
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Darien Planning and Zoning Commission met June 15

City of Darien Planning and Zoning Commission met June 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

PRESENT: Lou Mallers – Chairperson, Robert Erickson, Shari Gillespie, Hilda Gonzalez, Chris Jackson, Brian Liedtke, Ralph Stompanato

ABSENT: Bryan Gay, Julie Kasprowicz

OTHERS: Jordan Yanke - City Planner

Chairperson Lou Mallers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Darien City Hall, Council Chambers, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien, Illinois. Chairperson Mallers declared a quorum present and swore in the audience members wishing to present public testimony.


a. Public Hearing – PZC2022-02 201375TH Street – Variations Petitioner (First American Bank) seeks approval for Variation requests from Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B) of the City’s Sign Code. The petition specifically requests to allow for the construction/installation of an electronic message board (i.e., sign). Property is located within the B-2 Community Shopping Center Business District and the Variation requests are from the following standards in the City of Darien Sign Code:

1) Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B): Variation requests to allow for the construction/installation of an electronic message board sign and to permit illuminated signage with changing light intensity, brightness, and color.

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that the petitioner (First American Bank c/o Parvin-Clauss Sign Company) seeks approval for variation request from the City’s Sign Code. He reported that the petition specifically requests to allow for the construction/installation of an electronic message board.

Mr. Yanke reported that the property is located within the B-2 Community Shopping Center Business District and on the south side of 75th Street west of Fairview Avenue. He further reported that the bank currently shares a ground monument sign with the parcel to its west, which was originally a Steak ‘n Shake. Mr. Yanke reported that the property owners have agreed to remove the shared ground sign and construct their own with electronic messaging. He reported that the proposed sign face totals 58.6 square feet per side, while the electronic message portion totals 28 square feet per side and the proposed height is 12 feet above grade. He further reported that the sign will comply with all other ordinance standards outside of the electronic messaging provision.

Mr. Dan Olson, Parvin-Clauss Sign Company stated that he was representing First American Bank. He stated that the bank questioned the 11 pm – 7 am hours and that they have not had a problem. Mr. Olson stated that they will miss a lot of traffic during those hours.

Mr. Yanke reported that some of the other approvals were within the 100 feet of a residential area. He stated that this is open for discussion.

There was some discussion on the hold time of the message.

Mr. Yanke reported that one of the recommended conditions is a hold for 60 seconds which is similar to the last couple of requests.

Commissioner Brian Liedtke stated that the 60 second hold is critical since it’s not moving and suggested limiting the condition to static text only with a time.

Commissioner Hilda Gonzalez stated that the 60 second hold was reasonable since the messages won’t be changed often.

Mr. Chris Jackson questioned the square footage of the current sign.

Mr. Yanke reported that there will be a reduction in the square footage of the new sign and that the sign will modernize the area.

Commissioner Bob Erickson questioned if there will be a stop bar at the sidewalk and if this will impede the driver.

Mr. Yanke reported that the sign will be further on the grass and will be away from the driveway and that the sign will have to be 4 feet from the property line.

Mr. Olson stated that they need to identify the property line and identify the utilities, etc.

Chairperson Mallers questioned the timing of the work.

Mr. Olson stated that it will take at least 2 months to get the sign done and another month with the permit.

At 7:28 p.m. Chairperson Mallers closed the public hearing.

Mr. Yanke reported that the petitioner will be required to provide landscaping around the base. He further reported that the illumination will be reviewed during the permit process.

Commissioner Gonzalez made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Liedtke to approve PZC2022-02 201375TH Street – Variations Petitioner (First American Bank) seeks approval for Variation requests from Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B) of the City’s Sign Code. The petition specifically requests to allow for the construction/installation of an electronic message board (i.e., sign). Property is located within the B-2 Community Shopping Center Business District and the Variation requests are from the following standards in the City of Darien Sign Code:

1) Sections 4-3-7(A)(11), 4-3-7(C)(4), and 4-3-10(B): Variation requests to allow for the construction/installation of an electronic message board sign and to permit illuminated signage with changing light intensity, brightness, and color.

With the following conditions:

1. Messages will be held for at least 60 seconds.

2. Messages will change all at once.

3. Illumination will maintain a constant light intensity or brightness.

4. Illumination brightness will comply with the Sign Code.

5. The electronic message board portion of the sign is limited to 28 square feet per side.

6. Prior to issuance of a sign permit, applicant shall submit drawings to show compliance with the placement standards and landscaping requirements per code. The existing LED displays (QTY: 2) within the bank’s front windows shall also be removed.

Upon roll call vote, THE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED 7-0.

Mr. Yanke announced that this would be forwarded to the Municipal Services Committee on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. and if approved, the City Council on July 5, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that Fry the Coop is closer to moving in. He reported that they will need a special use for outdoor dining.

Mr. Yanke reported that the public hearing for the Key Development Areas will be discussed in July along with a text amendment for mixed use for a basement remodel. He reported staff is reviewing the plans for the Sokol property and securing the Letter of Credit.


Commissioner Erickson made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Gillespie to approve the May 18, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes.

Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Mr. Jordan Yanke announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 6, 2022.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (On any topic related to planning and zoning) There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment. ADJOURNMENT

With no further business before the Commission, Commissioner Liedtke made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Stompanato. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
