hours a day but that he would inform staff.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Kenny approval of PZC2022-02 First American Bank (2013 75TH Street) - Petitioner seeks approval for variation requests from Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B) of the City’s Sign Code as presented.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

c. Resolution - Authorizing the following Private Property Rear Yard Storm Water Management Assistance Projects.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that throughout the year, the City receives complaints regarding drainage issues within the rear lot lines/easements. He reported that it is estimated that there will be a shortfall of approximately $15,000 for the City Share for the projects listed in the agenda packet and completed to date.

Mr. Gombac reported that there are an additional 4 projects in inventory and pending final participation could result in a shortfall of $66,550. He reported that staff requests consideration to move forward with the projects in the amount of $88,041 and forward the remainder of the projects to FY23-24 and be over budget by approximately $15,000.

Chairperson Belczak stated that he is supportive of this. He reported that Alderman Eric Gustafson also stated that he was in favor of the projects.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belzczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Kenny approval of a Resolution authorizing the following Private Property Rear Yard Storm Water Management Assistance Projects with an overage of $66,550.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

d. Resolution – Authorizing the purchase of one new Snap-on mechanics toolbox from Snap-on Industrial, in an amount not to exceed $14,718.34.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the existing toolbox is no longer adequate for the space needed to store tools and over 30 years old with rusted drawer rollers.

Alderman Kenny questioned if staff price checked any other toolboxes.

Mr. Gombac reported that the Snap-on product is quality, and that staff supports it. There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of a Resolution authorizing the purchase of one new Snap-on mechanics toolbox from Snap-on Industrial, in an amount not to exceed $14,718.34.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED 2-0

e. Resolution – Accepting a proposal from ATS (Associated Technical Services Ltd.) for 2 (two) FCS Model S-30 Ultrasonic Leak Surveyor units in an amount not to exceed $10,575.00.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the existing equipment is approximately 9 years in age and has exceeded its useful life. He reported that the listening devices confirm leaks prior to an excavation and also prevent unnecessary excavations resulting in costly restoration costs and allocation of resources.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from ATS (Associated Technical Services Ltd.) for 2 (two) FCS Model S-30 Ultrasonic Leak Surveyor units in an amount not to exceed $10,575.00.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED 2-0.

f. Motion - Authorizing an extension of the 2022 Roadside Ditch Maintenance Projects for the block of 6925-7001 High Road in an amount not to exceed $153,000.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the completion of the High Road Roadside Ditch Maintenance Projects in 2011 included the removal and replacement of culverts, removal and installation of inlets as required, ditch regrading, and bank stabilization and preparation for landscape restoration. He reported that during the last couple of years, staff has monitored a mid-block quadrant, between 6925-7001 High Road, for ongoing erosion, saturation and ponding and that staff is proposing to add the scope of work to the current Roadside Ditch Maintenance Project that is currently underway, adjacent to this area.

Chairperson Belczak questioned if there were any other ditches like this.

Mr. Gombac stated that there are no others.

Alderman Kenny questioned why this was not incorporated during planning.

Mr. Gombac reported that staff was going to do this in house but there was more saturation than expected. He stated that in 2011 it met the slope area.

Mr. Gombac reported that there is grant money available and that still feels it will be covered. There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Kenny approval authorizing an extension of the 2022 Roadside Ditch Maintenance Projects for the block of 6925-7001 High Road in an amount not to exceed $153,000.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

g. Resolution - Accepting the unit price proposal from Langton Nursery & Landscape Supply Inc. dba Langton Group the purchase and installation of the 50/50 Parkway Tree Program and the Parkway Tree Replacement Program in an amount not to exceed $31,000.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is the annual tree planting program. He reported that staff received two sealed bids on June 14, 2022 and that the responsive bid was submitted by Langton Nursery & Landscape Supply Inc. dba Langton Group. He further reported that the lowest price vendor was not responsive due to no bid bond received and that staff reached out Langton Nursery & Landscape Supply Inc. requesting them to meet or beat the pricing of the non-responsive bidder.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of a Resolution -accepting the unit price proposal from Langton Nursery & Landscape Supply Inc. dba Langton Group the purchase and installation of the 50/50 Parkway Tree Program and the Parkway Tree Replacement Program in an amount not to exceed $31,000.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

h. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Core and Main for the InfraMap Software-Meter Work Order Software in an amount not to exceed $10,475.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that currently the City of Darien utilizes a work order system for water meter appointments. He reported that the original proprietary software was purchased in 1996 and is no longer supported nor have the ability to be transferred electronically. He reported that the County of DuPage has recently updated their billing software and with the upcoming meter change out program, staff is requesting to update the Water Meter Work Order system for the City.

Mr. Gombac reported that staff has been researching software and is recommending the InfraMap Software which has the ability to be integrated to the City’s GIS system for items such as the water shut off boxes, (b-boxes) and the software would eliminate all of the inefficiencies as mentioned above. He reported that the County would receive all work order information via electronically with the ability to electronically download or upload account information and the proposed software is distributed through a sole source distributor, therefore competitive quotes were not requested.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of a Resolution - accepting a proposal from Core and Main for the InfraMap Software-Meter Work Order Software in an amount not to exceed $10,475.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

i. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from AIS to for the hardware, software, licensing, and programming to integrate the Digital Conversion Project with TKB Associates, Laserfische hardware and software in an amount not to exceed $4,139.

j. Resolution - Accepting a proposal from TKB Associates, Inc. for the digital formatting hardware, software, licensing and scanning of Subdivision Infrastructure Plans and Critical files into a digital format in an amount not to exceed $16,751.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the City currently has a significant number of hard copy permanent plans for subdivisions and infrastructure that need to be preserved. He reported that staff is requesting to digitize the records. He further reported that in order to digitize the records, the City will further need to coordinate efforts with the IT consultant, AIS, Inc. to provide additional hardware and support to allow for the digital storage. Mr. Gombac reported that the scope of work for AIS includes the required hardware, setup, and configuration.

Mr. Gombac reported that staff evaluated the two options - Option 1 Cloud deployment, or Option 2 On-premises deployment. He reported that staff recommends Option 2 – On premises deployment although upfront costs are higher but subsequently reduced after year one. He further reported that the on-premises system is the preferred method with a centralized server location with ongoing IT support.

Mr. Gombac reported that the scope of work for TKB Associates, Inc., includes the software, licensing, setup, and training as well as the conversion of the paper files to digital and cataloging.

Alderman Kenny questioned the server security.

Mr. Gombac reported that the servers will have firewalls and alerts in place There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Kenny approval of a Resolution - Accepting a proposal from Core and Main for the InfraMap Software-Meter Work Order Software in an amount not to exceed $10,475 and approval of a Resolution accepting a proposal from AIS to for the hardware, software, licensing, and programming to integrate the Digital Conversion Project with TKB Associates, Laserfische hardware and software in an amount not to exceed $4,139.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

k. Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the County of DuPage for the Ailsworth Flood Mitigation Project.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that Darien was selected as a recipient of the American Rescue Plan Act grant in the amount of $70,000 for the Ailsworth Drainage Project. He reported that the project cost is estimated at $140,000 and that the grant is specific to shovel ready projects that demonstrate flood protection and resilient measures.

Mr. Gombac reported that as part of the arrangement, the City is required to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement and the City will be required to submit an engineering design plan to the County. He reported that the overall cost for the plans will be under $5,000 and will be prepared by Christopher B. Burke Engineering LTD.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the County of DuPage for the Ailsworth Flood Mitigation Project.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.

l. Minutes – May 23, 2022 Municipal Services Committee

Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of the May 23, 2022 Municipal Services Committee Meeting Minutes.

Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0.


Mr. Dan Gombac, Director provided an update on the Asphalt plant strike. He reported that he will not proceed with any work until the strike is settled.


Chairperson Belczak announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 25, 2022.


With no further business before the Committee, Alderman Kenny made a motion, and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak to adjourn. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
