
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 10, 2025

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board met May 11

DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board met May 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Greg Schwarze at 9:00 AM.


PRESENT: Schwarze, Franz (9:01 AM), Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman


Linda Zerwin

Matt Theusch

Eve Kraus

Mike DiGiannantonio (Remote)


Adam Johnson, Chief Deputy Clerk


Mark Winistorfer


Gwen Henry - Treasurer

Matt Baarman - DU-COMM

Bill Balling - DU-COMM

Joe Breinig - DMMC (Remote)

Todd Carlson - Hanover Park PD (Remote)

Steve Demas - Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)

Tom Gallahue - ILEAS (Remote)

Michael Hylton - Oakbrook Terrace PD (Remote)

Dave Jordan - County IT

Melanie Koga - County Finance (Remote)

Bret Mowery - York Center Fire (Remote)

Anthony McPhearson - County CIO

Bob Murr - College of DuPage (Remote)

John Nebl - OHSEM

Jason Norton - Darien PD (Remote)

Frank Reyes - Broadview PD (Remote)

Jeff Runge - Villa Park PD (Remote)

Richard Sanborn - York Center Fire (Remote)

On roll call, Members Schwarze, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, and Swanson were present. Vice Chair Franz (9:01am), Members Maranowicz and Tillman were absent.


There was no Public comment.


Vice Chair Franz entered the meeting.

Chairman Schwarze presented Resolution ETS-911-0322 acknowledging the contributions of Member Brian Tegtmeyer of DU-COMM to the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County. Chairman Schwarze said he was able to attend the farewell event for Director Tegtmeyer and was able to present him with the resolution plaque. Also present at the farewell were Members Franz, Maranowicz, Eckhoff, Srejma, Schar and Treasurer Henry. A motion was made by Vice Chair Franz, seconded by Member Selmon, to receive and place on file.

Chairman Schwarze introduced Member Michael Guttman who was approved at the County Board meeting the previous day to replace Member Tegtmeyer on the ETS Board. Member Guttman said he was happy to be there and provided a brief background of his history with the City of West Chicago and DU-COMM.

Chairman Schwarze also introduced the new Interim Director of DU-COMM, Bill Balling. Mr. Balling said he would serve until a permanent director is appointed and that they are working on that and keeping up dialogue with the board, as well.


There were no Members' remarks.


Member Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D and E. Vice Chair Franz motioned, seconded by Member Guttman. On voice vote, motion carried.

Member Schwarze asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D and E. Vice Chair Franz motioned, seconded by Member Srejma. On voice vote, motion carried.

A. Monthly Staff Report

1. 21-22-39 Monthly Report for May 11 Regular Meeting


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

B. Revenue Report 911 Surcharge Funds

1. 21-22-36 ETSB Revenue Report for May 11 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization.


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

C. Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee

1. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Regular Meeting - Apr 4, 2022 9:00 AM


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

D. Minutes Approval ETS Board

1. ETSB - Emergency Telephone System Board - Regular Meeting - Apr 13, 2022 9:00 AM


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman


A. Budget Transfers

1. ETS-R-0037-22 Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for Fiscal Year 2022 from 4000-5820-53830 (Other Contractual Services) to 4000 5820-53040 (Interpreter Services) for payment and accounting of language translation services in the PSAPs. (Total budget transfer: $13,356)


MOVER: David Schar, Police Rep

SECONDER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

2. ETS-R-0038-22 Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for Fiscal Year 2022 from 4000-5820-53830 (Other Contractual Services) to 4000 5820-53806 (Software Licenses) for payment and accounting of the Rave Smart911 annual invoice. (Total budget transfer: $119,200)


MOVER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

SECONDER: Erik Kramer, Fire Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

3. ETS-R-0039-22 Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for Fiscal Year 2022 from 4000-5820-53090 (Other Professional Services) to 4000 5820-53020 (Information Technology Services) for payment and accounting of the GoDaddy domain email services. (Total budget transfer: $505)


MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4

SECONDER: Erik Kramer, Fire Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

4. ETS-R-0041-22 Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for Fiscal Year 2022 from 4000-5820-54100 (Capital IT Equipment) to 4000 5820-54107 (Capital Software) for payment and accounting of the Hexagon FBR licenses. (Total budget transfer: $113,080)


MOVER: David Schar, Police Rep

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

B. Payment of Claims

1. 21-22-37 Payment of Claims for May 11, 2022 for FY22 - Total for 4000-5820 (Equalization): $776,485.06.


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

C. Change Orders

1. ETS-CO-0007-22 Resolution Approving Change Order #6 to AT&T Inc. PO 918146/3358-1 to extend the expiration date of the DU-COMM POTS utility lines and encumber funds for the additional year of service. (Total amount: $13,000, New contract amount: $59,600)


MOVER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

SECONDER: David Schar, Police Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

D. Resolutions

1. ETS-R-0036-22 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS), as requested by the Broadview Police Department. Recommendation to amend and approve Policy Advisory Committee VOTE (to approve): 6 Ayes, 0 Nays.

Ms. Zerwin explained the recommendation of the PAC was to approve only Interops 1-8, not all the talkgroups requested because this keeps in line with the transition back to adjacent agencies the PAC is working into the policy. The motion would be to approve Interops 1-8.

Vice Chair Franz asked how many outside agencies have requested access. Ms. Zerwin replied about 20.

Ms. Zerwin said the State's Attorney is looking at the current agreement while the PAC works through the policies. The recommendation of the State's Attorney's Office is to have those agreements renewed primarily because of encryption.


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Misael Hernandez, Public Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

2. ETS-R-0040-22 Reappointment to the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County Policy Advisory Committee - Chief Steve Herron (DU-COMM Police Representative).

Chairman Schwarze thanked PAC Member Herron for his continued service.


MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Michael Guttman, DU-COMM Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

3. ETS-R-0042-22 Resolution to adopt Policy 911-025: Service Requests Ticketing System Procedure and Notification.


MOVER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

SECONDER: William Srejma, ACDC Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman

E. Travel and Training

1. 21-22-38 Five (5) Attendees from DuPage ETSB PSAPs DU-COMM and Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) to attend the APCO 2022 Conference in Anaheim, CA August 8-10, 2022 for an estimated cost of $3,600 per attendee. (Total conference amount not to exceed: $18,000)


MOVER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

SECONDER: Misael Hernandez, Public Rep

AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Hernandez, Kramer, Schar, Selmon, Srejma, Swanson

ABSENT: Maranowicz, Tillman


A. Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) Bid 21-097-ETSB

Ms. Zerwin said the Board received an executive summary memo regarding the Customer Premise Equipment (CPE). Staff will have the contract on the June agenda, it is under review for final optional equipment that had to be decided. For the new Members, Ms. Zerwin summarized the ETSB Focus Groups which contain personnel selected by the PSAP Directors, with the exception of the Fire Standardization Focus Group comprised of fire chiefs, and their role in the development of the scope of work and the review of the bid package. She explained this item has been through the County Procurement process. She indicated that the reason for discussion this month is that in the past the Board has elected to table a contract for a month. She reminded the Board that the ETSB had submitted a grant to the State in the amount of $1.9M for reimbursement for the CPE, and that the equipment list has to be submitted to the State in June to qualify for the reimbursement. Ms. Zerwin said she would take any questions now so the Board would be ready next month for the contract. She explained this is a renewal, an update of the systems, so it is not a brand-new package. She invited the PSAPs to provide additional information. Member Srejma confirmed it is an upgrade to work towards NG9-1-1. Ms. Zerwin added that there was a grant received for the last equipment which was NG9-1-1 capable, but not quite. With the system requirements from the State for the ESInet network, the equipment upgrade would become compliant, including Text to 9-1-1 which has to be implemented by 2023.


9. DEDIRS PORTABLE AND MOBILE RADIO REPLACEMENT PAC Member Baarman provided an update saying the work groups have been working on the templates for both police and fire. The police are working to simplify the names of the talkgroups by utilizing the same naming convention as fire. Fire has simplified their zone layouts. This is going through the work groups for feedback and will be brought to the PAC.

Chairman Schwarze thanked Member Baarman and asked if the PAC is still meeting twice per month. Member Baarman replied yes. Chairman Schwarze inquired as to whether the NFPA radios have come back. Member Baarman replied the radios are still in the labs and confirmed they are still going through testing.

Vice Chair Franz asked about the timeframe, whether the radios were still planned to roll out this year. Member Baarman said the understanding is that the fire radios aren't due from the labs until late summer. From there, they will be programmed as long as all the details are in a row, so as short a time as possible.

Vice Chair Franz asked about the police radios. Ms. Zerwin reviewed that some items are not allowed by surcharge, such as the jail radios which are end of life, and that the new jail radios have been programmed and are waiting on the agreement to be finalized for payment of those radios. The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM) has volunteers who have been coming in to assist the System Manager to prep the radios with administrative work such as asset tagging. The System Manager is also putting together provisioning models so the list can go out to every agency to update their aliases, assignments, and other information, as well as final costs. The timing question comes down to encryption, that without the fire radios, the police radios could be deployed to the police departments with encryption but then they lost communication with fire. She said there will have to be double touches for some things. With the deployment of the jail radios, that gives ETSB hundreds of radios to move into equipment replacement for batteries, mics, and other parts.

Vice Chair Franz asked if they were still okay with the two PSAPs signing on behalf of their members, so only two agreements. Ms. Zerwin replied, so far.

Chairman Schwarze thanked the PAC for their hard work and said late summer, early fall sounds wonderful.

Vice Chair Franz asked one last question of whether the agreement with the PSAPs is tied to the IGA. Ms. Zerwin said they would still have to look at that, there are several documents afloat and would be a matter of whether they want to combine or keep them separate. Vice Chair Franz added, there was no pressure on Ms. Zerwin, just that the two directors are now gone. Ms. Zerwin said there was enough historical knowledge with the people remaining to keep it moving along but is worth a second look with the current people in place. Chairman Schwarze added his goal is to get the IGA done but does not want to delay deployment of the radios.


There was no old business.


There was no new business.


There was no Executive Session.

A. Minutes Review Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (21)

B. Personnel Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (1)

C. Security Procedures and the Use of Personnel and Equipment Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (8)

D. Pending Litigation Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)



A. Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 8 at 9:00am in 3-500B

Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Selmon motioned, seconded by Member Hernandez. The meeting of the ETSB was adjourned at 9:20am.
